♥ ~*~ Tanya's Diary No 3 ~*~ ♥

Aftnoon ladies :)
Off to do my run in a bit - i have a feeling i'm not going to like today!!!! :eek: edit: run was ok. I felt i was alot quicker today and I had good pace coming back. Pretty pleased with today.

Wednesday 27th October

*b210k w4d2

B- oatsosimple porridge & s.s milk

*banana after run
*small handfull salted peanuts & 1 slice chicken breast

L- turkey mince bolognaise & 20g grated cheddar (no pasta today). Lf yog

*15red grapes and slice of Edam cheese

D- 1 slice wm toast with jam.

*2.5litre water

So, today I got invited out on saturday and I just couldnt say no!! I havnt been out with this friend for absolutly aaaaaaaaaaages so my stint of no alcohol will have lasted 3 weeks come saturday. Not bad going i guess! :) Can't wait now - bring on the (well deserved ;)) rose!! hehe
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Well done on the run today Tanya, you deserve to be pleased with yourself.

Oooh be careful on Saturday, that Rose will go straight to your head after not drinking for 3 weeks.
Well done on your run Tan - you're doing sooo well! Well deserved night out on Sat :D I'm sure you'll have a great time. :D xx
I sure will be carefull. I've got a bottle of lambrini rose here (i know i know chavvy drink:eek:) so me and my friend will share that before we go out, that isnt much alcohol % but im a lightweight so will probably get me merry :rotflmao: and 1 or 2 out and i'll be well away!
Go fer it ;) x
Been hanging out for some toast & jam today so I had some! :drool: I actually looked at the carbs in a slice of bread (17) and the carbs in one of my maint bars (20something) so thought yeah why not! lol Was soooo yummy! But I will class it as dinner and pass on my bar for work :)
Eeeeeerm ... and the carbs in the jam?? ;) Lol!! A little of what you fancy and all that!! :) xx
Carbs in jam :whistle: lol
Will have a look at that link tomo as on me phone ATM xx
I can't walk today!!!! There's a sign of a good running session if any :giggle: My legs are soooooooooo stiff and sore! Good job its day off today, also got my totm :(

Got to make a triple layered chocolate cake this evening for charity night at work tomorrow. This will be my donation as it gets sold for 50p a slice so makes a bit of money so im not taking any money in so i cant be tempted by any of the other cakes on offer!

Thursday 28th October

B- 2egg 1egg white omelette with 2 slices polony 1 slice deli ham.

*lick of the spatula and a baby finger taste of the buttercream and 2 mouthfulls of sponge :doh:

L- baked chicken breast with a sprinkle of paprika & steamed vegetables. Apple.

*1 square of fudge
*3 yog coated banana chips

D- meal bar

*2litre water

Edit: Grrrrrrr I have got such a munchie head on. I just want to eat everything and anything in site!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Just been mooching around the runners forum - totally forgot about joining there and came across this:

1 hobnob biscuit = 100 calories = 1 mile run :rolleyes:

I think my munchie head is dissapearing .......
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Blimey is that all?! Doesn't seem like much for all that exertion does it?! :eek: ...

Watch that munchie head now! ;) xx
Yer average burn of 100 cals per mile running - takes me 11/12 mins - to burn off one biccie :( maybe I'll think twice before having a munch.... Then again :whistle: :giggle:

Got to add 3yog coated banana chips to today... Thanks to the bf!!!
Good job you have a day off today then Tanya if your legs are aching like that. Like you said though, must have been a good run. How are the new trainers holding up then? Bet they make such a difference for you.
The trainers are absolutly amazing Bev! Money defo well spent :) I have one tiny blister by my big toe but other than that they are very very comfy, like running on cushions and my toes havnt hurt once.

Last run of the week today :) Feeling pretty blurgh - this totm has taken it out of me today :eek: had a peek on the scales this am - not hopefull of even a sts tomorrow :cry:

Im also annoyed that I cant get on to get any take that tickets. Infact im furious!!!!! :mad: lol Think i'll got take my anger out on the pavement whilst running!!!!!!! :cool:

Friday 29th October

*B210k w4d3 - week 4 complete!! :)

B- oatsosimple porridge with s.s milk

*banana after run
*slice of ham & slice of mature cheese
*3 maoam strips

L- 2 grilled pork loins (all fat cut off) with cooked veg

D- slice of the cake i made (triple layered choc sponge filled with buttercream covered in choc ganache) & a grab bag of quavers

*2.5litre water
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Tanya, myself and my next door neighbour was going to the Millenium stadium in Cardiff to see take that, but the prices are £135 each.........they can stick it.
Oh Mary i'm soooo angry! Have you seen the prices on ebay already?
It makes me sooooo mad people buying them then just selling them on for a massive profit :cry:

where did you see those prices?! The dearest i see from one of the official websites is £85 for cardiff.

Be carefull where you look - my friend bought 3 from a bogus website, £230 and then found out they were fake. The bank can't do anything now untill after the concert!
I found them on a different site later, the prices were £55/£65/£75/£85 but the only thing is the date now, its on the 14th June, and I go to Turkey on 11th June, so we cant go after all.....lol.
What a bummer :( I've Bern trying but I give up just keep getting a crashed website or the engaged tone on the phone :(

Feeling really hungry today and I've got a 8 hour shift tonight so am thinking of having a slice of bread & butter with my tea..... Not sure though :sigh: