oh clare sending big hugs your way. xx
christie hope you have a lovely day- sounds great!
mandy I hope you feel better soon!
welcome loolahoop!
jess that sounds like a good plan and a great night out!
hope I've not missed anyone!
just home from food shopping, relatively stress free but you always get a few people who seem to have never set foot in a supermarket and pick up and look at every item on the shelves! I'm in and out with a list and scan and pack as I go (fab new concept from tesco, LOVE IT!)
Had a lovely night out last night, we went to a local italian restaurant and it was divine! then onto a couple of pubs for a few wines then home to bed! was so nice and we had a really lovely time

head was a bit sore this morning though, I couldnt work out why till I totted up how many glasses of wine I had! oops!
Anyhow back on plan today, just had a lovely sw fry up for lunch and dinner is going to be pizza topped chicken from last months mag. Dne a meal plan for the week with a couple of mag recipes thrown in so looking forward to trying those!
Off round my mums in a bit for a coffee and a chat although a bit gutted that I've only just found out that Tom and Dougie from mcfly (my obsession!) are signing books in guildford today which is only about a half hour drive away, but as its wristbands and they were released at 7am I've no chance now *sob* I have met them before but still, would have brightened up my saturday nicely!