♥ ~ Tanya's Maintainence Diary ~ Year 2 ~♥

I really hope that's all it was! We were a bit concerned about Mum because she sometimes gets a pain which COULD have been something to do with her left kidney but she's realized that it's using her left hand/arm to shut the back door after she's had a fag. The handle is stiff and she's realised that when she pushes it up in order to lock it, it hurts in exactly the place she gets the pain. I knew it must be something she was doing at home because she didn't get it at all while we were away last week! We always think the worst things first though don't we? Lol! xx
We do!!!! I hope thats all it is it does seem to be better this evening. Glad you've worked that out about your mum though :) x
Still laughing at the logic of you having your 3rd chocolate, that is exactly the sort of thing I do too. Mine is usually if something is measures in per 100g, I WILL have the 100g, where as I would only have had half if I wasnt reading the calories..........lol.

Well done on the loss and good that you have found it was your car seat.........haha. Hope the ankle is fine hon.
Ankle is alot better today. Still got a niggle in it if i bend it a certain way hopefully it'll be gone completly by tuesday!

10hour shift today & I cant wait :D

Saturday 6th August

B- 2 b.s.l toasted 226
butter 30
peanut butter 62
oj 85

*banana 95

L- lasagne (made by gma so guna guesstimate 400)
carrots 30
green beans 30
nectarine 60

*eat natural bar 235

Total = 1,253

Going to take the eat natural bar as theres no way i'd be ok with just my lunch for 10hours. I get so hungry working shifts and we might not get to lunch untill late so will be handy to have the bar with me.
Just munched a triangle of toblerone & told Stevie to save me a glass of wine for when I get home - so much for a good weekend :doh: lol x
Hope you're enjoying your shift :)

I don't think one triangle of toblerone and one glass of wine constitutes a 'bad' weekend! Especially when you're being really active! xx
Totally agree with Jan! As long as you nip it in the bud there then it's fine!
Hope your shift went ok. How many more have you got left?
Shift was great, the seargent is absolutly lovely! I want to work with these guys alot more! :p

Not many of my 5aday today, only 2 I can see but thats what I get for being ill prepared! Still ok on cals though and no wine tonight either! :(

Sunday 7th August

B- 2 b.s.l toasted 226
butter 30
p.butter 62
oj 85

L/D- ham & asparagus quiche 260
space raiders 61
crunchie 185
nectarine 50

*mentos 170 (based on softmints as can't find mentos actual kcals)
*quiche 130

Total = 1,259
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Really happy for you that you're enjoying working with these guys - better than the last lot eh? Hope today goes as well :) xx
Oooh pickled onion space raiders.

Glad you had a good shift hun, and glad for you too that this is a good shift, fingers crossed you get a few more with them.
I can get as many as I like with these guys I reckon, aslong as I email the seargent before hand :) We have now been given details of 6seargents that we can contact for shifts so this should start working out alot better from here on in :fingerscrossed:

Today has been a bit slow though!
I have learned that I am entitled to the discount that regular officers get at shops, restaurants, hotels etc so I signed up to that and found out that where im going tomorrow for dinner (Nandos) for a friends birthday gives me 20% off and where me and stevie are going on the 16th (Longleat safari) gives me £10 off each paying adult ;) Lovely jubbly!!! :D

I have munched a packet of mentos throughout the day and when I got in just now another slice of quiche. So total cals 1,259.
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That's fab that your new sarge is much nicer. It sounds like the shifts are going to increase and improve so double bonus.
Great news on the discount perk. Nice to have it in these recessionary times.
Yeah, although to get the discount instore/restaurants ive got to get my warrant card out to show them. Bit nervous about that bit as we, as specials have had it rammed into us how we shouldnt be getting our card out. But speaking to the regs they just told me if you feel uneasy or dont want others to see then do it really discreatly just so the assistant can see it. Make sense really.

Its weird because ive been on at stevie for a couple of weeks now that we need to get the safari park tickets booked but he kept putting it off & now I know why .... because I was meant to find this discount stuff out!! :p

Off to Nandos today for my friends birthday. Already know what im having, can't wait :) Cals might go over as im not planning on going for a nap and so it will be a 20hour day before I get back into bed.

Oh and the ankle is no better, i think wearing magnum boots for almost 10.5hours sat and sunday hasnt helped!! :doh:

Monday 5th August

B- 2 b.s.l toasted 226
butter 30
jam 37

D- Nandos chicken breast pitta (plain) 387
cheese 78
pineapple ring 50 (guesstimate)
sweet pot mash 236
*diet coke

*white magnum 260

Work- space raiders 61
banana 95

S.total = 1,460
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Wow! Fab news on the discounts! Brill!!

Sad news about the ankle though :( ...

You can do the 20 hour thing! I do it once a week! Enjoy your Nando's :D:D xx
Nandos was lush! Even better with the discount ;) lol I was ok with getting my card out as it was just my friends around me.

Didnt have any lunch, me and stevie went out and go all the meat for the bbq on saturday and our weekly shop then came home and set down to watch tv then I fell asleep for 1.5hours and then it was time to go out to eat.

I couldnt resist the cheese & pineapple in my pitta although I did resist a desert, but only cuz I knew I was going to have a white magnum when I got home ;)

Just going to take some space raiders & a banana to work with me. So total cals for today 1,460.
Well done on resisting, even though you had your magnum to look forward to.

Hope your night in work goes quickly, just like I hope mine does too :)
:fingerscrossed: hey Mary! I only have a 4 day week this week so no doubt it will draaaaaaaaaaag!!! :rolleyes:

Got to post this pic of this evening, I have known these girls since primary school and all the way through secondary (met one in secondary) and had such a lovely evening tonight catching up.

The girl on the left in the middle is Vicki, birthday girl and i've known her since I was 3. Its so nice when we all get together as it doesnt happen often. 2 of them are pregnant now, one with her 2nd and is due any day - we were worried she was guna drop in the middle of nandos! hahaha


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Aww such a lovely pic, how nice it must be when you all manage to catch up with each other. It's lovely when you have known people a long time, and they are true friends.

My life long friend is Marlene, and unfortunately we dont get to see each other much at all now, as she is in Scotland, but we are regularly on the phone catching up - definitely a life long friend :)