Gosh Tanya,,,didnt realise your working conditions!!! Those vending machines are lethal. We have a Cadbury box in the kitchen, RIGHT NEXT TO THE KETTLE....and when I am strong I dont even look at it, but when I am struggling, I can go through 2-4 bars in a day! It is horrible...wish it would go away.
Now, what about crudites.......
carrot batons
cucumber batons
peppers cut thinly
cherry tomatoes
a small tub of humous
You could have a big tub with you and just eat them throughout the day
Also, cut up your apples, oranges, etc...and have them beside you. I find it is nicer cut up and I use a fork too

Feel like I am eating a meal then.
I suppose Tanya a pkt of mints is ok in the big scheme of things, but I know you have your trigger points too, so just saw those mints again on your post
But, I can understand why you dont want to eat, etc....I think I would be exactly the same..I know when I get home after gym and it is late, I dont want to eat much as I am too worried.
Oh, thought about something else...cup a soup???? Could you have this and it would certainly fill you up.
Hope I am not waffling here