Fran - I think for most of us it's a case of do what you can to make ends meet but it's really good to see how it worked out for you but I bet you were pretty stressed at the time. My friends that work (most are on mat leave at the moment as they're all having babies!) are keeping an eye out for me but there really is very little work going on a the moment so I will keep my fingers crossed for something but if I don't get anything I will love the fact I won't have to work christmas

I had an interview booked for today for a temp job but it's been moved to next week on Monday so I hope that works out for me, it's only 3 months but three months salary is better than none.
It doesn't even suprise me that people treat you differently. Some people are just closed minded and it's sad really.
I would love to see a picture of Nates christmas stocking and also of Jacks hat from Sammy. I only really know how to do two stitches but I found youtube to be really helpful especially when it came to casting off as it took me a while to remember how to do that! I don't really know what type of wool I use but it's just the standard size/weight and I got it in a few different colours so . I want to make some christmas decorations but I still find a pattern confusing
Oh Clare - hope you enjoyed the Aero. I love mint ones yum yum yum but I have tried to avoid them as if I have one I want more. Galaxy ripples are quite low syn too and very chocolatey, the mini bars are either 4 or 4.5 syns and really hit the spot.
I hope you have some luck on the job hunt, things pop up in the strangest of places when you least expect it so don't lose heart. Most places will understand that at 22 there is only a limited amount of work you could have done anyway x
Glad you're feeling ok Mandy, you really have done well so far so I am sure you'll hit your target by christmas as you know what to do to get those losses.
I was made redundant in April so know how things are tough in the job market but I want to get a job so in a couple of years time I can get maternity leave and I would love to be a stay at home mum. I want to be able to enjoy the time with my children especially when they are young so if financially I can do this I will.
I think a few of you have summed up recruitment agents perfectly, there are some really good one and some not so good but they are really just sales people and if you think of them in that way and take most of what they say with a pinch of salt then it's not too bad. Still if you can deal directly with the employer it's better
Congratulations on your loss Hatwell
Ch - hope you enjoy the sausages, I liked them more than the sainsburys ones. You still can't beat a 'real' sausage but these are a good substitute and for 1/2 a syn too. I think that is a great price for the gym, if you can use all the facilities whenever you like then that is a great price. I have had to cancel my gym membership as that was the only thing I could cancel to save money so from the end of September I will miss it but needs must and I pay £32 a month (full gym, loads of classes, pool and spa) and that is my half of the electricity bill or a weeks food or a tank of fuel etc so I wish there was one of those gyms near me.
Msmidges - doing well so far this week, hope it shows come WI
Sorry if I missed anyone or anything. WI tonight for me so keeping my fingers cross for a loss of any kind, would love to get my stone but will see. I did have pizza hut last friday and pie and mash on tuesday so I haven't really stuck as I should have done so whatever happens happens.