100% on plan for two weeks from 18 June

I'm hovering Kiwi, first day back on plan today.

Feeling a little jealous of yours and Liz' success! But glad you're both doing so well.
I was up and down like a yoyo too Jo over the course of the year. You'll get there too Jo.

Hubs decided to "treat" us to TGIF's today. That menu is a calorie laden minefield. I ended up having 3 chicken wings as a starter, gave the rest to hubs and had the chicken caeser salad no dressing for mains so i think i behaved myself but you never know the calorie content in these meals.
I really do hope so! It gets harder every time.

I LOVE TGIs... You can check the cal content of all their meals online, but tbh I think you made really good choices. Ended up in Chiquitos yesterday; cheesy nachos, burger, garlic bread.. I don't even want to think of the cal content of that!

Trouble is, I love eating out with my partner sooo much, and I feel like this plan kills that for us.
Starting to feel better, sore throat has eased and the out of this world knock you sideways headache from hell has all but gone. Moved my daughter into her new house on Friday, I didn't do much but made tea and looked useful to those that did. Went again Saturday to occupy little one while the men did lots of blue type jobs. Son in law ordered us indian take away, I had a bit but couldn't eat it due to my throat. Checked this morning and bingo, still in ketosis!
Papered little ones bedroom today followed by a night shift, so another busy day. I've done nothing at home, millions of jobs to do tomorrow but praying I'm smiling when I get on the scales.

Anne xx
Jo, totally with you on the meals out thing. My other half and I love going out together, usually involving food and drink somewhere, and this diet kills that. Try step two. At least you can have chicken and salad!!

Anne xx
Morning all, wasn't off eaten kebabs to celebrate lol. Had the in laws over to us for dinner. This was the first time I'd actually cooked for them so had loads to do. Plus every time they come over I feel the urge to spring clean, my other half was like why are you cleaning the insides of the plate cupboard? They are not going to be looking in there lol. Anyway the meal went well, stayed off the wine and potatoes with the roast I done but I did have the smallest sliver of cheesecake, they had there's with cream I had mine with fat free Greek yogurt lol. Was just as nice and a lot less calories.

Anne - glad your feeling better :)

Jo - welcome back. How was yesterday?

Total loss - 3 stone 8lb :)
All sounds good Anne, hope the scales reward you!

Impressive self control Liz, you must feel great today. Are you maintaining now or do you have a new goal?

I feel tired this morning. Up all night weeing but at least I know the bloat is coming off! Now hoping to get through today.

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I was back up to 10 3 this morning, I'm presuming its because I was up early for work (so I don't have to jump off the roof). I don't know why I'm complaining, like I'm under goal. I was absolutely starving this morning too so I'm after having a big healthy but carby breakfast. 2 boiled eggs and a big bowl of melon, pineapple and grapes with natural yogurt, a tablespoon of granola and a little squeeze of honey. Probably around 450 calories but the carb load is heavy. Will have to be saintly at lunchtime.

Seriously, this time last year I'd have considered that a super well behaved breakfast so I think I need to calm down a bit and stop obsessing about it.
Yeah I do feel good :) I'm going to lose as much more as poss by next sat for my hols and then when I get back I might lower my target to lose another half stone. I will deffo keep the exercise up though. Love it.

Hope today's good for you Jo x

Total loss - 3 stone 8lb :)
Kiwi, seriously, stop beating yourself up as that's an excellent breakfast, and you're under goal and no doubt looking amazing!

Liz, sounds good, all sounding so positive!

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Just realised me BMI is still classed as overweight though!! 25.2 I mean seriously.2 lol!!!

I have 2 meals out this week. hoping I can stay on plan. Tomorrow's place is an Italian, worst type of place to go when low carbing!!! It's my sister's 30th so I've ordered her a cake. My plan is to freeze a piece and have it the morning of my holiday, that way I'm not missing out or coming off plan.

Jo - have you weighed in? I love the feeling of the first few days back on plan, instantly makes you feel like a stone lighter when the bloat goes!!
It's too quiet on here :-/ Where is everyone?

100% day for me yesterday. 11 days until my holiday. Hoping for 4lb in them 11 days.

Total loss - 3 stone 8lb :)
10 2.5 for me today. 5km very brisk walk after work last night, I ran 1km of it at a good pace and then I had to walk the rest of the way. About 40 minutes in total. I'm beginning to think Saturdays 10 2 was a fluke because I've been good as gold since and no movement in the scales other than up.

On the plus side my tight skinny jeans - the ones with the 27 inch waist purchased by accident now fit so the walking must be toning me a bit.
Still hovering, still struggling!

Sounds good Kiwi, that matters so much more than the number on the scales!

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Come on Jo, you can do it! It's the perfect time of year to really get stuck back into SS+ as November especially will be a quiet month before the run up to Christmas. Imagine yourself looking a million bucks christmas day in a beautiful LBD. it will be so worth it.
Yeah you're totally right, and its not like I haven't managed to commit 100% before, its just that I have a week in London with work next week, a weekend away the following week and two pre arranged meals the following so I'm finding it super hard to commit. I could not eat while away with work but the weekend and the meals aren't really a negotiable :(

I just know from experience this plan is all or nothing and its so hard getting into it knowing the flow will have to be broken.

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10 2.5 for me today. 5km very brisk walk after work last night, I ran 1km of it at a good pace and then I had to walk the rest of the way. About 40 minutes in total. I'm beginning to think Saturdays 10 2 was a fluke because I've been good as gold since and no movement in the scales other than up.

On the plus side my tight skinny jeans - the ones with the 27 inch waist purchased by accident now fit so the walking must be toning me a bit.

Maybe that's the lowest your body wants to go for now. Sometimes your body just has a tantrum and says no more!! Your below target and have a normal BMI so try not to worry too much. Easier said than done I know!!!
Jo - might be worth low carbing and low cals for the next few weeks. Maybe easier on your body than having breaks from the diet. It's all or nothing and the gain on the breaks will be big as you going from nothing to lots. Canbridge just isn't right at some points in your life. You have to dedicte yourself it and be 100% or it just won't work.

Good luck :)