15 stone to 14 stone support

Hey all, welcome all you newbies good luck with your journey though the 15's, I've been missing in action for a few weeks I'm working everyday at the mo so putting pressure on myself trying to get time with the kids as well as planning SW friendly meals I seem to need to shop every other day, does anyone else find that? X

I think the shopping side gets easier once you've done a few sw friendly shops.:)
Yeh, it's all about stocking up on the staples like pasta, rice, potatoes, frozen prepared veggies for making quick meals, tuna (for me at least, I live off the stuff!) etc, and then topping that up with regular shops for fresh fruit and veg and meats.
I found this online when i first started, may be of use? (I couldn't add the file as an attachment but will happily send on if needed)

Crafty cupboard shopping list

Tins –

Baked beans
Mushy peas
Spaghetti in tomato sauce
Chopped tomatoes, passata, tomato puree
Tinned fish – tuna, salmon, pilchards, sardines
Soup – Healthy Extra ‘b’ choices
Mixed beans
Pickles – gherkins, onions, eggs

Packets –

Pulses – lentils, couscous
Cereals – Healthy Extra ‘b’ choices
Ryvita – Healthy Extra ‘b’ choices
Bread – Healthy Extra ‘b’ choice
Tea, coffee

Sundries –

Fry Light
Spice rack
Vinegar, salt and pepper
Soy sauce
2lbs off this week, 15st 6.5 lbs. Very pleased. Hoping to be in the 14st by September. :D
Well done everyone! :D

I lost 1.5lb this week - now 15 stone 1 so very close to the 14s! Hooray!
Safia Looking at your stats your doing really well. I'm very early in my sw journey so hard to comment on hitting a slump. I suggest you do a sw friendly shop and try it for a couple of days. It takes a couple of weeks to get fully into the plan. If you have the book read it again as a reminder.
Wish you all the best :thumbup:
Safia Looking at your stats your doing really well. I'm very early in my sw journey so hard to comment on hitting a slump. I suggest you do a sw friendly shop and try it for a couple of days. It takes a couple of weeks to get fully into the plan. If you have the book read it again as a reminder.
Wish you all the best :thumbup:

The weight on my stats is pre pregnancy. I had my daughter just under 2 weeks ago and weighed 15st7.8lbs. I haven't changed my stats on purpose to motivate me to get back there quick but i'm struggling to get back on plan and mega stressed as my daugter isn't putting on enough weight so kinda feel like the midwives are blaming me. Just a bit of a hormonal mess right now.
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Congratulations on the birth of your daughter. I've not had a baby myself but I'm sure it takes a lot out of you. There's so much pressure for new mums to lose weight. Everyone knows the celeb mums lose weight so quick as they have personal trainers, nannies, nutritionists etc. Get back to plan when you're good and ready. :). Fingers crossed lil daughter gains some weight soon.
Have had a food filled weekend so gonna have a fresh start tomorrow. I really wish I could resist roast potatoes. One cookie became another and another :p.

I will have to reduce some syns this week. Weekends are bad for my waist line.
Have had a food filled weekend so gonna have a fresh start tomorrow. I really wish I could resist roast potatoes. One cookie became another and another :p.

I will have to reduce some syns this week. Weekends are bad for my waist line.

Completely agree. Weekends are so hard. The past few weeks I've done great every weekday, then as soon as Saturday hits, BAM, I lose all control.

Hope you manage to get back on track.
Thanks for the help with the shopping, I have my cupboards stocked with essentials, it's just my meal planning to get cracked and I'm good to go!! Safia, congratulations on the birth of your daughter, it is hard to jump straight back into SW straight away as you've so much else going on, just take your time and good luck chick!! Well done everyone else on your losses the 14's are on sight x x
Thanks for the help with the shopping, I have my cupboards stocked with essentials, it's just my meal planning to get cracked and I'm good to go!! Safia, congratulations on the birth of your daughter, it is hard to jump straight back into SW straight away as you've so much else going on, just take your time and good luck chick!! Well done everyone else on your losses the 14's are on sight x x

Ellen, take a look at my, and other peoples, food diaries, its amazing how much it helps (peek at my blog and you will see what i mean). It doesnt take much really to get used to the system, although i will say that it does help if you have access to the Slimming World website.

http://www.minimins.com/slimming-world-food-diaries/323462-daz-finally-has-food-diary.html (My food Diary)
Ellen, take a look at my, and other peoples, food diaries, its amazing how much it helps (peek at my blog and you will see what i mean). It doesnt take much really to get used to the system, although i will say that it does help if you have access to the Slimming World website.

http://www.minimins.com/slimming-world-food-diaries/323462-daz-finally-has-food-diary.html (My food Diary)

Great idea daz. The recipe sections on here and sw website are brill as well.
I will be making sw rice pudding and cottage pie when autumn comes. I'm a bit lasier in summer and stick to savoury rice/salads. I would recommend slimming world magazine as well, great recipes in there too.
We'll done Jodie :)

I'm trying to get into the mindset of aiming for just one lb cos just one a week will get me over 4 stone in a year. I've found in the past that I've also been disappointed with just one lb and that's led me to falling of the wagon big time. Whereas one is slow and steady and will still get me there.