Hello! I'm not even going to attempt to catch up on all the posts I've missed, cos I'd be here all day reading lol
Sorry I've not been on, but I've been totally run off my feet the past week. Exciting stuff is happening!
Tiffany got an audition date for Britain's Got Talent, and I've been here, there and everywhere trying to sort passports out. Mine was expired and the kids had none. So it involved going to the Commissioner for Oaths to get afadavits signed and everything, then I had to go to the passport office to sort it all out as I didn't have time to do it by mail.
So, now it's all sorted, passports to be collected next Friday, tickets bought, accomodation sorted out. She was even at a fashion shoot Thursday evening. A local boutique was running a fashion show and invited her down to have her make-up and hair done and her pictures taken for the paper. She's got nearly 1.5k views on her video on youtube, and things are starting to happen. This is literally the first time I've had a chance to sit down and do nothing, and I'm still trying to catch up on cleaning.
I did spend last week off-plan, as I was too strapped for time to make and bring food with me, and I missed my WI..but I'm back on plan since Tuesday so hoping for a STS next week.
How are we all doing?