20 somethings

Franalamadingdong said:
I'd love a friend who came with a handbag of chicken. Friend and snack, wonderful..

Shopping sounds fun. I love shopping (just in case you guys didn't know already! Haha)

Yeah yeah jenna, you slacker :p

I have Jewish mum of the year on. Love it.

Right girls I'm going to curl up and watch tool academy (yes I know I am a sucker for it and I am sad!!) then I'm off to bed so goodnight and speak to all you beauties tomorrow, sleep well, night night xxx
I'm stuck watching football I have no interest in :( trying to convince my brother to come house sit tomorrow so he can be in for a parcel.
Jess, I have that on tape, mum and I always watch it together after my dad goes to bed. Haha.

Clare, bribe him with tasty treats?

Jenna you dweeb :p anything for a weightloss programme eh? ;)

Just watch the news on storm sandy, also known as the apolon curse. I told you all doom follows my parents and they were going to break new York.... When they came to move my stuff back here a week later a girl was murdered on my road. Bloody cursed people.
Franalamadingdong said:
Jess, I have that on tape, mum and I always watch it together after my dad goes to bed. Haha.

Clare, bribe him with tasty treats?

Jenna you dweeb :p anything for a weightloss programme eh? ;)

Just watch the news on storm sandy, also known as the apolon curse. I told you all doom follows my parents and they were going to break new York.... When they came to move my stuff back here a week later a girl was murdered on my road. Bloody cursed people.

Just thought I'd pop on to tell you this cos you may find it funny but OH says he's taking me on a female version of tool academy cos I'm "minimins tool" cos I'm on here too much!!! Hahaha night girls x
Lol Jess, we can call you skinny tool. :D I'd be single tool hahaha

They won't jenna. They are off up to yorkshire mid-november the on a cruise round Copenhagen etc. If they went to Ireland again it'd be back to Dublin probably. People think I make this stuff up... "yeah, yeah, the apolon curse.... Wtf, it is real!" I find it hard to switch off before bed then feel shattered all day, but still can't go to bed early. I wind myself up and end up awake for even longer. So only go to bed when you are tired. Reading often helps me wind down. And knitting. Anything quiet and repetitive.
Wakey, wakey, rise and shine!
Who's about? I've been up for the past hour and had brekkie of which I must say I'm very proud as I managed not to give in and have my beloved shreddies *sob* but I had cheese on toast instead. I will mix things up and I will get to target!
Feeling very motivated today, lets hope it lasts past lunchtime lol!
Jenna88 said:
Wakey, wakey, rise and shine!
Who's about? I've been up for the past hour and had brekkie of which I must say I'm very proud as I managed not to give in and have my beloved shreddies *sob* but I had cheese on toast instead. I will mix things up and I will get to target!
Feeling very motivated today, lets hope it lasts past lunchtime lol!

Morning lovely, I've been up for an hour too, stayed at OHs last night, and he left for work half an hour ago, I'm dressed (in a fashion!!) an have had my first pint of many (water, NEED to rehydrate after that nasty bug!) and am now deciding what to have for breakfast! Going to try and focus myself and get some work done for school today, as I've put it off since the start of half term and have family coming to stay tonight until fri/sat.

I'm feeling very motivated to get myself back on with the plan now that ive perked up, I may walk round to the shops later on and make a big batch of quiche to have for my lunches until Sunday.

Was really chuffed this morning, I've come home early from OHs as I've a parcel getting delivered, and my dad said "do you know Laura you look fantastic at the minute...you can really tell you're losing weight, you're doing great!" Which coming from my dad is a real compliment, as he usually takes a couple of weeks to notice a full hair restyle haha! I replied by saying thanks to which he reassured me "oh I wasn't saying it to be nice, I'm just saying it because its true!" Haha, think he was trying to get his manliness back on side!!

Have a great day everyone!! Xxx

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Well done Jenna for the cheese on toast! I'm jealous, I love cheese on toast, I stuck with weetabix and berries, I find weetabix keeps me going till lunch so I don't pick at things I shouldn't be haha.
Cam that's fab, you feel so good when someone gives you a compliment but not just somebody!! Your dad who sounds a lot like mine, manly man who doesn't give compliments unless he really means it, shows how fab you are doing, you should be very chuffed!! X
You're right Jess, just remembered last night before going to sleep OH told me I felt tiny in his arms now...I'm anything but tiny haha, but it was nice to hear!! X

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lyricallylittle said:
Oh dear - I've just been sick... :(

Oh no!! Hope you're not getting the bug love, I've only just perked up today!! Xx

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Franalamadingdong said:
Uh oh Emily! You germy lot!
Camz that is fab! You must be buzzing! My dad doesn't register anything either but he likes the weekly lb report. Then he runs in the house to tell my mum first unless I have met her in town. My Grandad likes the weekly report too which he usually gets from mum.

Must be a man thing, me and my dad have a weekly prediction on what I will lose, he's usually pretty accurate! His answer every week has been 'well done, you must be really pleased with that!' Bless him! I am really chuffed! I need some inspiration, i had an apple earlier, so there is my superfree, and now want proper breaky, but there's not much in, and I can't go out as waiting for a parcel!

I want something easy and filling, I had no tea last night as was still lacking appetite! Now I think it's on it's way back I want to eat something proper before it hits me hard this afternoon and end up scoffing ANYTHING!! Xxx

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Scrap than, hex B WM toast, with hex A (and then some) cathedral city, and bovril YUM!!! Xxx

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