10st10lbs' Diary - been away for far too long!

Hope you had Lady A's hunger busting fruit n cha & not something naughty little un and said :nono: to the naughty snacks.

I'm on iron tablets too hence why lamb is cooked so much in my house but I prefer the sauce in curries to the meat. However, I did make some yum yum chicken tikkies today...they were sooooooooo soft n syn free :eating:

I was thinking about doing a recipe out of the mag...all of the mirangues look nice so may give them a go on sunday. The mediterranean tray bake looks good but I heard it's best to par boil the potatoes as the timings aren't right. The curries look rank....ESPECIALLY the saag gosht. My saag don't and won't ever look like that :snooty:

:hmm: Now personally I would do success express while I had exam stress as it's quite strict and you don't want to stress yourself out too much. I would stick to EE, red or green as you can eat more if you get the munchies whilst revising and if you eat well then hopefully you'll have more energy to put into your studies. I think you mentioned your exams being in may which isn't that far away so you can concentrate on success express after that. It's totally up to you though and if you feel you can cope with it then go for it I just wouldn't want to be distracted by my diet while studying that's all.

:hug99: Juppees for the sore knee hope you feel better soon.

I had fruit! Or as my cousin's daughter says, floot :p

I'm sure I have some kind of kammi but it is never picked up :( Maybe I'm just a hypochondriac?! It'd be nice to know if I'm lacking something, either way.

I really want to make the meringues too, they look yummyyy, but there's some random cream of tartar stuff in there... What the hell is it?! I only really like cooking if I have the stuff at home, otherwise it feels like I've planned too much, but I have no idea what cream of tartar is and even if it's something that uses gelatine/alcohol... Google, where art thou? Ah yes, at the top right of my browser :D

I TOTALLY AGREE ABOUT THE SAAG GOSHT - what the hell is that meant to be? It looks nothing like saag gosht, looks like it's having a bath!

You're right, I know what you mean about not doing SE while examming (even though you gots a typo up there which says you would do it while revising!) so I think I'll give it a miss. I just was dreaming of all the ways I could foody-treat myself after exams! Though the amount of work I'm getting done now, I won't deserve treats, but big drama-style slaps like I promised Meli instead ;) :eek:

Imagining you hugging my knee... LOL! :8855: xxx
Imagining you hugging my knee... LOL! :8855: xxx

Listen love if anyone's doing knee hugging round here then it's gonna be you cos I'm THREE inches taller remember shorty lol! :p

Proud of you for having floot....I've just had a pear, activia yogurt n cha....yum! My little nephew couldn't pronounce his S's he used to sing twinkle twinkle little tar....now his sister calls Lord Farquaad from shrek Lord fakaa lol! xx
Hi! If you mean the roti with butter, it was literally just roti with butter lol, no paratha... And unfortunately that was all in one day :eek: The rest of the weekend consisted of pizza and kebabs and Lebanese food :p

I'm trying to revise but finding it really difficult what with people coming and going all the time, and I'm not feeling so great lately either - my knee is really sore and I keep getting headaches, feeling weak etc... Hoping to get a doctor's appointment in the morning for a blood test and to see what's going on with my knee, I haven't done any strenuous exercise in ages!


Oh wow that doesn't sound good *Big hugs* :hug99:. Hope the doctor can help you out and you feel better soon. Hope your revision goes well. Good luck :D Inshallah your exams will go well, you have our duas with you :) Xx
Thursday 14/04 - Extra Easy

- Part HExB Weetabix with pear, banana, sweetener and part HExA skimmed milk
- Tea with part HExA skimmed milk

- Mixed grapes and Onken FF strawberry yoghurt
- Black coffee with sweetener

- Sharwood's medium egg noodles with Quorn chicken pieces, cabbage, red onion, grated carrot and baked beans in tomato sauce
- Melon and apple

- Tea with part HExA skimmed milk
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Listen love if anyone's doing knee hugging round here then it's gonna be you cos I'm THREE inches taller remember shorty lol! :p

Proud of you for having floot....I've just had a pear, activia yogurt n cha....yum! My little nephew couldn't pronounce his S's he used to sing twinkle twinkle little tar....now his sister calls Lord Farquaad from shrek Lord fakaa lol! xx

Hahaha, sooooo true unfortunately! I was thinking last night, my niece is gonna be towering over me in about ten years! My mum's older sis comes just about up to my shoulder... If that's anything to go by... :eek:!

Kids are so cute! I wish I had a way to record all the funny things they come out with at the silliest of times! I can't wait for my niece to start talking properly - the most she says at the moment is 'yah!' and 'noooooo.' (the nooooo is said really sarcastically, with a big eyed stare!) Also had a bit of 'no more', 'put it there', 'pick it up', 'you try' out of her :p

Seriously though, what kind of a name is Farquad? :rolleyes:


Oh wow that doesn't sound good *Big hugs* :hug99:. Hope the doctor can help you out and you feel better soon. Hope your revision goes well. Good luck :D Inshallah your exams will go well, you have our duas with you :) Xx

The Ibuprofen does not seem to be helping one bit, it was really painful when I was in bed last night... Just got into the library now, if I get even one hour of decent revision done, I'm happy!

Hahaha, sooooo true unfortunately! I was thinking last night, my niece is gonna be towering over me in about ten years! My mum's older sis comes just about up to my shoulder... If that's anything to go by... :eek:!

Kids are so cute! I wish I had a way to record all the funny things they come out with at the silliest of times! I can't wait for my niece to start talking properly - the most she says at the moment is 'yah!' and 'noooooo.' (the nooooo is said really sarcastically, with a big eyed stare!) Also had a bit of 'no more', 'put it there', 'pick it up', 'you try' out of her :p

Seriously though, what kind of a name is Farquad? :rolleyes:


Yeah I've got a few little uns in my family too. I'm the tallest out of the girls but my best mate is 5ft 9" and insists on helping me cross the road cos she thinks I'm too little to cross by myself lol! I must admit I do struggle keeping up with her when we go shopping as she's got longer legs than me :eek:

Shrek movies crack me up....I love the songs in there like I lurve big butts and I can't deny....I had that song in my head for a whole week after I watched it lol! Oh and madagascar with the freshie style...you got to move it move it.....quality! xx
Friday 15/04 - Extra Easy

- Part HExB Weetabix with banana, pear, sweetener and part HExA semi skimmed milk
- Tea with part HExA semi skimmed milk

- Sharwood's medium egg noodles with Quorn chicken pieces, cabbage, red onion, grated carrot and baked beans in tomato sauce
- Mixed grapes
- Tea with part HExA semi skimmed milk

- Onken FF strawberry yoghurt with plum and tangerines

- Sharwood's medium egg noodles with Quorn chicken pieces, cabbage, red onion, grated carrot and baked beans in tomato sauce **added a quarter tin of chopped tomatoes and a crumbled quarter of a Knorr chicken stock cube** - YUM!!!
- Apple and pear
- Tea with part HExA semi skimmed milk
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Saturday 16/04 - Extra Easy

- Pear
- 2 egg omelette with tomato, red onion, coriander, salt, cumin, red chilli powder and part HExA semi skimmed milk
- Tea with part HExA semi skimmed milk

- Mixed grapes with Onken FF strawberry yoghurt

- Sharwood's medium egg noodles with Quorn chicken pieces, cabbage, red onion, grated carrot and baked beans in tomato sauce **added a quarter tin of chopped tomatoes, mixed peppers, and a crumbled quarter of a Knorr chicken stock cube** - YUMMER!!!
- Banana
- Pepsi Max

- Mixed grapes and apple
- Tea with part HExA semi skimmed milk
- Plum

- SW wedges with baked beans in tomato sauce
- Apple and two tangerines

- HExB Alpen light bars and part HExA semi skimmed milk
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Well I'm trying to use up all of my shakes up.. Plus I'm not doing real 'food' shopping on the 28th payday lol..
Could i ask a favour I'm going to try red's forva while could u check my menu make sure I'm doing it right please?

Enjoy your evening and speak soon x
Well I'm trying to use up all of my shakes up.. Plus I'm not doing real 'food' shopping on the 28th payday lol..
Could i ask a favour I'm going to try red's forva while could u check my menu make sure I'm doing it right please?

Enjoy your evening and speak soon x

Ahh OK! Could you not sell them on or keep them for a rainy day? Or work out how many syns they are :p

Yep sure, I will keep an eye on it! Enjoy your evening too xxx
What's for tea Miss? xxx

Absolutely no idea! I fancy SW chips/wedges with beans but there aren't enough potatoes in the house :(

EDIT: So I ended up having the wedges and beans! They were really small cause we only had small potatoes so I don't feel like I've had anything. Still got my HExB and some HExA milk left, don't know if I should have a couple of Alpen light bars and milk or Weetabix! Depends on how long I stay up now, watching My Super Ex-Girlfriend and I love it!
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Sunday 17/04 - Extra Easy

It's my dad's birthday today.

- HExB chocolate Weetabix (2 syns) with chopped pear, half banana and part HExA semi skimmed milk

- Plum
- Apple
- Soft boiled egg and baked beans in tomato sauce
- Tea with part HExA semi skimmed milk

- Chicken and leek pie with steamed green beans
- Waffle (5 syns) with Nutella (1.5 syns) and LF SS ice cream (3.5 syns)

- Grapes and tea with part HExA semi skimmed milk

- Chicken and leek pie with steamed green beans and a hard boiled egg
- Robinson's NAS Summer Fruits squash

Total syns: 12
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Grrrrrrrrrrrrr, I have a horrible headache coming on :(

Went to the library nice and early - it was closed. Came home to revise in peace - my brother has just recovered from a bug and is making the most of his new found energy. Wanted to munch on something - made soft boiled egg and beans, and an apple. Mum also wanted to munch on something so she made buttery popcorn, which has stunk the house out beyond belief. Smells really irritate me quite quickly - a ton of Febreze has been sprayed to get rid of the horrible butter smell, which is making everything smell worse. THE WINDOWS HAVE BEEN OPENED - it's seriously not that warm today.

I'm not going to let any of this get in the way of my good food Sunday! Chicken and leek pie from a couple of mags ago is on the menu, mum's already talking about profiteroles/sticky toffee pudding/cake and custard for dessert. My dessert will be, if anything, very low syn. She just told me off for having only had two syns in the past six days... I had to point out that I'd had lots of pizza over the weekend, but now eyes will be on me for the rest of the day, so... Whyyyyyyyyyyyy is it OK for me to be the weight I am, but if my sisters were this weight, they'd be told they were too big? I'm seriously sick and tired of being told to stop losing weight. It's not so much anyone in my house, it's mainly aunties who will pinch at my waist and uncles who will lift me up - three times in 24 hours.

10st10lbs said:
Grrrrrrrrrrrrr, I have a horrible headache coming on :(

Went to the library nice and early - it was closed. Came home to revise in peace - my brother has just recovered from a bug and is making the most of his new found energy. Wanted to munch on something - made soft boiled egg and beans, and an apple. Mum also wanted to munch on something so she made buttery popcorn, which has stunk the house out beyond belief. Smells really irritate me quite quickly - a ton of Febreze has been sprayed to get rid of the horrible butter smell, which is making everything smell worse. THE WINDOWS HAVE BEEN OPENED - it's seriously not that warm today.

I'm not going to let any of this get in the way of my good food Sunday! Chicken and leek pie from a couple of mags ago is on the menu, mum's already talking about profiteroles/sticky toffee pudding/cake and custard for dessert. My dessert will be, if anything, very low syn. She just told me off for having only had two syns in the past six days... I had to point out that I'd had lots of pizza over the weekend, but now eyes will be on me for the rest of the day, so... Whyyyyyyyyyyyy is it OK for me to be the weight I am, but if my sisters were this weight, they'd be told they were too big? I'm seriously sick and tired of being told to stop losing weight. It's not so much anyone in my house, it's mainly aunties who will pinch at my waist and uncles who will lift me up - three times in 24 hours.


You do what's best for you and your body. Unfortunately we come from a community where a womans weight is paramount to anything and everything. Alot of the times people will project their own insecurities onto you. If an uncle tries to pick you up, stop them and be forceful. They shouldnt be doing that. If aunties are pinching your cheeks, pinch theirs back and and comment on their weight gain.

Don't let anyone make you feel something you don't want to. You are beautiful no matter what.makes me so angry when i hear stuff like this. If i was with you i would have given them a mouth full lol

Chin up my soldierette xx
You do what's best for you and your body. Unfortunately we come from a community where a womans weight is paramount to anything and everything. Alot of the times people will project their own insecurities onto you. If an uncle tries to pick you up, stop them and be forceful. They shouldnt be doing that. If aunties are pinching your cheeks, pinch theirs back and and comment on their weight gain.

Don't let anyone make you feel something you don't want to. You are beautiful no matter what.makes me so angry when i hear stuff like this. If i was with you i would have given them a mouth full lol

Chin up my soldierette xx

Thank you, I really needed this. :hug99: People just really irritate me sometimes, I wish they could see it isn't as easy as pie to be happy in your own skin. Other people have things they're insecure about, like their laugh or their knobbly knees. Mine is my weight and the way I slot into my family, and if I can do something about it, I damn right will!

Honestly, thank you so much for your words, I did calm down a lot when I read your post and really appreciated the time you took to reply :) xxx
Yeah I've got a few little uns in my family too. I'm the tallest out of the girls but my best mate is 5ft 9" and insists on helping me cross the road cos she thinks I'm too little to cross by myself lol! I must admit I do struggle keeping up with her when we go shopping as she's got longer legs than me :eek:

Shrek movies crack me up....I love the songs in there like I lurve big butts and I can't deny....I had that song in my head for a whole week after I watched it lol! Oh and madagascar with the freshie style...you got to move it move it.....quality! xx

Hi brooo. Wanted to text you yesterday to make sure you stayed on track at the mehndi but I forgot and judging by your diary, you didn't! But you know what, you've done SO well these past few months and you've been right on track. One day will not do you any harm, you're back on track today and that's a lot better than I could ever have done. High five for making all the aunty-jis think twice!

Shrek deserves a high five too, I love the concept of the whole thing! I like 'I thought love was only true in fairy tales' and when Donkey goes 'I BELIEVE I BELIEVE I BELIEVE I BELIEVE I BELIEVE I BELIEVE I BELIEVE!' - me and my friend cracked up doing this walking down the road and our other friend is still clueless although she claims to have watched it a hundred times! Hai don't even get me started on I like to move it move it! Ahhh I feel like [STRIKE]downloading[/STRIKE] *ahem* renting a film now! My fave - Monsters Inc, oh yesss!

*Patiently Awakes Pie*


Serves 4
Ready in about 1 hour 30 mins
(Mag says it's 1 syn per serving but I can't work out where the syn would come from with the alterations I use... maybe it's the gravy granules?)

596g skinless chicken breasts
312ml chicken stock
2 leeks, trimmed and finely sliced
1 garlic clove, crushed
312g carrots, peeled and sliced
198g peas, fresh or frozen (I don't put peas in mine!)
100g mushrooms, sliced
1 level tbsp gravy granules (I just add another half stock cube, crushed)
2 large handfuls of fresh tarragon, finely chopped (I can never find any in the shops so we just add some dried basil or parsley!)
Steamed green beans, to serve

For the rosti topping:
596g potatoes, peeled and cut into thin batons
2 eggs, lightly beaten
Salt and freshly ground black pepper

1) Preheat your oven to 190C/375F/Gas Mark 5 and cook the chicken breasts for 15-20 mins or until cooked through. Then cut into 1/2in/1cm cubes and reduce the oven heat to 180C/350F/Gas Mark 4.
2) Meanwhile, make the rosti topping by boiling the potatoes in a large saucepan of lightly salted water for 2-3 mins. Drain, then transfer to a bowl. When cool, add the eggs. Season and combine thoroughly.
3) Place the stock, leeks, garlic, carrots, peas and mushrooms in a pan and cook over a gentle heat for 12-15 mins, stirring often, until the leeks soften. Add the gravy granules to the pan and mix well.
4) Add the chicken and the tarragon, season well, and cook gently for 3-4 mins, stirring often. Then transfer the mixture to a medium size pie dish.
5) Spread the topping over the chicken mixture and bake for 20-25 mins or until golden and bubbling. Serve immediately with steamed green beans.