ProPoints 17th times a charm!!!

Same as me this week Brona.. Well done.. Beer can have a huge affect on the scales I find.. Never realised tho that Coors Lite wasn't lower PP's.. Oops.. I always counted at the lower value...
Good luck for a great week :)

Ya I read that somewhere over last couple of weeks while pointing my Heineken. It won't be too bad when I'm maintaining cos I nearly did that even with the beer this weekend. I'll just have to play it by ear each week. But bottle of wine at home this weekend I'd say which is easier to point. :)
Here's to a good week. :D
Ya I read that somewhere over last couple of weeks while pointing my Heineken. It won't be too bad when I'm maintaining cos I nearly did that even with the beer this weekend. I'll just have to play it by ear each week. But bottle of wine at home this weekend I'd say which is easier to point. :)
Here's to a good week. :D

Yea its much handier... :) Am having a bottle myself I think.. Feel like having a drink.. Am stressed out n cud do with unwinding... :)
Aw no. House stress or something else?
Aw no. Is this baby stuff? Hope you're OK. Go find something to punch (or someone depending on how close u are to Ur workmates).
Aw no. Is this baby stuff? Hope you're OK. Go find something to punch (or someone depending on how close u are to Ur workmates).
Yea... Had a little breakdown just before lunch.. Its a long story.. I'll try shorten it...
Basically i went n had a HyCoSy scan (scan of my reproductive system) in March.. Got the all clear.. Jono's "sample" was fine, I ovulate.. Everything works as it should.. But after 3 years I'm still not pregnant...
HUGE relief to be told there was nothing medical stopping us.. But the doc suggested putting me on Clomid which helps release more eggs and stronger ones.. Instead of saying yea great thanks.. I said "Can I go off n research them and chat with my partner and then come back if we decide to take them?" She yea thats no problem.. Just ring n i'll sort that out for you.. Great.. Happy Larry leaving the hospital...
Told Jono the outcome and the suggestion in the car on the way home to which he said Get them. You should have got them. Go back and get them.... But I decided no we'll try ourselves for a bit n if it doesn't happen i'll get it.. Sure, she said its no problem!!! I've to go back anyway in about a month from now for a blood test to check my thyroid is normal.. Its above normal ATM so i've been given tabs to take...
Anyway after researching it and reading other ppl's stories I decided I wanted to start on it.. So starting contacting the hospital LAST WEDNESDAY.. Took me til Monday of this week to finally speak with someone and that was only coz I said I was Private... Anyway... She was really helpful.. Said as the doc already seen me, and suggested it should could most likely just write out the prescrition, get the doc to sign it and I wouldn't need to see her.. GReat!! That was Monday n up to yesterday the prescription still hadn't arrived.. So I called this mronign to make sure it was on the way coz I started AF yesterday n need to start it by at least Saturday if I'm starting this cycle... That's when I found out that the helpful lady hadn't yet found my file so the presctiption wasn't on the way... So she found it while I was on the phone (convenient!) and said she'd call the doc (she's working in Tallaght Hosp. today, not the Coombe) and ring me back if there was any issue.. Otherwise I could collect the prescription tomoro from the hospital...
Then she rang me back just before lunch to say the doc said she needs to see me, she can't just write a presctription.. She doesn't understand why she said she'd give me Clomid seen as I ovulate normally!! It'll be next week before she see's me which means I'll need to wait til next month to start it...
Ah for f**k sake. That's ridiculous. Though the sad thing is, is that as bad as it sounds, its the Irish medical system to a tee.
in so sorry that you've had to go thru all that ****. I know it's so so frustrating hon and you're so right to be cross but it's one more month-its so close. I'm not telling you not to be cross-I still think u shud punch someone! And drink that wine! xx
Ah for f**k sake. That's ridiculous. Though the sad thing is, is that as bad as it sounds, its the Irish medical system to a tee.
in so sorry that you've had to go thru all that ****. I know it's so so frustrating hon and you're so right to be cross but it's one more month-its so close. I'm not telling you not to be cross-I still think u shud punch someone! And drink that wine! xx
That was the cut down version.. lol... Imagine i'd gone into detail!!!!
I've calmed down a bit from this morning but just so frustrated.. I'd been ringing non stop for 4 days leaving voice messages, messages, emails and basically just hounding them to get an appointment.. to be told I don't need one, to be told today, when its too late, i'll need to see her!!!
Got a call there a few mins ago again, the secretary has left my file on the docs desk for her to go thru in the morning and then she'll ring (the doc) and tell me she either needs to see me after reviewing my file, or she'll leave the prescription at reception for me.. I'm hoping and praying for the latter but what can I do now??!! We'll carry on regardless and try try try... :)
Sorry... How are you? How's work? Running? How's Brona :D
Aw don't worry bout it hon. It is so frustrating! Hopefully u will get the latter and still get sorted this week! :D

I'm grand out. Nothing new. Day off today which is good cos got f all sleep at work the other nite so nice to do nothing for the day. Off sat and sun aswel so jobs can wait til then. :)
No running these days. Lost the desire. My friend is after getting a great deal in place in newbridge-€20 a month-gym and pool so gona sign up there and think that mite suit me better at moment.

Had clear out of my wardRobe there while ago and have gathered clothes for charity shop that are too big! Yeh! Pity I don't have money to buy new, but still good! :D
Was gathering clothes for my holidays (not til June! ) to see if I needed anything-I don't-I have way too many clothes! (This is the only time I'll admit that! ) :D
Aw don't worry bout it hon. It is so frustrating! Hopefully u will get the latter and still get sorted this week! :D

I'm grand out. Nothing new. Day off today which is good cos got f all sleep at work the other nite so nice to do nothing for the day. Off sat and sun aswel so jobs can wait til then. :)
No running these days. Lost the desire. My friend is after getting a great deal in place in newbridge-€20 a month-gym and pool so gona sign up there and think that mite suit me better at moment.

Had clear out of my wardRobe there while ago and have gathered clothes for charity shop that are too big! Yeh! Pity I don't have money to buy new, but still good! :D
Was gathering clothes for my holidays (not til June! ) to see if I needed anything-I don't-I have way too many clothes! (This is the only time I'll admit that! ) :D

Fingers n toes crossed :)

Oh that sounds a great deal.. Yea much better than running.. Especially if the weather keeps up as it has been.. A day or 2 of OK weather.. By OK I mean dry! followed by gale force winds!!!!! Spring eh???

Ooh jealous of you having a couple of days off.. Would love some time off..
Fingers n toes crossed :)

Oh that sounds a great deal.. Yea much better than running.. Especially if the weather keeps up as it has been.. A day or 2 of OK weather.. By OK I mean dry! followed by gale force winds!!!!! Spring eh???

Ooh jealous of you having a couple of days off.. Would love some time off..

I know it's rotten. I washed bed clothes from spare room and hung them out. Now I'm just waiting for the next torrential down pour so I can run and save them! So ya, hoping I may atleast run on treadmill on days I don't wana run out doors. And I used to be quite a strong swimmer so wud love to get back into it.

Ah have a fairly ***** day at work tomoro to get thru first but ya I'm looking forward to weekend of nothing to do! Wud love to go shopping-fab jewellery in dun laoighre that I'd love to go up to bit pointless while I'm broke. Maybe pay day! :)
OK so I've joined a gym!
Can't really afford it but I'm really annoyed that I havnt been doing anything. Priorities eh?
Can't do my registration til Tue as working all weekend.
Also been off track with food but hoping I'll feel better when I get exercising so will want to do the whole lot. :)
OK so I've joined a gym!
Can't really afford it but I'm really annoyed that I havnt been doing anything. Priorities eh?
Can't do my registration til Tue as working all weekend.
Also been off track with food but hoping I'll feel better when I get exercising so will want to do the whole lot. :)

Yay, I'm sure you'll love it. If u don't mind me just giving a small bit of advice I'd defo get a programme done with interval training cardio and weights and if your gym has classes then do some of those too you may get bored otherwise. Variation is really important. Oh and maybe ignore what the scales say for a bit. If you know you've eaten well and worked out then you'll know you've done well and won't get disheartened. I don't want to sound like I'm an expert because I don't try and be at all I just know how much of a buzz I get and what a pleasure it is to go to the gym since I met my PT and he got me doing a huge variety of stuff.
Oooh go you... I'd love to join a gym but just don't have time to be going.. And the only one i'd make the effort to go to isn't laid out very well... So not sure i'd make the most of a membership.. And class times are all over the place.. Not set out to suit ppl that work 9-5 at all!!! Prob just more excuses to stay lazy tho.. lol
Yay, I'm sure you'll love it. If u don't mind me just giving a small bit of advice I'd defo get a programme done with interval training cardio and weights and if your gym has classes then do some of those too you may get bored otherwise. Variation is really important. Oh and maybe ignore what the scales say for a bit. If you know you've eaten well and worked out then you'll know you've done well and won't get disheartened. I don't want to sound like I'm an expert because I don't try and be at all I just know how much of a buzz I get and what a pleasure it is to go to the gym since I met my PT and he got me doing a huge variety of stuff.

Aw no thanks so much for the advice. I appreciate it.
I never did classes when I was in gym before-really don't like them. But they do do them so I'll see I mite try some. My package doesn't include classes so I'd pay extra. Spin makes my back hurt but I'll look into the others. Cos I completely understand bout boredom.
Getting my programme Tuesday and def want interval and weights-really miss weights from last time at gym-found it really toned my upper arms and back-very excited bout it.
Good point bout scales. I'll try and get back to tracking but won't do scales for while. :)
I feel like this is the start I need. Very excited. Will post up on Tuesday when I get my programme. And feel free to give me advice anytime! :)
Oooh go you... I'd love to join a gym but just don't have time to be going.. And the only one i'd make the effort to go to isn't laid out very well... So not sure i'd make the most of a membership.. And class times are all over the place.. Not set out to suit ppl that work 9-5 at all!!! Prob just more excuses to stay lazy tho.. lol

Hey hon.
Ah I understand tho-if it's not a place u feel you'd go then its pointless. I completely avoided a specific gym in newbridge cos of how I feel bout place and clients-totally stupid but I know it wud put me off. Only down side is that it closes at 6pm on weekends so if I was working 10-6 on weekends I cudnt go after but to be honest I want this to get me back into running so I can still run outside on those days and hopefully find it easier than I have been.
But in fairness hon, uve been up the walls recently. And you have stringer to get u out walking. I'm gone terrible for not evening walking anywhere let alone run. Gona walk up to hairdressers now in a while to make appt for nxt wk just so I'll get up and do some exercise! Terrible!
Hey hon.
Ah I understand tho-if it's not a place u feel you'd go then its pointless. I completely avoided a specific gym in newbridge cos of how I feel bout place and clients-totally stupid but I know it wud put me off. Only down side is that it closes at 6pm on weekends so if I was working 10-6 on weekends I cudnt go after but to be honest I want this to get me back into running so I can still run outside on those days and hopefully find it easier than I have been.
But in fairness hon, uve been up the walls recently. And you have stringer to get u out walking. I'm gone terrible for not evening walking anywhere let alone run. Gona walk up to hairdressers now in a while to make appt for nxt wk just so I'll get up and do some exercise! Terrible!

Yea thats true.. I hate the lay out.. Its dead handy tho.. Right across the road from work.. I'd have to pass it to get home which would encourage me to go... But as I say.. they layout sucks.. Its maid out for body builders.. Not for everyday members.. IYKWIM?!
The other gym local to me is past my house now.. So I know I'd always find an excuse to stop at home n then go.. But then something would grab my attention and I'd put off going til the next day.. and the next.. And so on...
Oh good luck with the gym. I love the classes but hate the actual gym machines. I'm always too short for them at 5ft nothing. :)
you kno its made with weights coz its the best way to lose weight ;).......hope that didn't sound nasty.

I never do cardio just weights and in 2 weeks iv lost noticeable changes. x
So finally feel like I'm back. Felt like total cRap yesterday after eating crap for couple weeks now.
Focusing on eating well and watching PPs. Feel better already. Figured I should eat well for couple days before gym on Tue morn or I'll die a death inside there.
Already have it in my head that I'm not giving in to bad food next week when I'm home in my parents. I'm gona buy loads of salads and fruits cos I'll be home for 6 days and not gona let it ruin my good work. Fine when I'm at home but must try to be good with chippers and BBQs! It can be done! :)