Ladies...I need a good talking to; I've lost the bloody plot!! Since Thursday I've had chips and sausage from the chippy, numerous BICCYS, a slice of tiger bread with proper lurpac, half a takeaway curry and some rice...and sausages crumpets and a chocolate muffin this morning!!!
I don't know what's wrong with me, I REALLY don't want to gain back what I've lost, and I don't want to start eating rubbish again, I've just been like a woman possessed!! I think I'm going to get ready to go spend a few hours in the gym and the pool, to try and eat myself going in the right direction again! I am a fool!! I've been on the diet for 3 months and never had a gain and now I feel like I'm chucking it all away like an idiot!!
I've been full of cold and stressed with work, but it's just no excuse! I need some help?? Anyone think there's any way I can manage an STS by weds night!!? Xxxx
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