20 somethings

Hi everybody, on the way to Cardiff on the train, standing while my friend have all got seats, hope this is not a sign of what's to come!

Nt overly looking forward to it, just can't psych myself up, couldn't get out of it though I kinda wanted to. Oh well shouldn't complain about this kinda thing!
Jess, yay on the extra £200! The ad looks great. Mum wanted to have a look too, and then I showed her your before and after photo and wants me to pass on her congratulations and a huge well done. :)

Hope everyone is having a lovely evening. I have wrapped up my brother and his girlfriend's presents for Christmas this evening so my parents can take them up with them tomorrow. 2 gifts completely done. Hurrah.

I did a serial weigh and wished I hadn't. It is saying 15st11lbs and that can't be. Right! Far too low so now I'm puzzled. Sticking to syn free weekend and doing green tomorrow and Monday. But Eeii. Aunt flo arrived today so byebye star week bloating. Yay.
Hey lovelies. We decided to surprise the OH's parents and go down to stay this weekend. I've taken a big bag of fruit, Mullerlights and grab-and-go healthy extras so hopefully I can stay on track... Big day at Bluewater tomorrow Christmas shopping with half the world probably!

Jess - how fab! I'd have to keep pinching myself to make sure it was really happening! You've done so we'll - you're such an inspiration!
I was lucky I had stuff in! I'm smarting a bit after using more than a day's syns on a blooming sandwich so I don't want to get too carried away this weekend. I really want my Club 10 sticker on Wednesday!
Haha I will keep a lookout!

I actually weighed the same this evening as I did this morning, which was positive! I can't serial weigh this weekend though as the 'inlaws' don't have bathroom scales. Might do me some good...

Tucked up in bed now with a cold nose and cold toes. Night night everyone! xx
Hello! I'm not even going to attempt to catch up on all the posts I've missed, cos I'd be here all day reading lol

Sorry I've not been on, but I've been totally run off my feet the past week. Exciting stuff is happening!

Tiffany got an audition date for Britain's Got Talent, and I've been here, there and everywhere trying to sort passports out. Mine was expired and the kids had none. So it involved going to the Commissioner for Oaths to get afadavits signed and everything, then I had to go to the passport office to sort it all out as I didn't have time to do it by mail.

So, now it's all sorted, passports to be collected next Friday, tickets bought, accomodation sorted out. She was even at a fashion shoot Thursday evening. A local boutique was running a fashion show and invited her down to have her make-up and hair done and her pictures taken for the paper. She's got nearly 1.5k views on her video on youtube, and things are starting to happen. This is literally the first time I've had a chance to sit down and do nothing, and I'm still trying to catch up on cleaning.

I did spend last week off-plan, as I was too strapped for time to make and bring food with me, and I missed my WI..but I'm back on plan since Tuesday so hoping for a STS next week.

How are we all doing?
Forgot to say I cut my hair off!

Aww that sounds great Mandy! Are you able to link to your daughters YT video? Dont worry if you dont wanna give it out! :)
Morning all! x
Oh wow she's great! You must be so proud :D best of luck to her x
Yay pleased you're back Mandy and that you've been away for exciting reasons! Just watched tiffanys video- what a little star! I love Britains got talent so can't wait to see how she does! When and where is her audition? Xx
Audition is on 25th November, in the ExCel, which my cousin living in London tells me is the O2. She's sick at the moment with a cold, cough and sore throat...hope it's gone by next week. My flu is coming back again too. Ugh.