ProPoints 17th times a charm!!!

Feeling very fed up with myself. :(
My house is a mess. I'm broke. My electric shower broke this morn but bcos of the stupid hours I do at work its gona be a week before I can get electrician out. My sky box is also f**ked and bcos they tried all they can over the phone, my only other option is to pay EUR100 for an engineer to call out. I'm not paying it. I've been a customer for 5 years and the box is that old. I suggested that an upgrade mite be all that was needed. It was shot down. So either way I'm cancelling my account.
So I'm goin to either change companies and go to upc or get my friend to set up an account for sky in her name here. I'm just so tired of it all.
It doesn't help that I'm facing into 3 awful long days at work working with crap staff. :(
As I said-fed up. ... :(

I have a sky box yer welcome to chic? Put ur card in it n it might work...
Wud u not go with one of the 1 off payment n get all the channels for life with no monthly bill? That's what we done. It was just short of EUR300 upfront, for that u get yer equipment, installation, a year warranty n u get all the Irish channels, all the bbc's, utv's, sum music stations, film 4 n a few similar movie stations. U get loads. The up front payment is a bit of a aim but ya never pay another cent EVER!!
I have a sky box yer welcome to chic? Put ur card in it n it might work...
Wud u not go with one of the 1 off payment n get all the channels for life with no monthly bill? That's what we done. It was just short of EUR300 upfront, for that u get yer equipment, installation, a year warranty n u get all the Irish channels, all the bbc's, utv's, sum music stations, film 4 n a few similar movie stations. U get loads. The up front payment is a bit of a aim but ya never pay another cent EVER!!

Thanks hon. I'm fairly addicted to my TV cos of the wierd hours I do so think I'd miss the other channels that u don't get.
I'm after calming down finally-didn't sleep at all last nite worrying.
But I'm gona call Monday and give my months notice to cancel. I'll wait for good bit of the month and if they don't call and beg me back which is what them usually do. In which case I'll tell them I want an upgraded box for free. But if not, I'm gona get my mam to set it up in her name for my address. Then she'll get a new box and I'll give her money each month instead. Feck them!
Saturday 6th

Dry dried egg-2
Yum! :)

Salad-lettuce, beetroot, celery, peppers, mushrooms, onion-0
Tuna + mayo-3
Balsamic vinegar-0

Egg + salad cream-3
Fun size maltesers-3
2 x roses-3

Veg stir fry-peppers, onion, garlic, mushrooms-0
Boiled basmati rice-done myself-40g-4
sweet & sour sauce from chinese-3
1 x chicken ball - 3
3 x prawn crackers- 1

Snack a jacks-2

Total dailies used-26/26
Weeklies used today-5/39
Total weeklies left-34

The plan was that the banana and egg and salad cream wud fill a gap but then went picking at choc. Wooops!

Avoiding takeaway at work so gona pop up town and get some noodles for my stir fry. :D
Ya-obviously this didn't happen. Work got crazy busy and cudn't go to the shop. So boiled rice in house (don't really like rice-hence why i wanted noddles, but rice was nice for change). And had the veg already chopped from earlier so took no time to stir fry it while rice was cooking. And then picked at some of lads food... i knew i would-i always 'borrow' one chicken ball. Would never order them-couldn't stomach more than one but i kinda look forward to my one! :)

Feel good now. Finished work at 8.30pm. Home sweet home and then back in 8.30-8.30 tomoro. :(
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that's better back to counting xx
that's better back to counting xx

Thanks hon.
Yep, feel better bout it. Even when i ate the 2 roses, i was like... ah no its fine i wont bother counting them cos i wont have any more. And then i copped myself on and said, that's how i snow ball. So writing everything down!
Have to totally edit my dinner tho... busy evening at work-didn't end up working out as planned. But shur loads of weeklies left. :)
Feeling so much better even after few days of eating better. Even after no sleep last nite I felt better today at work, than I have in a few weeks.

Gona weigh in on Wednesday at home in west cork this week cos only no morning class on a Thurs at home. Already looking forward to seeing the result. :)

Made a new chart for my fridge with my WW weight and new goal. :)
Sunday 7th

Toast, butter, cocktail sausage x 5 - 8

Toast, butter, cocktail sausage, cheese slice - 6

Skips - 2

Chicken, Brussel sprouts - 2
Mash - 3
Gravy - 1
Stuffing -4

Roses x 3 - 4
Ham + brown sauce - 2
Cookie dough icecream - 8

Total dailies used- 26/26
Weeklies used today-14/34
Total weeklies left-20
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That murder in Athy was right opposite myself and matts house on the coneyboro estate. Way too close for my comfort!

Apart from that hows u? Looking forward to your week 1 weigh in :)
That murder in Athy was right opposite myself and matts house on the coneyboro estate. Way too close for my comfort!

Apart from that hows u? Looking forward to your week 1 weigh in :)

I know hon. Saw that on your facebook. That's mad. Very upsetting I bet. U OK?
How u feeling now after Ur stint in doctors?

Ya I'm grand. Crazy busy weekend at work.
Ya really looking forward to it actually. Sad! :)
Gona txt my mam and tell her that goin to skibbereen Wed morn may be part of her plan for my few days at home. But she's so supportive I know she won't mind at all. Keeping some weeklies for some wine Tue nite aswel. :)
Monday 8th

Weetabix x 2, milk, candarel, banana - 4

Pepsi max - 0
Wrap, tomato puree, veg, cheese - 5

Bacon - 7
Pasta, veg, can tomatos - 2
Tea all day - 1

Toast, butter, cheese - 5
Roses x 2 - 3

Total dailies used - 26/26
Weeklies used today - 1/20
Total weeklies left - 19

Feeling a little nauseous to be honest this evening. Not sure why. Hope it passes. :(
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Tuesday 9th

Toast, butter, dry fried egg - 5

Banana - 0
Pepsi max - 0
Pack of tayto snaps - 2

Wrap with chicken, tomato, onion, relish - 9
Served with hunky dorys - 3
Tea - 0

In dunnes waiting for my mammy so having a healthy lunch (really wanted chips) and gona do a bit of shopping with her cos she's goin not hols nxt week. :)
Love going home! :D

Beef burger-homemade by local butcher-yum - 8
Potato, carrots, turnips, onions - 2

White choc-1

Total dailies used-26/26
Weeklies used today-9/19
Total weeklies left-10

Total APs this week-8

Not great for whole week but crazy week at work.
Home in West Cork for few days being minded by my mammy-well needed!
WW meeting in morning. That's only one down here in mornings. :)
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Well delighted I went to WW. Down 4.5lbs.
Now alot of that was definitely bloating from eating bad the weeks before but still delighted. Down to 9.8 and back to getting classes for free aswel cos within 5lbs of my goal.
Very happy. But hungry now so I'd like the class to hurry up so I can eat! :)
Well delighted I went to WW. Down 4.5lbs.
Now alot of that was definitely bloating from eating bad the weeks before but still delighted. Down to 9.8 and back to getting classes for free aswel cos within 5lbs of my goal.
Very happy. But hungry now so I'd like the class to hurry up so I can eat! :)
Suuuuuppper loss hun.. Well done and well deserved.. :) xx
That's a fab loss. Well

Suuuuuppper loss hun.. Well done and well deserved.. :) xx

Thanks guys. So delighted. Just feel I've undone the damage I did the last month. And I feel like goin to classes is really helping me focus. 6 more lbs to go! :)
Thanks guys. So delighted. Just feel I've undone the damage I did the last month. And I feel like goin to classes is really helping me focus. 6 more lbs to go! :)
Yea I think going to class is a great benefit when yer not quite 100% back in focus.. I am defo going back to group.. Just need to wait til I can hang around for the class.. Am not getting the benefits of it when I just run in to get weighed and run off home... So need to get myself organised and make time for class..