20 somethings

Ooh - and Fran - I'm not in the habit of playing housewife and getting dinner on the table for my man when I'm not eating! He was on his way back from the cinema and it was going to take 45mins to cook so I got it started for him! He's just earned it by suggesting I melt both my Babybel Original (HexA) in the Babybel melter he got me the other week and dip my Ryvita (HexB) in it - naughty but nice heaven!
Haha, bless him! I've had my heb and syns. Going to have Sunday, Monday and Tuesday syn free to see if I can shift anything this week. So disheartening that in a week and a half 100% I get a 2.5 gain (from previous stupidity). Humph. Dress arrived today that should be a Target dress so hopefully keep me focussed. When it fits and looks good I will be Target whatever the weight.
Well I'm pretty happy, have got major chocolate cravings, and was at one point asking OH to go to the shops and buy me a galaxy caramel - however he stayed strong bless him, so I'm sitting on around 7 syns for the day rather than going over by lots! Need to get a grip this week and try for an STS after last weeks tummy bug loss! Xxx

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I have however just allowed myself 2 m&s Jaffa cakes at 5 syns, yum!! Totally worth it!! Xxx

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Aww good girl and what a great OH.

Clare how's the knitting going?

Feeling any better mandy?

Hope to finish the back tomorrow then on to sleaves... I hate sleaves! Parents back on Monday too. Mum bought herself a tennis bracelet and I will so be begging to try it on! She's got the most amazing jewellery collection, but this is her only tennis bracelet. It is their last day in Barbados today so dad will be returning looking Indian. It is so funny, he is Italian/Ukrainian but born in England but when the sun comes out he looks Indian. Haha.
Yeah, he is good, think the fact that he couldn't be arsed to go to the shop also helped!! Haha!

Really need to give my head a shake mind girls, get back into the swing of things and stop with all the little extra treats here and there, fair enough if I have the syns, but the one or two here and there WILL make a difference xxx

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Throat feeling a little better, thanks Fran. Got a lot of fia's coat done. Have the button band, collar and sleeves left to do :)


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Knitting is eh...going? I'll stick a pic up lol!

Watched some crappy tv and tried not to snack too much. Picked up a swimsuit when I was out today so hopefully no mishaps tomorrow!

Thanks for all your posts this morning, really appreciate it. It's something I couldn't say to anyone 'in real life' so your support was amazing :)


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Looking good clare! How are you finding it? I always think knitting is one of those things you need to just do to understand. Explaining it just doesnt cut it!
I'm just in from a surprise evening out, only at bfs brother and gfs flat but was nice. Us girlys talked x factor and weddings as per and boys complained as per! Had a bit of wine...need to keep track of my syns!
Camz, definitely, do you do a food diary? It does help.

Mandy that coat is astonishingly beautiful. Fia is a very lucky little girl. I am glad you are improving :)

Clare that is fab. My early attempts had dropped and randomly created stitches all over the place! No joke. My mum thought i would never learn. As for the baby thing a girl I worked with has pcos and was on about fertility treatment with her bf when I left. I recently found out she was screwing my replacement (male) and it was all hush hush the manager was useless and didn't deal with it (i only worked with him for 4 weeks and he was fecking incompetent) and she was planning on having a termination but telling everyone she was pregnant and is still with the fella. I dunno what's going on now, it is difficult to get the gossip these days. It just got me really mad. She says she wants kids, plans for fertility treatment before her mid 20s and then she is pregnant, doesn't want it and flaunts it all at the same time. The girl who told me miscarried 3 years ago and my heart broke when she told me. She was surprised I remembered and how pissed off I was about the pregnant girl. So basically yes, all sorts can happen, people will piss you off and that is ok.

Oh, and just think, the eggy egg that will be your little boy or girl is ready made and waiting for her turn to pop out, she is just waiting for the right time :)
God fran, your lovely comments have made me cry twice today!

I love Agata (my ex-colleague) and I'm sure once I get over the initial feelings I WILL be thrilled for her but I hope she didn't pick up any weird vibes! I told her today I'm a wee bit jealous and she said well I know how babies are made so get on it and our babies can be friends hehe!
Ladies, this thread may have to change it's name to the knitting club haha. Have to say I am one of the 'don't get it crowd', I used to knit with my gran when I was little but now the idea of it has no appeal. I will admit however that you're all v impressive with your skills and creations!

You're currently reading the post of the luckiest girl on earth, by some miracle I managed to STS. Idk how, and Idk why but I am taking it and running. REALLY hoping I can lose a pound this coming week! Also, I've been offered a teaching post until Christmas which I've just accepted this morning. It starts on the 12th November, really excited about having some consistency for a while but the idea of it affecting my gym going has freaked me out. The school is about 30minutes away (not too bad) but I don't usually leave school until 5ish each day (when I have my own class....subbing on a day to day basis is v different) and then I usually still have work to do when I get home. Think I need to say goodbye to the early nights until Christmas! Beast mode is on!
Yeh that's the plan at the minute just to head straight from work. Hope I stick to it, not going to lie I do find the whole teaching thing quite stressful at times with the amount of bring home work and usually will just head home and start straight in to it without giving myself some me time so it may be good to actually have the gym to break things up :D

I should start knitting...don't want to be left out haha! You up to much today, Fran? You've probably said somewhere in the few pages that I missed last night but as I'm lazy I'm asking again :D