I've been avoiding this place as the last few weeks were BADDDD! I took a week off WI due to it falling on my Dad's birthday, and that was a disaster, because then I ATE and ATE and ATE, and when I went to WI the following week, I'd gained 5.5lbs! Then I missed another WI due to a work commitment, so I was a bit naughty again, but then I REALLY worked hard this week and managed to lose 6lbs, so all in all, in the last 4 weeks, I've managed to lose half a pound :/ Still, better than nothing I guess!
I'm now only half a pound from my 3st award, and I want to hit 15st or under by my PGCE start date, which is September 9th (so 6 or 7 more WIs as I may have to change my WI day once I move). It's only another 10.5lbs to hit 15 dead on, so totally achievable if I lose between 1.5 and 2lbs a week. Just need to get my head out of my arse and start behaving!