20 somethings

I got them on play.com...let me see if I can find a link...

bubbly, your will power is much better than mine, having both of those cakes in front of me would have been really hard to resist as I am still struggling to change my mindset
StarGir1 said:
I got them on play.com...let me see if I can find a link...

bubbly, your will power is much better than mine, having both of those cakes in front of me would have been really hard to resist as I am still struggling to change my mindset

Thanks star that's great!
It's so easy to fall of the weight loss wagon an so hard to get back on it isn't it, it's impossible if your mind isn't in the right place, do you go to group every week? Xx
I can't keep up again!!! Jess amazing story, I am so motivated now! And you had snow?! Are you up in the north east? My OH's family live in Durham and his sister works in Sunderland - she just wrote on FB that everyone thought she was mad putting snow tyres on her car a couple of weeks ago and she's laughing now haha!
Hello Felix! Thank you so much!! Haha yes I'm in Whitley bay, which is right on the coast, don't know if you know it, 5 mins from the beach! Newcastle is freeeezing tonight that's for sure!! Your sister made the right choice! Xx
Thanks star that's great!
It's so easy to fall of the weight loss wagon an so hard to get back on it isn't it, it's impossible if your mind isn't in the right place, do you go to group every week? Xx

Can't see the ones I got but they're like these:

Play.com - Buy Ice Mountain Ultra Ice Grips (Black) online at Play.com and read reviews. Free delivery to UK and Europe!

There are a lot more that I paid as I know I got mine for about £5 so I bet Amazon has more choice.

I go to group every week but I still enjoy eating all the 'bad' food and that's the trouble I am still weaning myself off and getting better each week but I love SW and know it works and I only average about 1lb a week but it's coming off slowly but surely

p.s - sorry all it really is very chatty tonight, promise to log out soon haha :)
Thanks for the link star will have a look!

I don't think you're giving yourself enough credit, it's coming off and that's all that matters isn't it!?! All here for the same reason! Everyone's journeys are totally different, some go straight to destination and others take the more scenic route, give yourself more credit miss xx
jessikahlashes said:
Hello Felix! Thank you so much!! Haha yes I'm in Whitley bay, which is right on the coast, don't know if you know it, 5 mins from the beach! Newcastle is freeeezing tonight that's for sure!! Your sister made the right choice! Xx

Yes I know it :) I love going to visit up there as his parents live really close to Seaham and the beach there is lovely! Do you have any before and after pics we can all nosey at? Sorry for asking its a bit cheeky haha!!!
Jess that is a great story, write into the magazine I'm sure they'd love to do a piece on you "meet the face of frylight and her how sw helped her lose 11 stone" front cover material. And Congrats on the tummy tuck news (a bit scary though.. eep).

Christie did you have a good time? I'm not really a 14 proper yet (chest is 43" so nearly there) I think all my fat is just sliding down to my legs. Lol. My sizes matched my age so it has been a long time for me too. We will both get there though.

Scarlett, how cool being married on Halloween. I love halloween but hate trick or treating. I'm looking forward to throwing Halloween parties for my son when he is older :) my mum always loved it when we were young so it rubbed off. I won't get anyone calling. Big road leading to no where, big drives, houses far apart and no street lights. Got a few bits just in case but i am not expecting any. Where I used to live mum scared the crap out of some kids thinking it was me. SO funny.

Xanthe, if I am struggling you know it is bad. Lol
Thank you!! Yes I have to figure out how to put a pic on first Felix haha, I am excited but nervous for the tummy tuck, it's all I've wanted since getting to target, sick of living in my beloved spanx, desperate to feel normal xx think I've just done photos will see if it works! X


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Its snowing here in shiremoor, probs bein on the coast doesnt help, hope u 's dont mind that i dropped into here was looking at groups for people round my age (24 today) lol only started sw about 3wks ago lost 6 lb in total. Wanna lose about 27lb more in time for my wedding in july eek! Xx
jessikahlashes said:
Thank you!! Yes I have to figure out how to put a pic on first Felix haha, I am excited but nervous for the tummy tuck, it's all I've wanted since getting to target, sick of living in my beloved spanx, desperate to feel normal xx think I've just done photos will see if it works! X

My god what a difference! Well done xx
jessikahlashes said:
Thank you!! Yes I have to figure out how to put a pic on first Felix haha, I am excited but nervous for the tummy tuck, it's all I've wanted since getting to target, sick of living in my beloved spanx, desperate to feel normal xx think I've just done photos will see if it works! X

Holy sh*t!!!! Please excuse my language! You look incredible!!! Like a totally different person, wow :D :D :D
That's brill sparkle! And happy birthday!! My 24th in 2 weeks too, best age! :p I haven't looked out the window so don't know if it's snowing here in the bay cos I'm too warm under this blanket haha xx
Thank u, its calmed down a bit now. How long did it take u if u dont mind me asking xx