ProPoints 17th times a charm!!!

Waow still 10pp to use after a nice day ;)

Ya, updated there... Used up. Long day at work again today. It's gona be a long week! Sunday seems ages away!

My IBS has been acting up on and off the past week or two and bad again today. Possibly thinking chocolate may be added to the list of things that trigger it. Cos I don't actually hav choc that much but I'd pick at it at work. Not sure what else it cud be. No other overlaps for the last couple of days and its be at me for last 2/3 days.... May be worth a try anyway....

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Boiled egg & WW salad cream (2)
Grapefruit, coffee (0)

Pizza wrap-wrap (3), tomato purée (0), veg (0), chorizo (1), WW cheese (1)

Tea & ginger snap (4)
Banana (0)
Chew bars (4)

Dinner: steak (4), WW chips (5), mushrooms & onions (0), peppercorn sauce (1)

Total dailies used: 25/26
No weeklies left

APs earned today: 4
Total APs this week: 20

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Feel like absolute crap. My stomach has been cramping and in spasms and excuse the TMI but I've been on toilet all nite.
Don't know what's brought this on at all. :-(

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There is nothing worse, believe me I know, thats how my IBS affects me. Very hard to go or do anything with lots of planning for pit stops. Do you have any imodium

Ya I'm hoping a nites sleep will help or tomoros gona be a long day at work.
No Imodium-gave my last pack to a girl at work last week.
Will pick some up on way into work in morn if I'm still bad. :-(

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oh i hope u feel better soon. i dont know what to suggest to help you :(

Thanks hon.
Off to bed. Hope a good nites sleep mite sort me out.

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So WI this morning.
9st 8lbs! Delighted!
I do fully know that I'm possibly a little dehydrated from yesterday but I did drink water all evening cos that's all I cud ingest so I don't think it's too far off. And I did work hard for it! :)

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Feeling a little better this morning. A bit wary but I feel ok.
Drinking peppermint tea and water a lot. Still eating.... I'd hav to be fair sick to not want to eat! Lol! :)
Gona stick to dailies today and tomoro cos goin home Sunday and wana be able to enjoy myself. :)

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Peppermint tea (0)

Chicken (1), lettuce, tomato, onion, coleslaw (1), cheese (1), sandwich (4)

Biscuits (3)
Mini mars x 2 (4)

Salad-lettuce, cucumber, tomato, onion, beetroot, ham (1), boiled egg (2), homemade potato salad (3), balsamic vinegar, salad cream (1), coleslaw (1)

Monster munch (4)
Low custard (2)

Total dailies used: 26/26
Weeklies used today: 2/49
Total weeklies left: 47

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Last edited:
Hope u feel 100% soon.a huge well done on your weight loss. U are sooooo close to ur goal :) delighted for you xxx

Thanks hon. Ya was feeling a little dodgy yesterday but not half as bad. Was talking to a girl at work who has IBS aswel and think I'm putting it down to tiredness. Havnt been sleeping great at all for last couple of weeks. I'm nearly celebrating when I hav a good nite it's so rare.
But I slept really well last nite do hope that'll continue. Usually sleep well in west cork anyway so hoping it'll pass.

Have to go update my ticker when I get into work! :)

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Chicken sausages (4), toast x 1 (2), brown sauce (1)

2 pears (0)

Toastie (4), ham (1), WW cheese (1), tomato, onion (0)
Coleslaw (1), potato salad (2)

Buttons (4)
Loop the loop (2)

Chicken (3), veg (0), stirfry with soy sauce (1)

Pear (0)

Total dailies used: 26/26
Weeklies used today: 0
Total weeklies left: 47

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So im at home in my parent's all week.
I'm not tracking cos I just needed the break. Eating I find is grand and had maybe 3 glasses of wine in total but there's been a bit too much cake! :-/
Not today as its ash Wednesday but I'm gona e joy tomoro, WI on Friday morn and go from there.
My parents are half talking bout comin up with me for weekend so that won't be great food wise but it'll be a new week with new weeklies so don't mind that. :)

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Hey Brona, hope you're ok and had a lovely time away.

Hey hon. Ya I'm good.
As usual when I took the week off last week at home, I found it really hard to get back into it. So WI tomoro will be interesting! Oh well.
Back running since yesterday-back up to week 4 of c25k and booked for a run at end of march!
Will try and catchup on diaries soon. Hope everyone's doin good. :)

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