20 somethings

Some bosses eh!!

Seeing how you started your job on temp and it turned in to what it did has made me feel a bit more positive about taking on a temp role if I find something suitable. I have an interview tomorrow for a job that is well paid but is only on a 3 month contract initially and my main worries are that I will be in the same position as now in January or miss out on a permanent job as I can't get to the interview if I am offered this.

Have you been knitting for a long time? I lost 4.5lbs in my first WI and treated myself to some new wool so that has been keeping me busy. The thought of that christmas stocking for you son just made my heart melt as it's so sweet :)

1/2 a lb isn't the end of the world and you'll get that off and some more next week and knowing where it is from is helpful but you've done so well so far that this one week won't have any impact on you long term
I was desperate. A friend worked there and mentioned there was a few hours going. I agreed to all and any overtime going and just got on with it. I was gooing to be trained as assistant manager when the current one was off training to be a manager, but the manager got fired. I got 2 days experience then was given the site and told to sink or swim because the assistant manager had to go on the manager course. So it is worth asking your friends to keep an ear out for any roles coming up.

Mum taught me to knit when I was a child but I only learnt how to follow a pattern when i was pregnant (my son is nearly 18 months). I should put up a picture of his stocking. I knitted a "noel" too, backef with red felt. What kind of wool did you get?

I'm fine with the gain, weightloss isn't made or broken in a week. It is only my 3rd gain in 35 weeks.and each time it has been water weight and come off the next week (1.5lbs and half a lb twice). It was crazy, I gain and a new member comes up to me to tell me she is inspired by me and she wants to lose 5 stone and hearing/seeing me she knows she can do it. It was crazy. Sweet but crazy. She asked if I felt better. Honestly I feel no different (a bit more skint) than before other than a rotten cold. Sadly people do treat me differently though. Fewer stares and more welcomed into clothes shops, people don't feel the need to give me as wider berth (in case they catch fat or a spare tyre swings and knocks them out!)
StarGir1 said:
What a C word!!!! Surely they should see your temp work as a positive, all of the extra skills and experiences you have had as you're still young so where else are you meant to get the skills needed for the real working world.

And if he had an issue with your degrees he should have given you a constructive suggestion of how they could be on your CV if it bothers him so much rather than be negative. This is the exact reason I wish all companies dealt with their own recruitment, agencies really annoy me as they talk the talk but in the end they are full of rubbish.

I am sorry this is just a moan but I have never had so many bad experiences as I have had with recruitment agencies.

Good luck with your search Clare, please don't let one idiot knock your confidence too much or let it get you down as they're really not worth it x

My problem is that I'm 22, of COURSE I've had a lot of short jobs but all were in a call centre except two - one I've been made redundant from and the other I'm still at (19 months!) so I don't really see any of them as career jobs.

I'm just angry that we organised a meeting, he was late, totally not constructive and then I was late back to work meaning I have to stay till 6pm! He said he'd put me forward for the job but I'm not exactly holding my breath!
Franalamadingdong said:
He is such a knob. Was it standard size or the big one? Standard isn't too bad at all (i think about 11 syns) just watch what other syns you have and you are A-ok

Just a regular one. It was yummy - I figured it's kinda less chocolate than a normal bar 'cause it's half air? Haha!
Lol, I like to think like that too. I have got a frys Turkish delight for treat tonight 9 syns (only just) and 1 syn for cornflour in the pork and autumn veg pie. Still got my a and left to use too! Some full on planning/shopping tonight! Roast chicken tomorrow, risotto the next day maybe, or chicken biryani, or the provincial chicken, depends what I can sway people with. Beef on Sunday. Beef burgers one day (got mince in the freezer). I just need to curb my sw chip addiction! Any favourite meals (breakfast, lunch or dinner) anyone fancies suggesting? I eat anything except cream, gravy, or offal.
So sorry to hear about that Clairee. I've been job hunting since May (before in fact because I was looking while in my last job) and had so many meetings with recruiters that have been so so mixed. You have to remember they're like estate agents or car salesmen - they're really aggressive sales people, they just sell people to businesses.Unfortunately you have to take everything they say with a very very big pinch of salt. There are a few good ones (some of my best friends are recruiters) but an awful lot of them are fakes and charlatans. I had to deal with them from the other side in my last job and it was exactly the same, they lie and trick to get information and time with people and are generally worth being very wary about!
Can't decide whether to have beef fried rice (homemade of course) or with noodles instead. Swaying towards the noodles cause I want to heat it for lunch tomorrow too.
Stargirl, you are very kind, but I'm actually feeling good about this week. I need a 3.5lb loss this week though, to stay on track for my Xmas target of weighing 12st... scary, but if I put in a really, really good week, I might pull it off.

Tummy isn't feeling great still, so not eaten all that much today. Food today looked like this...

Breakfast -- apple and cuppa
Lunch -- mugshot and apple
Snack -- 1 fish finger fried in oil (just to use up some syns)
Dinner -- a bowl of minced beef hash

I'll probably have a Hi-fi bar as a b choice later with a cuppa using the rest of my a choice milk and I think I have a 2-finger kitkat in the fridge. I find I have to use at least 10 syns per day to get a good loss, so I'm kind of desperate today. How many syns would have been in the fish finger?

As far as work is concerned, I haven't worked in ages. Partly because of the recession and no jobs being available in my field and partly because I wanted to stay home with my youngest until she had started playschool. I used to be an I.T. Facilitator, which is a posh term for a computer tutor lol, and I worked in a newspaper office as reception/stand-in-writer too.
My SIL is a recruitment agent, and she's even filled my OH with bull to get him on a job. At the end of the day, it's their job to fill positions, and they'll do it by whatever means they can... and if they don't there'll always be someone else who will. I would hate to work in that area. I'm way too honest lol
hope you feel better soon mandy, and hopefully you will be alright to eat properly tomorrow x

ive used an agency 3 times, 1st i was in the job for 1 month before it was over, 2nd i was there for one week and then they never called me back, they didnt even pay me! and the 3rd was useless they had a bus to take us to this factory in the middle of no where, there was loads of people there who didnt even talk any english so didnt have a clue where to go or what to do so i called a taxi home, never again after that lol
Star i bought 2 packs of ww sausages today at asda lol 50p a meal i can probably live with that, im also thinking of joining a gym, i kno we cant really afford it but i think it will benefit us, we got a new fitforfree gym opening in october and its only 9.95 a month each so me and OH can go for the price it would normally cost one person so i think its definately worth it, what do you think?
Forgot to say I had 3 off this week! So happy! Just got in an done some exercise (more callanetics!) and I am going to give myself a little weigh in treat of an extra A and B choice and 5 extra syns. Woo!
well done hatwell xx
I haven't tried the Lidl nappies fran, but you're right about huggies, they're awful. We mostly use pampers, but my
Grandparents bought us a load of tesco ones and they're great too, so we may go on to them
Once we get through the stockpile of pampers we have at the moment. So weird that you lot want to do crocheting, I started trying it not yesterday but the day before. I really want jack to have something I've made
Him myself. I've mastered the basic stitch, but somehow I've made a hat...?! I wanted a blanket, but I made a circle and then decided to just keep going round and round it and it's moulded it into a hat lol! Think it would be too small for him, maybe I can make it a tea cosey? Or maybe I can make it a big round ball, stuff it and make it into some kind of stuffed toy! No idea, just going to keep on going with it and see what inspiration strikes lol! I'll post a picture of it tomorrow when I'm
On my laptop :) xx
Morning all!

I'm writing from my iPhone so tricky to reply to all the chat yesterday, had a busy day shopping & I've spotted my first river island purchase incentive :D

Weighed myself this morning & lost 5lbs so far since Monday! I'm hoping to not gain over the weekend as I usually have a naughty day! Not massively naughty scoffing my face but relaxed?

Sammy - Ava was a whopping 9lbs when she was born & is a right guzzle guts! She does have acid reflux though & is on the SMA comfort which is really thick & maybe a bit more calorific than normal?? The HV said she should actually be gaining more than she is but as she's gaining they're aren't massively worried about her reflux - it's bloody horrible though! She gets upset & we both get covered in sick :(

I hate huggies too!! So dry & horrible, luckily we had only been bought a little pack of them so got rid pretty quick but I like pampers, stock piled all 3 sizes with vouchers before she was born so got loads! No lidl near me to try theirs but apparently aldi's are good too? & Asda I've been told.

Good luck on the job hunt Claire, I've never had much luck with recruitment agencies. One of them could only manage me a job which lasted a day! And another one of them found me a job after waiting for about 2 years?! Rubbish!

Lots to do again today - dr's, town. cleaning, grandparents to visit! so will try to pop on later

Have a good day ladies xxx
Lol Sammy, you have done better than me! I managed a drawstring, which is just a chain, but that is what I needed to make so that's ok. I have a book but I get confused. There's a lady at flab club that knits but she can and sometimes does crochet so i might ask her to help me if I can get my parents to watch Nate while I'm at flab club, I now spend the whole time chasing him and taking him outside as he throws a tantrum, which sucks.

Rachel, I haven't got an Asda or aldi near me so I haven't tried there's. I use lidl during the day and nap time and pampers at bed time because he is a wriggler. Sounds like you are having a fab week weightloss wise! I hope I have a better week this week. Off to topsham today. Nate woke up full of beans. He woke up a lot in the night too though. Rotten cold+teething (one's just broken through the gum) + development stage jump = not much sleep. He is on the verge of talking, he has lots of words already. The newest one yesterday was "cuddle" Aww
Franalamadingdong said:
Lol Sammy, you have done better than me! I managed a drawstring, which is just a chain, but that is what I needed to make so that's ok. I have a book but I get confused. There's a lady at flab club that knits but she can and sometimes does crochet so i might ask her to help me if I can get my parents to watch Nate while I'm at flab club, I now spend the whole time chasing him and taking him outside as he throws a tantrum, which sucks.

Rachel, I haven't got an Asda or aldi near me so I haven't tried there's. I use lidl during the day and nap time and pampers at bed time because he is a wriggler. Sounds like you are having a fab week weightloss wise! I hope I have a better week this week. Off to topsham today. Nate woke up full of beans. He woke up a lot in the night too though. Rotten cold+teething (one's just broken through the gum) + development stage jump = not much sleep. He is on the verge of talking, he has lots of words already. The newest one yesterday was "cuddle" Aww

Aww bless, he'll be talking before you know it! How much are the Lidl nappies? We definitely need pampers at night as since he started rolling over he's all over the place in his cot. He started sitting up 2 weeks ago (only for about 5 minutes at the longest before he topples over) so he's been going through a lot of development recently. I'm going to be starting to wean him soon, not 100% sure he's ready, but ben wants to try him with some carrot or something so we're going to try him with a bit at the weekend. We'll see how he goes with it, I'm sure he'll let us know if it's what he wants or not. My nan owns a shop that sells all sewing/knitting/crocheting supplies etc so she sent me a leaflet on how to crochet and a crochet hook, but the leaflet is hard to follow so I think I'll have a look online at some videos on YouTube as I learn better by watching someone do and having a go myself rather than following instructions. Xx
Msmidges said:
Morning all!

I'm writing from my iPhone so tricky to reply to all the chat yesterday, had a busy day shopping & I've spotted my first river island purchase incentive :D

Weighed myself this morning & lost 5lbs so far since Monday! I'm hoping to not gain over the weekend as I usually have a naughty day! Not massively naughty scoffing my face but relaxed?

Sammy - Ava was a whopping 9lbs when she was born & is a right guzzle guts! She does have acid reflux though & is on the SMA comfort which is really thick & maybe a bit more calorific than normal?? The HV said she should actually be gaining more than she is but as she's gaining they're aren't massively worried about her reflux - it's bloody horrible though! She gets upset & we both get covered in sick :(

I hate huggies too!! So dry & horrible, luckily we had only been bought a little pack of them so got rid pretty quick but I like pampers, stock piled all 3 sizes with vouchers before she was born so got loads! No lidl near me to try theirs but apparently aldi's are good too? & Asda I've been told.

Good luck on the job hunt Claire, I've never had much luck with recruitment agencies. One of them could only manage me a job which lasted a day! And another one of them found me a job after waiting for about 2 years?! Rubbish!

Lots to do again today - dr's, town. cleaning, grandparents to visit! so will try to pop on later

Have a good day ladies xxx

Wow, 3lbs gain is still amazing, even if she's on formula! When you originally wrote it I thought youd made a mistake and meant 3oz! I breastfeed jack so he doesn't gain as quickly as formula fed babies, but the health visitor says he's a chunk and he's gaining consistently so it's all fine. Poor baby having reflux :( it can be so painful for them can't it? I hope she grows out of it soon. Xx