20 somethings

Well done on the STS Jenna! My odd scales are still showing just over 12st. I'm enjoying seeing the number but wish they would just tell me the truth haha
WI on Tuesday so will know then! I usually rely on my own scales for a fair idea of a loss or gain, so it's really annoying me.

Up early this morning instead of having a sleep in because I can't stop coughing. It's one of those coughs that make you retch at the end of it... taking some cough syrup so hoping it doesn't hang around too long.
Ha, sounds like the kids will be getting better marks! I am wondering if you are in fact a cat with all your naps :p in which case you'll just bat the ball of wool around instead of knitting. The image is making me chuckle.

No plans. Feed and check on the quails. We got snow last night! Thus might sound normal but we dont get snow down here. It has melted now though. Just a bit of slush on my balcony. Kitchen is cleaned but there was a leak last night (eep) so really glad parents are back tomorrow. My usual Sunday is laundry, vacuuming, cleaning etc. Boringsville I'm afraid. We'll walk to get the paper after doing the bird. So laundry, birds, paper, vacuum downstairs, Nate nap, more laundry, lunch, Nate up, clean Windows, more laundry, playtime, cook tea, Nate bath bottle and bed, then washing up and anything else that needs doing. Boring boring boring.

Mandy I hope your throat improves soon. Good luck for Tuesday. If it makes you feel better mine just keeps making me heavier. I'm starting to debate doing a fast forward for half a week. Mum has the stuff.
Hi everyone :) I do normally keep a food diary, handwritten, but think I will start one on here, maybe on my weight loss diary, as its more accessible during the day :)

Jenna I'm a teacher too, and find it really hard to make time for the gym, I leave the house at 7am, and usually get home between 5-6pm, I am going to do the same as you this half term and go 3 nights a week straight from work. You're right, it helps to have a bit of 'me time' in between being at work and working from home. What year group have you got? I am on a maternity cover at the min teaching nursery until Easter (I adore early years!) but had a mixed year 4/5 class for the full year last year, ks2 is hard going!!

Hope everyone is in good spirits today, am going to make a bacon and cheese omelette for my breakfast! Yum!!! Xxx

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Morning girls!

Jenna well done on the STS!! I had a giggle when you said I don't know how I don't know why but I'm going to take it and run hahaha!
Mandy hope that you feel better soon, those coughs where you wrech are the worst type!
Fran I love how you refer to Nate as stinky, too cute. I have a crochet DVD and was planning on learning about a year ago and it's still sat there, although would still love to learn, you're all inspiring me.
I'm excited as there's a big fireworks display tonight so taking the kids along before bed as they're back at school tomorrow, hooooray!! Hahah xx
Morning all!

Mandy, I hope your cough goes away soon, sounds awful.

Thinking about going swimming today. Probably during the football which is not like me but its the only time I can go today. Will see most of it if I leave now but I'm still in bed =\
Ladies I'm so pleased this morning! I bought a beautiful Karen Millen dress for my cousins wedding about 9 months ago, really liked it at the time but upon seeing the wedding pictures was mortified as to how fat my belly looked in it...anyway, am goingto OHs cousins mega posh wedding in 3 weeks, at a beautiful hotel and have just retried the dress on and I hate to say it but it looks pretty good, very flattering too!

I will upload a pic, it's not the best quality, but you can get the gist :) let me know what you all think? I'm also v bloated due to TOTM so hoping my tummy looks a little flatter on the day! Xxx

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camz said:
Ladies I'm so pleased this morning! I bought a beautiful Karen Millen dress for my cousins wedding about 9 months ago, really liked it at the time but upon seeing the wedding pictures was mortified as to how fat my belly looked in it...anyway, am goingto OHs cousins mega posh wedding in 3 weeks, at a beautiful hotel and have just retried the dress on and I hate to say it but it looks pretty good, very flattering too!

I will upload a pic, it's not the best quality, but you can get the gist :) let me know what you all think? I'm also v bloated due to TOTM so hoping my tummy looks a little flatter on the day! Xxx

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Camz you look gorgeous!! Slim jim!! You look a million dollars xxxx
And girls I need to ask just quickly, when I was doing my online food shop on Friday night I went to the meat free section just to have a gander and came across the Linda McCartney red onion and thyme sausages and remembered you girls mentioned them the other day so got some, was going to have them for tea tonight but just checking? Syns or free? X
Wow, Laura! Dress looks amazing! I've never even dared try anything on in Karen Millen - convinced I'll look like a sack of potatoes. You look fab!

Jenna - congratulations on both counts!

Mandy - The cough sounds terrible! Rest up xxx

Jess - A crochet DVD! Maybe that's what I need. I bought the Stitch n ***** crochet book because it was meant to be the simplest but I couldn't even get the hook set up correctly once! I might follow Clare's lead and take to YouTube.

I used to work as a Special Educational Needs Learning Support Assistant during the week and then as a Playworker from Fri after school over the weekend and school holidays. I lost heaps of weight (despite regular McDonalds for lunch at the playscheme!) because you just never stopped! Now I have a desk job I just have to make sure I have a constant supply of fruit and low cal squash there so I don't go off in search of anything synful!

I am a serial weigher and my scales were all over the place last week. I try to weigh myself in the morning to get a really nice weight and then in the evening because that's when my weigh in is and it gives me a good idea of what I'll be. My scales are consistently 1lb higher than the group scales so I can prepare myself! Last week they kept showing 11st 12, even in the morning - I was feeling pretty miserable about it. They've finally consistently shifted downwards so I'm hoping to keep it that way and get my 1 stone award!
First of all, I have to echo everyone else, you look AMAZING in that dress :D

Jenna I'm a teacher too, and find it really hard to make time for the gym, I leave the house at 7am, and usually get home between 5-6pm, I am going to do the same as you this half term and go 3 nights a week straight from work. You're right, it helps to have a bit of 'me time' in between being at work and working from home. What year group have you got? I am on a maternity cover at the min teaching nursery until Easter (I adore early years!) but had a mixed year 4/5 class for the full year last year, ks2 is hard going!!

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It's a P5 class which I'm actually really pleased about, I had P1 last year and the early years aren't really my thing...I prefer the middle of the school as they're still young enough to hang on every word you say but are at the point where they're capable of working independently. The class I'm getting I've met before and they're really nice, will just be a shock to the system having a class of my own again...even if only for a few weeks. The only thing I dislike about KS2...the marking, dear God does it ever end...in fairness I'd take the mountains of marking over the classroom management needed in an Early years setting haha!

We shall have to keep each other on track with the gym going...will be good to have someone else who struggles with finding the time to chat to :)
Laura you look wonderful. Gosh you slim things! And I love Karen millen. They have such droolsome clothes.

Yes Jess the red onion ones are syn free, can't remember if it is thyme or rosemary, I'm having them tonight so I shall let you all know if they are any good. Activia banoffee 0% snackpot was pretty rubbish. I won't bother getting one again.

Ahh mandy and I will get you all yarn obsessed, you'll be chatting aran in no time :p ... Just realised what a dweeb I am. Woe.

Loving the idea of burgers for breakfast! Haha, I get meat days too. Super looking forward to roast chicken tomorrow. Mmm. Though I have to get them from co-op. Much nicer chicken.

Clare, how is the swimming going? Are you enjoying it?

Realised I need to add clean out the quails to my list. Despite the snow they are happy enough :) its nearly all melted now, it is so mild out! Crazy weather. Nate walked all the way to the shop, splashed in his first puddles (so cute) and I popped him in the pram to come back. Chatting to a man (he had a pug, I LOVE pugs) and Nate took his shoes and socks off! I tried to stop him in the end I just pushed him home barefoot. The loon. Then he helped me vacuum by putting rubbish I handed him in the bin (he was being so good!) And he scoffed a pear, grapes and a mini roll for snacks. Now he stinks of coffee?!?

Feeling rather organised but debating slacking off cleaning windows...
Jenna88 said:
First of all, I have to echo everyone else, you look AMAZING in that dress :D

It's a P5 class which I'm actually really pleased about, I had P1 last year and the early years aren't really my thing...I prefer the middle of the school as they're still young enough to hang on every word you say but are at the point where they're capable of working independently. The class I'm getting I've met before and they're really nice, will just be a shock to the system having a class of my own again...even if only for a few weeks. The only thing I dislike about KS2...the marking, dear God does it ever end...in fairness I'd take the mountains of marking over the classroom management needed in an Early years setting haha!

We shall have to keep each other on track with the gym going...will be good to have someone else who struggles with finding the time to chat to :)

Thanks lovely :) and thanks to you all for your lovely comments, it really means a lot!

Jenna I know what you mean about the marking, it just takes FOREVER, I honestly don't think in the whole year of teaching ks2 I was ever totally on top of it all; as soon as I finished one pile there was another getting out of control!!

Lets definitely keep each other going on the gym front! I'm going to go tomorrow straight from work, even if I only manage half an hour of cardio and some weights I will be pleased, having tried on THE DRESS I would like to do some serious work on toning my arms and legs up a little more! Xxx

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Swimming done. Another 500m today. Could have pushed more but I've not had anything to eat yet and I'm not good with not eating and exercising lol. Plus I want to get home for the football :p

I'm not hating it, which is good. I have an infinitely more secure swimsuit as well which is always a bonus, if rather unattractive :p

Came to the local council pool today and it's - predictably - full of kids. I much prefer the £90 per month gym pool (joe pays £50 on a friends and family deal and I just use his guest passes!). Maybe it'll be quieter during the week though.
jenna- well done on the job and the sts! didnt i tell you it wouldnt be as bad as you think? :)

mandy- hope your cough is better soon, dose up and keep hydrated! x

Fran- nice to get a lie in, must admit though as its just me and OH for now (no childres to act as alarm clock) cos we both have to get up so early in the week, weekends i do sleep till i wake on my own. Usually its still bloody half 6 though! lol

tata- nothing wrong with a burger for breakfast, mixing it up a bit! haha

jess- dvd sounds good, i learnt using videos on you tube, theres a woman called beth who's a great teacher and does crochet along projects. worth a look for anyone wanting to learn- bethintx is her username. thick texan accent which took me a while to get past but when you do shes fab!

clare- i have zero motivation when it comes to exercise, always feel so much better once ive done it though- you know it makes sense! :)

I'm having a seriously lazy morning! only got out of bed at 10 and still in my pjs under a blanket on the sofa. trying to plan a hamper for my parents for christmas. any ideas of what i can put in?- i have a list but never done a hamper before, do you think this is enough/too much/just right?

bottle of Bacardi, bottle of wine, biscuits for cheese, selection of cheeses, toffee slab with a hammer, homemade smarties cookies, framed pic of the whole family from my bros wedding in september, cute wooden wall plaque saying "nanny & grandads house, where memories are made and grandchildren spoilt" (they became grandparents for the first time this year)

need to find a basket to put it all in, the ones ive found online will pretty much double the cost of the hamper though, will have a scout around charity shops unless anyone knows of a cheap online place that may sell one?
Franalamadingdong said:
Laura you look wonderful. Gosh you slim things! And I love Karen millen. They have such droolsome clothes.

Yes Jess the red onion ones are syn free, can't remember if it is thyme or rosemary, I'm having them tonight so I shall let you all know if they are any good. Activia banoffee 0% snackpot was pretty rubbish. I won't bother getting one again.

Ahh mandy and I will get you all yarn obsessed, you'll be chatting aran in no time :p ... Just realised what a dweeb I am. Woe.

Loving the idea of burgers for breakfast! Haha, I get meat days too. Super looking forward to roast chicken tomorrow. Mmm. Though I have to get them from co-op. Much nicer chicken.

Clare, how is the swimming going? Are you enjoying it?

Realised I need to add clean out the quails to my list. Despite the snow they are happy enough :) its nearly all melted now, it is so mild out! Crazy weather. Nate walked all the way to the shop, splashed in his first puddles (so cute) and I popped him in the pram to come back. Chatting to a man (he had a pug, I LOVE pugs) and Nate took his shoes and socks off! I tried to stop him in the end I just pushed him home barefoot. The loon. Then he helped me vacuum by putting rubbish I handed him in the bin (he was being so good!) And he scoffed a pear, grapes and a mini roll for snacks. Now he stinks of coffee?!?

Feeling rather organised but debating slacking off cleaning windows...

Just realised they are red onion and rosemary, silly me! What are you having with yours tonight? Do you what I love? And I haven't had in so long, I don't know the syn value, gnocchi! I'm a sucker for it, it's so good! My friend just text me to say she typed my name is on google to see if she could find a newspaper article and there is some horrendous photos on google images and loads of stories on there!!! My god!!!
ScarlettStar86 said:
jenna- well done on the job and the sts! didnt i tell you it wouldnt be as bad as you think? :)

mandy- hope your cough is better soon, dose up and keep hydrated! x

Fran- nice to get a lie in, must admit though as its just me and OH for now (no childres to act as alarm clock) cos we both have to get up so early in the week, weekends i do sleep till i wake on my own. Usually its still bloody half 6 though! lol

tata- nothing wrong with a burger for breakfast, mixing it up a bit! haha

jess- dvd sounds good, i learnt using videos on you tube, theres a woman called beth who's a great teacher and does crochet along projects. worth a look for anyone wanting to learn- bethintx is her username. thick texan accent which took me a while to get past but when you do shes fab!

clare- i have zero motivation when it comes to exercise, always feel so much better once ive done it though- you know it makes sense! :)

I'm having a seriously lazy morning! only got out of bed at 10 and still in my pjs under a blanket on the sofa. trying to plan a hamper for my parents for christmas. any ideas of what i can put in?- i have a list but never done a hamper before, do you think this is enough/too much/just right?

bottle of Bacardi, bottle of wine, biscuits for cheese, selection of cheeses, toffee slab with a hammer, homemade smarties cookies, framed pic of the whole family from my bros wedding in september, cute wooden wall plaque saying "nanny & grandads house, where memories are made and grandchildren spoilt" (they became grandparents for the first time this year)

need to find a basket to put it all in, the ones ive found online will pretty much double the cost of the hamper though, will have a scout around charity shops unless anyone knows of a cheap online place that may sell one?

Il definitely look on YouTube for her cos it's something I really want to learn, I have memories of my mum when I was young sitting crocheting blankets for me and my older brother and I slept with it every night, I want to do the same for my girls!
As for the hamper, what you have got so far sounds amazing, last year me and a friend opened a page on fb called made with love and we were doing nappy cakes, wall hangings, Christmas decorations, bracelets and hampers all made for customers and we actually did really well but don't think we are doing it this year. My friend did all the hampers, they basically just told us the budget and who it was for and left it for us, I did one hamper that was for a bloke and it was the most stressful thing I've ever done lol, men are so hard, I basically filled it with chocolates, smellies, slippers, Christmas socks, gadgets. An we used bread baskets, you can get cheap off eBay aswell. We got giftwrap and a bow off eBay too for cheap to wrap it, was really good x