Hope this morning finds you feeling a bit better and that you had a good night.
Evening Emm - best to stay wrapped up where you are feeling cold.
Are you coming down with a cold or virus? That's when I feel me coldest.
I've been cold all day as well - weather here has turned cold again and it's been raining steadily all day.
What I call English rain - as opposed to the Mediterranean downpours/storms that we can get.
Morning Emm - there is nothing as bad as feeling really chilled, is there? Hope you are feeling better today
Interesting article about heart disease.
I've never been one for using anything but olive oil for cooking as most of the other oils taste foul to me.
Especially the ones like FryLight that many of the diets recommend.
I use olive oil spread as well but have been thinking for ages that when you compare the calories of it to butter there isn't much difference and butter tastes and awful lot nicer so maybe I'll stop buying that and head back to butter.
Have you seen the horrible article which slates margarine and it's contents? I first read it three or four years ago and haven't bought anything other that butter since, though I also use olive oil for cooking. J moaned like crazy when I started doing it but doesn't notice now, and the only time we use vegetable oil is when he is deep frying a turkey.
Glad you are a bit better Emm and hope it continues. Not so nice in Glasgow this morning - at least so far.
that was good of them seeing as you had the wrong day!
Got ready early to go for my pacemaker check appointment at the N&N and really pleased that for once I got a disabled parking space right near the entrance and then found my app was for yesterday! EEK!
They were very good and saw me anyway which was a relief and I got my app for next year as well.. there's efficiency for you.
Called in at Tesco and bought some runner beans...(yes..I did..) and some grapes..(woohoo!) and thought I'd try a mango which I've already eaten and 'twas very delish..plus pears and cod fillets.. love steamed cod...Feeling quite virtuous..:innocent0002:
I've been finding that having my main meal during the day is much better as I get very tired in the afternoon and it's often too much trouble to get a proper meal cooked in the evening.. and I must say I feel very much better for it.
Breakfast like a King, Lunch like a Prince, and Dine like a Pauper..... must be a reason for it[/COLOR]
Hi Emm, glad to hear the back pain has subsided. I prefer having my main meal midday too. Enjoy your day x
Morning Emm - eating at lunch time is supposed to much better for your digestive system.
Glad that the pain is better - having got rid of my tooth ache I am now having serious problems with my shoulder.
Grrrrrrrrrrrrr to getting older.
Yay to reduced pain - and to home cooked soup - yum![]()
Morning Emm - hope all is good this morning. Let me know how you get on with the link and I will send a file over.
Hi Emm,
Good to see your going to a couple of clubs.
Been reading but not posting much.Have had a few problems myself but hoping that I'm on the mend. You may of seen on fb.
I looked like a pin cushion when they tried getting this in.
Then 5 days later they had to put another one in my arm.The nurse tried 3 times then gave up.So the Dr took one shot and done it.
Hopefully thats the end of it and I can get back to doing normal things again.![]()
Minis does this all the time to me too Emm - drives me nuts. Must be a "glitch" in the forum software.. . .
(Why is it that when I delete a photo it comes back as a thumbnail one?!)