Run today was tough. Walked a little more than I should have. I was 2mins slower than the last 10.1miler I done.
Not sure whether it was cuz I had a very broken sleep (3hours, 2hours awake then another 3.5hours) or whether it was because I just wasnt feeling it or because I got the dreaded totm this morning and had a few stomach cramps whilst running (explains the pickiness this week but im sure it was my time to be on :sigh
Either way, i've got the mileage in the legs. Im counting heavily on the adreneline & crowd to push me through the last 3miles. I know Nan will give me the kick I need when I ask so hopefully that'll push me too.
Currently todays time would bring me in at 2:41:39 so hopefully with a bit of crowd support and knowing my family is at the end I can get that as close to 2:30:00 as I possibly can
Knee started hurting a little at the 9mile mark but nothing unbearable.
Think thats all to report, have a lovely sunday guys
edit: knew i'd forget something ..... week 19complete!!!!!!!!! and only 1 more training run to go!!!!!