ProPoints 17th times a charm!!!

well done hun that's great xx
Yea I think going to class is a great benefit when yer not quite 100% back in focus.. I am defo going back to group.. Just need to wait til I can hang around for the class.. Am not getting the benefits of it when I just run in to get weighed and run off home... So need to get myself organised and make time for class..

Ya i was even thinking this morning, 'ah, i wont bother staying for the class' - but shur, thats the bit you get something out of. Must say i really enjoyed that class. more than the one in newbridge. Everyone really chatty and giving tips etc which i think is what its about. but one in newbridge is a bit boring.... may have to look around for other ones but so few happen in morn and ive always WI in morns. Ah well-only a small thing.
I feel aswel that this will help me loose the last 6lbs and then get hints on maintaining cos even when i lost weight before i never went to class to get help maintaining which was part of the problem so i plan on going to classes for next few months until i can get used to the new amounts of food etc... :)
Hopefully things will calm down for you soon and you can go back aswel hon. But youre doing great, with all the upheaval! :)
Thanks hun... I just keep getting led astray.. I need to just learn to say no to the biccies again.. I was never a real biccie chocolate eater.. Now I can't sit still if they're in the house

I know. Once you start something its hard to break the habit. Addictive! And bad routines. I went really bad at work for choc for while aswel. But seemed to have broken it finally after alot of conscious effort. House looks great tho! It'll all be worth it! :)
Wednesday 10th

Banana - 0

Coffee - 0
Pasta in homemade tomato Sauce and veg - left over from other day tHat I'd brought home to west cork with me - 2
Tea - 0
Fun size maltesers - 2
Piece of choc - 1

Hake fillet cooked in spray oil - 4
Potato - 2
Broccoli + carrots - 0
Butter - 1

My pps are low today but got stuck in skibb with mam all morning without food so didn't have lunch til 3 which was first proper food Of day and then not too hungry for dinner.
I don't mind. I'd like to stick to not resetting my weeklies til tomoRo as I usually don't til a Thurs and it will give me a realistic 7days ahead as no WI until nxt Thurs am.
Plus I'm out over weekend so need pps for that really. :D

Stewed rhubarb - 0
Wine - 9
Pack tayto-shared with my mam - 2
Maltesers and tiny bit of choc - 3

Total dailies used- 26/26
Weeklies used today- 0/10
ToTal weeklies left- 10

Total APs this week - 8 only.... :(

Weeklies resetting in morn. Here's to a new week. No reason I can't stay in dailies tomoro pretty much. Then goin to see Pink Fri nite in o2 and out after-so drink! Then my friend is up for weekend for pink but staying til sun so eating and drinking sat aswel but no need to go crazy! :)
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Thursday 11th

Cornflakes - 4
Milk - 1
Tea - 0
Coffee - 0

Roll 60g - 5
Ham, onion, spinach, tomato, mayo - 2
Potato salad homemade - 3
Tea - 0

Choc - 2
Tea - 0
Pear, apple - 0
Fun size maltesers - 2
Meenies - 3
Spite zero - 0
Club orange diet - 0

Absolutely love lamb stew so my mammy making it for me as a treat. Goin back to kildare tonite tho so gona eat it when I get up. Fruit to snack on, on way up. :)

Lamb stew-no oil, with carrots and onions - 4
Potatoes - 4

Total dailies used - 26/26
Weeklies used today - 4/49
Total weeklies left - 45
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Friday 12th

Sausage, 2 x bacon medallions, dry dried egg, pudding - 6
Toast, butter - 3

Beef stew-homemade, taken out of freezer, with potatoes - 10

6 bottles Heineken - 30
Pint Heineken, 2 glasses - 12
Pint Carlsberg - 5
Chips - from a van outside o2 - skinny like McDs but barely cooked-yuck-but still ate them-haha - 10

Total dailies used - 26/26
Weeklies used today - 50/39! :eek:

Oh *****. :( I really need to start drinking lo cal beers. Heineken is killing me on pps but I really can't drink spirits any more. Coors isn't counted as it's not low alcohol. Don't like corona light as it burns my lips! :(

Well my friend is still up today. Hope I don't go too crazy today but may go over again. Just gona put up with it. And get exercising for week to try and make up for it. :(

Not great for do second week back at it tho. :(
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Ah sugar. So ended up not being very good on sat or Sunday. :(
Not gona bother pointing it up. I was over on Fri nite as it was! I'm just gona stick to dailies for rest of week and hope for best. Gona go to class Wed morn again. Don't get much out of the woman that does Thurs morns so gona see what the woman on Wed is like.
Hope ye all had good weekend. :)

No breakfast-big sleep in

Salad-chicken, feta, coleslaw, couscous, lettuce, onion, peppers, beetroot, sweet chilli sauce, balsamic vinegar - 6

Pear, banana - 0

Stew - 10

Stewed rhubarb with candarel - 0
Peanuts - 1
Cheap Doritos, 35g, salsa, cheese - 6
Toast + cheese - 3

Total dailies used - 26/26

Found it hard to stick to it today. After eating crap for couple of days I find my body craves sugar and salt. Another day and I shud be good. No plans for this weekend so no reason not to be good. :)
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Back to work this morning after 6 days off! Aaaah! :(

Banana - 0

McDonalds small chips + nugget x 1 - 9
Pepsi Max - 0

Homemade chips - 4
Dry dried egg - 2

That's it so far. Very unorganised day at work. ... :(

Toast, butter, cheese slice - 5
Cereal + milk - 4

Total dailies used - 24/26
No weeklies left

Crazy day at work. Made a fab salad for my lunch and got knocked all over the floor. :( And was on way out on bus to appt so didn't actually even get to McDonalds til 3.45!
Only in bed now-00:40 - doing paper work all nite that I didn't even get finished. Just aren't enough hours in the day here sometimes.
Can't go to WW tomoro either. Electrician calling to fix my shower-hopefully and coming bang on WW time. So will go Thurs morn to usual class and will go look for inspiration some where else another week. :)
Nite all. :)
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Toast, butter, marmalade - 4

Pear - 0
Omelette-egg, egg whites, asparagus, onion, garlic, mushrooms, peppers, feta cheese - 5
Coleslaw, salsa - 1

Tea + small slice carrot cake - 4

Chicken cacciatore-chicken, mushrooms, onions, garlic, can tomatoes, herbs, tomato puree - 3
Homemade wedges - 4

Doritos, salsa, coleslaw, onion, cheese - 5

Total dailies used-26/26

WI tomoro if this wind has died down any bit for me to be able to drive over to newbridge.
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Seriously-only way I'm gona have any chance of sleepin is ear plugs. This wind feels like my house is gona collapse in on me! :(
Queueing for WW. Just wanted it said that I think I've put on weight. Feel like crap. :(
Spot on. Half lb up. Not bad considering I really thought it was alot more.

As I said over weekend, the beer really didn't help at all. Plus I did eat alot. Just goes to show that I can pull it back when I need to aswel.

No out this weekend so sticking exactly to weeklies. And hopefully another jump down nxt week. :)

So back to 9st 8.5
Spot on. Half lb up. Not bad considering I really thought it was alot more.

As I said over weekend, the beer really didn't help at all. Plus I did eat alot. Just goes to show that I can pull it back when I need to aswel.

No out this weekend so sticking exactly to weeklies. And hopefully another jump down nxt week. :)

So back to 9st 8.5

Same as me this week Brona.. Well done.. Beer can have a huge affect on the scales I find.. Never realised tho that Coors Lite wasn't lower PP's.. Oops.. I always counted at the lower value...
Good luck for a great week :)