2013 the year to lose 100lbs+, 19lbs gone exactly 100lbs to go :D

Oh Hun you can do this, and you must never give up! I'm the same with the tidying, I'm sure being big makes you knackered! Your OH does need to support you in this or it's going to be so hard, until then stay in charge of those coffees!!! X
Oh wow, that is challenging, until recently I had a very similar OH (we broke up) he didnt like change and didnt deal with it very well. He generally got used to it after a while, heres hoping your OH does too cos you dont need temptation constantly thrown at you lol

but well done hun! You did so well resisting, you want to read about my biscuit saga last night :( oh dear haha lol

Your doing amazing! X
Oh well done for not caving in - anger is one of my biggest issues when it comes to eating, I do it out of spite (even though I am hurting no-one but myself) then it makes me feel worse.

My OH doesn't know I go to Slimming world meetings, but I have told him I'm watching my weight. He is OK with it, but CONTINUOUSLY offers me biscuits, chocolate, cake, takeaways...eugh. Thankfully I'm vegan and he's not so a lot of the crap he buys in I can't touch anyway but he's had a packet of ginger biscuits which I can eat, and keeps leaving them lying about. He's been told by the doctor to look at his diet and exercise, but since then if anything he eats even more rubbish. I get so annoyed sometimes, but what can you do? If people won't see eye to eye, then you can't let that get your back up, as you can't win. I haven't told anyone I'm on SW and no one has noticed my weight loss yet - I am waiting for that time when people finally start noticing!

Keep going at it - you can do it - you've proved it by not caving in to the biscuits and rubbish food :)
Thanks girls Im proud of myself for staying strong :)

Today has been a good day I woke full of energy and ready to tackle what the day had to throw at me. I completely blitzed my front room, dining room and made a good start on the kitchen until i messed it up cooking tonight lol but i have managed to get it looking in some sort of order till tomorrow when i'll give it a mop etc :)

Food wise I havehad a shake for lunch, 3 water crackers, for tea i made the hairy bikers lasagne which was yummy and have just had a muller light with 1 small digestive biscuit crumbled in it, i was feeling the need to munch and this seems to have done the trick without having to eat the whole packet with a cup of coffee which i would normally :D also done really well on the water front today am on my 4th bottle and have had countless trips to the loo so extra help with excercise lmao only had 4 cups of coffee with only 1 sugar in each so going really well.

Have made plans to visit my friend at the weekend thought i would get to her now at the start of my journey and get post xmas drinks out of the way early so not to do to much damage later on in the year and by which time hopefully the next time we meet up i will have lost abit and she will notice and not get on at me to eat lol bless her i have timed it so that we wont get to her till after lunch on saturday meaning only saturday night and sunday lunch to stress over. Im guessing saturday night will just be munches as we will be having a drink or to so thats easy to avoid and then sunday its just brunch/lunch to watch out for. Drinks wise i'll be on vodka and diet coke and will be taking it easy I may have a cheeky weigh in saturday before we go so hopefully whatever figure the scales say will spur me on to be extra good unless the scales are nasty in which case i'll be having a very good drink saturday lmao.

So heres to another good day roll on tomorrow and as much energy as i had today so i can get the rest of the house sorted out for the weekend.

mybodyismycage Im heading over to check your diary out and see what damage was done with the biscuits lol bless ya

Keep up the great work and thanks for all your support its great having people that truly understand :) x
Hi madmuppet

Your weekend sounds like fun! Its good to catch up with friends and sounds like you have a plan to stay on mostly on track whilst still enjoying yourself with friends.
I am quite lucky in that my OH doesn't offer me tempting foods although he does still but them so I just have to stay stong on the will power front! I am using the hairy bikers cook book too, the food I've tried has been lovely. Looking firward to following your progress.

Well done for staying strong. Have you thought about talking to him about it? It's good to have the support from your oh it makes it a little bit easier.
weeee what a good day! you can come blitz my house if you want ;) it needs doing! haha

Good plan for the weekend too, I have a similar one coming up on the 19th and I think Im going to go for the same plan of action!

have you asked your OH if he wants to do it with you? or at least eat healthier? You could say you could get slinky and sexy together :p

did you use leeks for the lasagne sheets? I saw it on tv, looked so good but I dont really like leeks but if you cant really tell Id probably eat it. Should just give it a try :p

Well done you do staying strong, I had issues with my oh at first, he soon leant to deal with it, probably cos I have little patience with him haha xxxx
All I'll say is if you give up I guarantee you'll get bigger! this change has to be for life, forever! If you take the ups with the downs, take each meal as it comes you will beat the diet war! So what if you cheat you can't then expect to lose a lot or anything but the next meal not the next day is key. Make the next meal count too many peeps say " oh I've had this today I might as well eat what I want"!! Think like that guess what welcome to weight gain. So have yr piece of cake and stop the cheat there tell yourself it's ok the next thing that goes in your mouth will be a perfect choice. Happy 2013 diets peeps and gd luk to us all !! Xx
Hi girls

Day 5 and still going strong altough this morning it took me a while to get motivated and i nearly caved a few times, kept wondering from room to room then back to the sofa over and over again all i wanted to do was munch i think not only am i a emotional eater but a frustrated one lol when ever i cant get my head in to gear it is so easy just to sit and eat which i know is bad so have overcome that hurdle for today anyway. Had a shake for breakfast, 2 coffees and am on my 3rd bottle of water going to have tuna salad tonight as heard from my friend we are going to have chinese tomorrow I'm panicking already so if anyone knows the best thing to order please let me know lol.

Laura, yes the lasagne had the leeks for sheets it was lovely but i think i could have done with simmering them abit longer but over all yummy and felt nice to eat something i love knowing it was actually good for me :D

With regards to my OH its a very long complicated story to explain so i will give you all the basics and perhaps at some other point no doubt will share more about him.
We have been together 14.5 yrs and married for nearly 10 of these, OH can be really supportive and has been in the past, I have always said that i need to do something about my weight and he has been behind me 100% and yes at times said he would do it with me as he could do with losing weight as well but thats the thing if he is doing it with me after the first few days he gives up and then because he has given up he trys to make me to not actively telling me but making it as hard as he can for me. He suffers depression and at the moment its got really bad again i could tell you all more but right now im struggling to deal with it all and writing all my feelings and thoughts on the subject down will just result in me being in tears and frustrated at not being able to help so for now lets just leave that at that, due to this he gets really moody and i think its a case of im happy due to being good and finally doing it for myself that he sorts of trys to get me to eat rubbish to make him feel better if that makes sense if i asked him straight out he would generally answer no and tell me not to be so stupid but honestly after so long i know when he's to far in his head to not see how he is being and no about of pointing things out to him like for example the custard and biscuits the other night would just end up with him getting angry at me and then he would deny all knowledge of it so therefore leading me into feeling rather rubbish so for now Im doing this for me with or with out his help or understanding.

Dont get me wrong he's a great man/dad and would do anything for anyone but right now he needs to sort himself out and I just need to carry on the best i can and hope that things will work out alright. For now I'm giving myself that little bit more focus as i need to, i cant weigh this much for the rest of my life i need to get a grip on it and learn that i need to give myself some time and love not just those around me.

Mmmm think i may have rambled abit there sorry lol back to it Ive sorted out my kitchen and bathroom today so downstairs is sparkling just the bedrooms to do but this is next weeks task as I'll be heading to my friends tomorrow morning I cant wait :D Hope everyone is having a good day keep it up xx
Well done for trying to untangle your eating from his and trying to do a little bit for yourself. From experience I know how easy it is when your partner is depressed to get sucked in as well - I felt bad being happy while he was so sad, but me getting dragged down and being sad too makes it worse!

Smile's can be so hard at times but as selfish as it sounds I spent most of last year tip toeing around him doing everything to please him and even then not everything was right that this year is for me, this doesnt mean that i'm just dropping my OH lol i will wtill be doing everything i can to help him but I'm helping myself aswell and everytime he does something that would normally bring me down i'm going to use that as fuel to carry be forwards instead of stopping me in my tracks :)

So last night for tea i couldnt decide what to have this posed problems i was cold and didnt want salad but just couldnt sort out anything healthy was umming and arghing so thought i would have some cous cous this was fine until i was reading the packet needless to say after a few mouthfuls i put the rest in the bin :D and then made 2 slices of toast with alittle scrapping of chocolate spread no butter.
Later on though i had a puff pastry mince pie not a small one either :/ it wasnt really that nice but all day had been wanting something and before i would have eaten more then 1 so a improvment non the less.

I was in the kitchen making a cuppa last night and OH was standing there asking me if i thought he had put on weight over christmas, i had a good look at him and said honestly yep i think you have so with that he asked if i could get the wii fit sorted so he could weigh himself. Now just before xmas (18th) he was weighed at the docs and was 16st 3lbs well last night the wii told him 16st 11lbs ekk he wasnt pleased and has said he's going to try and lose weight aswell this could get intresting as most days at work he eats utter crap!! but more hairy bikers cooking for the whole family cant hurt.

Today got of to a horrible start :( for the last few days I've had a sore neck in the mornings and put it down to replacing my memory foam pillow well this morning im in bed and turn and felt a ping and then agony which woke me up this was at 5, i tried to ease it but it was no use i sat in bed crying it hurt that bad, eventually managed to get up and took some strong pain killers and anti-imflamatries and now a few hours later i can actually move my left shoulder without it hurting to much but my neck is still really sore and if i move quick brings tears to my eyes not great when i need to drive 3 hrs to my friends later on and is actually looking like OH will have to drive my car (something which i really dont like lol) but if thats what it takes to get there then so be it.

I had a sneaky weigh in to so that i can be extra good whilst at friends and i have lost wait for it 7lbs :D omg im so pleased now all i need to do is keep that figure for mondays weigh in! it was just what i needed to cheer me up and spur me on :D

Well thats all from me today I'm off to somehow try and straighten my hair have a feeling this may be a losing battle and will have to go looking like a walking frizz ease ad lmao (at less i can laugh) amd sort the kids out before packing the car and heading out.

Hope everyone has a great weekend x
Woohoo great loss hun! And good news about hubby trying it will take the pressure off and it will make him feel better if he eat some weight off so I reckon you inspired him well done :)

Be careful drinking if your taking strong painkillers him but enjoy your weekend away :)

Also I'm presuming you threw away the couscous because of calories but the toast and choc spread was probably not that different you know but will give you more sugar cravings e.g the mince pie incident! I'm really trying to cut out sugar and stick with whole foods and it's definitely helping the cravings and in turn a binge is impossible because you just don't fancy the chocolate :)

X x x
Congrats on the 7lbs madmuppet! such a great start. Maybe on monday you can draw a line under some dodgy cous cous and chinese and start a fresh, thats my plan!

We can do this!

Also totally feel your pain with dealing with your OH depression, I myself have suffered for 10 years with lots of ups and downs and I know how truly selfish a disease it is and the massive, sometimes detrimental, impact it has had on my close friends and family. Im just so grateful to those who have stuck around. Im sure your OH feels the same about you, but he is a man, so he cant actually tell you that :p

big hugs XXX
Seconded the post above - I had depression for a year or so (managed to find the right drugs quick!! thank **** for that!) and it swallows your world. I usually comfort eat but I lost my appetite completley and lost many stones, it can change you and rip your ideas and world apart. Your OH is very, very lucky to have someone so wonderful and supportive right by his side when he needs it. It must be hard living with someone with depression, I hated myself when I had it and lost a few friends along the way.

Never, ever forget who you are though - and remember that 'charity begins at home', so you need to look after yourself, even if it means risking upsetting OH every now and then, as if you don't look after yourself you will run out of energy for him too :) You carry on making strong choices, this journey ain't easy for me and I have an uncomplicated life so it will be harder for you love, but you are doing so so well :) Be proud! I hope OH soon begins to see the light and come around, maybe when he is feeling a bit more settled and comfortable within his own mind he will come round to the idea of joining you on your weight loss journey...especially when he sees the pounds moving like they already are :) x
Totally agree Mandlegrot!

You cant love anyone else until you love yourself!

It is so important that you continue to give yourself the time of day so you can continue to support your OH. Youve done an amazing job, but for a while, you have to come first X
Wow 7lb is fantastic. It's good to hear that you're partner is going to follow a diet too it will helo you and hopefully help him too. I hope your neck gets better soon.
Well done :)

7lb is brilliant! You've just taken half a stone off your goal that's brilliant xxxxx
Hi All

Thanks for all your words of wisdom depression is a horrible thing and i think only those that have gone though it or are close to someone that suffers it truly understand :)

Well I have just got home after a fab weekend :D I have been really good even when i could have been lead astray many a time last night lol

We left yesterday and on the way stopped of at mcdonalds so the boys could eat I had had my shake for breakfast and because i knew we were going to be having takeaway last night was really good and didnt have anything at mcdonalds :eek: to be fair i could have done but as i stood there looking at the boards i was for the first time seeing just how bad some of the food is i mean i know its bad its fast food but i actually took note of the cals and thought jeez if we eat this then chinease no wonder i put on weight, i asked OH what he wanted and he said 3 double cheeseburgers I looked at him and said really? dont you remember what you said last night lol so he had just the 2 and a large milkshake once we got back on the road i said how just by not having that extra burger he had saved 450cals he couldnt believe it. We got to friends house and i had a really good chat with her whilst the OH's went to the shops, we were stood in the kitchen and i over hear her eldest asking my youngest if i had lost weight :D then she came and asked me i was over the moon and said i have lost alittle but intend to lose more i had a smile from ear to ear bless her then explained to my friend what i had been doing she was really supportive so for dinner we didnt get takeaway but had a really small jacket and salad yummy. Now my OH who had been to the shop came back with 2 big bars of aero, 2 big bags of frazzle things a big bag of cheese puffs a bag of mini eggs and someother chocolate bar :eek::eek: now i know these were to share but he ate the frazzles half a bag of cheese balls the mini eggs and 1 bar of aero i couldnt beleive it i know we were drinking but omg bless him i did try to talk to him but i felt like i couldnt infront of the others so left him to it and all i ate was 1 mini egg and picked at the left over salad so so proud of myself and surprised last night would have been such a easy excuse to pick at things but i stayed strong and didnt give in :)
For breakfast today i had 2 slices of plain toast (i had forgotton to pack a shake) while my OH had the other bar of aero before his toast there is no helping some people i did say to him dod you really need to be eating that right now and he just found it funny and offered me some which i turned down.
We took all the kids to the park and then for a ncie walk afterwards before heading back to mcdonalds for a late lunch before we left due to the hangovers of some people lol I did drink abit last night but i also drank 2 bottles of water in between drinks so my head was lovely this morning ( I know im gloating now lol but i am pleased with myself :D) now at mcdonalds this time I had a sweet chilli chicken wrap but i pulled all the extra bits of the wrap off just for good measure whilst everyone sat tucking into the big tasty, chips and large shakes I just wanted to tell them do you realise how many calories are in all that but i kept quiet and enjoyed lunch before heading home where i have had some plain crackerbreads with alittle tuna and cucumber on. I'm so looking forward to tomorrow morning and offical weigh in as i was so good apart from the alcohol lol roll on week 2 onwards and downwards i cant wait just hope that this mood stays with me :)

Oh and as for my neck the alcohol certainly helped its almost back to normal as long as i dont move it to quick :D

Hope everyone has had a good weekend I think I'm going to jump in the bath now and have a early night so will catch up on your diarys tomorrow stay strong we can do this x