Yesterday was lovely but drinks wise was ridiculous - I had about 1.5bottles of rose, a pint of cider and black, 2v&dc's and 6shots

Didn't win anything at bingo but I came v.close to winning £100 on a link game. Stevie won a fiver though on a line.
I also treated myself 2 new running tops. Long sleeved and reflective all ready for the cold dark evenings!
Food wise ...
B- 3rashers of bacon, grilled with a slice of cheese in a white roll. ketchup.
L- minted lamb pasty.
starbucks praline mocha
*2 squares dark chocolate
D- shared nachos & onion rings in wetherspoons.
*a mouthful of kebab meat that stevie bought
Today, hmmm alot better but I still havnt counted calories. I will do that from tomorrow and will probably weigh myself on the 25th. I'll be prepared for a gain after last week and this weekend but :fingerscrossed: I can pull most of it back with these next 9days. Aslong as I am as close to the 12st mark by xmas I will be ok with that. Being in the 11s would be ideal but i'm not confident I can get that one!
Tuesday 15th November
B- 2slices white bread, toasted with butter, hpsauce & 2eggs, 1egg white scrambled.
*2 crunchie biscuits
*1 pack monster munch
L- grilled peppered beef steak
*ben & jerrys fairly nuts ice cream
D- slice wm with lf Philly with 6walkers sensations in
prepared fruit pack (apple, grape & strawberry)
brunch bar