20 somethings

Just found this on Facebook and was actually wetting myself so wanted to post haha x


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Thanks lovelies. Haven't been sick since but not feeling too fabulous. Decided to go to Westfield with the OH and mother in law anyway but sitting on the train feeling it might not have been such a great idea!

I wish my dad took such a supportive interest in my weight loss! He didn't notice when I saw him on Mon and he's more likely to pick at me over what I eat than anything else! I love him to bits and his heart's in the right place, he just doesn't always get his message across very well!
lyricallylittle said:
Thanks lovelies. Haven't been sick since but not feeling too fabulous. Decided to go to Westfield with the OH and mother in law anyway but sitting on the train feeling it might not have been such a great idea!

I wish my dad took such a supportive interest in my weight loss! He didn't notice when I saw him on Mon and he's more likely to pick at me over what I eat than anything else! I love him to bits and his heart's in the right place, he just doesn't always get his message across very well!

Glad you haven't been sick since, hopefully it was a one off?! I don't think I could handle a train if I was feeling icky, just take it easy miss and try and enjoy your day x
Hi girlies- finally got my 2.5 stone award last night :) Now to make sure the next half stone doesn't take so long!
xJoanneJJx said:
Hi girlies- finally got my 2.5 stone award last night :) Now to make sure the next half stone doesn't take so long!

That's brilliant well done!!

Right girls, I know I'm mega behind everyone but I've finally gotten round to catching up on mrs Biggs, am on 3/5 and really enjoying it...but can't help quite liking the characters of both mr and mrs Biggs...surely that's not right!? Xxx

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Panic over everyone, I went right off him by the end haha! Thought I was on my way to becoming a gangsters moll hahah xx

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Afternoon ladies,
Feeling rather productive today. Have been to the gym, tidied the house, had a yummy fruit salad for lunch (2 apples, a banana and 1/3 of a pineapple) and ordered part of my mum and sisters Christmas pressie :)

As for dad's and compliments, it must be a male thing. I only see my dad maybe 3 or 4 times a year...we just have nothing to say to each other lol but the last time I saw him there was a difference of 3 stone in me. Not a word did he say. It was only when we went for lunch I said I didn't want to go and would rather just go and get a drink somewhere as where he wanted to go wasn't SW friendly..he then asked if I'd lost weight, I said yes and his response ''Aye, the hard bit is keeping it off''. A simple well done would have sufficed haha! Luckily my stepdad is much more supportive however if he tells me I don't need to lose anymore one more time I may murder him lol!

In other news, I think I may actually pass away with how cold it is. It's definitely not normal for this time of year? No?
Oh girls I feel horrendous. Hiding out in the toilets at Westfield - I really just want to be sick and feel better but it's not happening. All hot and cold. :(

The OH's mum has told him to take me home, but I knew he was hungry so I said I'd wait while they had lunch. Big mistake! Once the food arrived I just wanted to be sick so I made a hasty retreat. Feeling very sorry for myself!
Oh emily that sucks, next time stay home!

Ask done tata and joanne.

I went to weigh in and gained the weight I should have gained the past two weeks (instead of losing 3.5lbs) up 2.5lbs, which, even after a good week fully on plan is ok, because the two weeks before should have been gains. I feel my body has realigned itself so I should be seeing the losses/gains as deserved. I have been waiting for that silliness to catch up.

Yep it is freezing the stupid bus stop is on the seafront so we were getting completely blown about waiting for the bus to come home, it even woke Nate up!
lyricallylittle said:
Oh girls I feel horrendous. Hiding out in the toilets at Westfield - I really just want to be sick and feel better but it's not happening. All hot and cold. :(

The OH's mum has told him to take me home, but I knew he was hungry so I said I'd wait while they had lunch. Big mistake! Once the food arrived I just wanted to be sick so I made a hasty retreat. Feeling very sorry for myself!

Oh Hun that's awful! You need to get home and tucked up in bed, I slept for a full day and night when I had it! Why is OH angry, has he never been poorly? Xxx

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lyricallylittle said:
Oh girls I feel horrendous. Hiding out in the toilets at Westfield - I really just want to be sick and feel better but it's not happening. All hot and cold. :(

The OH's mum has told him to take me home, but I knew he was hungry so I said I'd wait while they had lunch. Big mistake! Once the food arrived I just wanted to be sick so I made a hasty retreat. Feeling very sorry for myself!

Get yourself tucked up in bed :( hope you feel better very soon xx
Ugh LyricallyLittle that sucks :( Take care and get straight in to bed when you get home!

I went to weigh in and gained the weight I should have gained the past two weeks (instead of losing 3.5lbs) up 2.5lbs, which, even after a good week fully on plan is ok, because the two weeks before should have been gains. I feel my body has realigned itself so I should be seeing the losses/gains as deserved. I have been waiting for that silliness to catch up.

LOVING the positive attitude Mrs! Lovely to see! You'll be on the straight and narrow now and will see a fab loss next week.
A sexy man holding a LOT of meat...thought this would make many of you happy :-D xxx

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Ta jenna. It is quite nice. I feel quite a bit of pressure to do well at my group. It is intended to be supportive but it does make me feel pressured and I still want one big scoff-out but I'm not having it. Still got snarky jokes of having a halo despite the gain this week from the woman I mentioned before. There is nearly a stone difference between us now. Shattered and cold means I just want bread and chocolate... Argh! I have some ham and two hifi lights instead. Haha
That's the problem with Winter, it just makes you want to curl up with comfort food and ordering a chinese is so much easier than making something yourself but it will be worth it. Definitely a better plan with the hi fi and ham :)
I wish it was dinner time now, starting to feel hungry but then again I did have a tiny fruit salad for lunch (wasn't hungry at the time) so that's probably why. Have just had a handful of carrot sticks to tide me over-remember the days when you actually had to peel and chop carrots yourself. All I can say is all hail Tesco for their pre cut carrot sticks haha!

Ignore that absolute tit! You're doing great, don't let anyone else put pressure on you. God knows we all put enough pressure on ourselves and adding to it's only going to be detrimental to your mindset and weight loss.
Jenna88 said:
That's the problem with Winter, it just makes you want to curl up with comfort food and ordering a chinese is so much easier than making something yourself but it will be worth it. Definitely a better plan with the hi fi and ham :)
I wish it was dinner time now, starting to feel hungry but then again I did have a tiny fruit salad for lunch (wasn't hungry at the time) so that's probably why. Have just had a handful of carrot sticks to tide me over-remember the days when you actually had to peel and chop carrots yourself. All I can say is all hail Tesco for their pre cut carrot sticks haha!

Ignore that absolute tit! You're doing great, don't let anyone else put pressure on you. God knows we all put enough pressure on ourselves and adding to it's only going to be detrimental to your mindset and weight loss.

Well said Jenna, absolute ignorance is what it is, your a star fran, I'm doing my tea now, making spaghetti bolognese for all of us and then we are going to get ready and go out trick or treating with the kids, I'm excited to get the girls ready and dressed up!! X