2015 and It's Now or Never!

Glad you had a nice time with your friend :)
and lol at having your hair done and good friday :D
So ...did you have your hair done today? :D

As my grandad use to say, you'd forget your own head if it wasn't screwed on ! :8855:
Mind you, I have to put all my appointments on the kitchen calendar now (as well as in my electronic diary).
Mr Pom checks it every morning and reminds me what I am supposed to be doing.

Glad you had a good time with your friend.

Thanks for the input ladies.. I was very naughty as I couldn't bring myself to tell the hairdresser the real reason seeing what happened last week so I "transferred" my hospital visit and that I didn't have her phone number on me under the circumstances.. :ashamed0005:..just hope I don't forget and trip myself up which unfortunately often happens with me!

I do put my apps into a written diary Bev, plus I have a weekly sheet that I write and keep on my armchair table..trouble is I forget to look at it or when I do it doesn't register properly.. perhaps I need to get into an OAP home a.s.a.p. :D

Had my usual after affect having been out and had all that exhausting nattering.. I fell asleep in the armchair about 5pm and didn't wake up until gone 10pm. Then just had a quick sandwich (plus meds) and went to bed and slept until the early hours.At least I'm up early enough to listen to my fav C&W music this morning... all good so far.
Saturday 4th April 2015

I was determined to get things done today so I took a codeine tablet straight away and very pleased that I could get all the tidying I wanted to do.
I had a grocery delivery on Wednesday and my home help put it all away for me but it was all in the wrong places.. it took me a good hour to get things sorted especially as she had put a lot of items on the top of my fridge which I had difficulty in reaching.

Just realised I had an awful lot of cheese today.

Breakfast - Bread 31g + Cheese 20g + S.Cream 15g
Lunch - Bread 31g + Cheese 40g + Tomato Soup can 200g
Snack - NIL
Dinner - Eggs hardboiled 2 + Ham 48g + Salad + Celery + S.Cream 30g
Supper - Finn Crisps 3 + L.C.Cheese 1
Extra - Milk SS 240ml

Cals 1208 Carbs 93 SatFat 23 Protein 63 Sodium 2642 Fibre 14
Sunday 5th April 2015

Really long lay in this morning.. had a shower and that was about it.

Breakfast - Liberte Strawberry Yogurt 100g.
Lunch - Bread 31g + Butter 4g + Eggs poached 2
Snacks - Orange 1 + Digestive Biscuits 2 + Cherries 150g
Dinner - Turkey Escalope 125g + Marrowfat Peas 85g + Mash 25g + Tom. Ketchup 30g
Supper - Finn Crisps 3 + L.C.Cheese 2
Extra - Milk SS 240ml

Cals 1328 Carbs 159 SatFat 14 Protein 66 Sodium 1625 Fibre 20
​I love spicy cheese.

I love any sort of cheese.. except that blue stuff in fact I think I eat far too much of it really!

What C &W music do you listen to?
Is it older stuff or do you like any of the modern stuff?

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I mostly like the old music but some.. one or two modern are okay.
I saw Garth Brooks at Wembley when he was first in his prime which was fantastic but some of his "new" type songs I'm not that fond of... give me George Jones and Tammy Wynette ( I saw both of them together just before Tammy died), Willie Nelson and Emmylou Harris ( and I saw Emmy and the Hot Band at the Albert Hall many moons ago).. Fantastic shows.. those were the days! :sigh:
Tammy Wynette is great, that's good you got to see her :)
I like some C&W too, old & new , actually i like all music types :).....more older stuff, some new, couldn't listen to what my 14 yr old daughter listens too sometimes!...but then my mum prob thought the same about my music tastes when i was that age, even though it was late 70's early 80's stuff :D
Tammy Wynette is great, that's good you got to see her :)
I like some C&W too, old & new , actually i like all music types :).....more older stuff, some new, couldn't listen to what my 14 yr old daughter listens too sometimes!...but then my mum prob thought the same about my music tastes when i was that age, even though it was late 70's early 80's stuff :D

I'm the same really Zafira..I do like allsorts of music in fact my OH used to get very annoyed if or when I played any classical music (I mean records).. he thought I was being a snob..

I love some of the modern music too. Have you heard 8 Bits by mind.in.a.box?

Wednesday 8th April 2015

Just to ring the changes I now have a very painful foot!
I woke up on Saturday with such a pain in my left heel as if a lead weight was bearing down on my foot and my heel was throbbing with the pain. Since then I can hardly walk and the ball of my foot seems very swollen as well. Phoned the surgery and spoke to the nurse who made me an app for this afternoon but she can't see anything radically wrong with it so at least it has eased my mind that I wont be having to have my leg chopped off.. :D

Treated myself to a Costa latte and a nutty flapjack before coming home after picking up some hot cross buns, 2 cheese and onion pasties and another mango. H c b's - two devoured plus one cheese pasty... so that's today well and truly off kilter.

(I would be very interested if the next person who reads will let me know whether this that I am printing is coming across as small or large print please)
Thanks Mary.. yes it is 4 but this end it looks so small.. must be me.. perhaps something to do with being old?! :D

Ah but this one is only a size 3 :8855:

Sorry about your foot. Have you been wearing different shoes from normal? Different height heel?
That can do weird things to your feet.
Ah but this one is only a size 3 :8855:

Sorry about your foot. Have you been wearing different shoes from normal? Different height heel?
That can do weird things to your feet.

Yes I did go back to the 3 on my last post .. main thing I really wanted to know was whether it was comfortable reading it.

The only thing I can think of re my foot is that I have been wearing a very old pair of slippers which had begun to get a bit thin on the sole so perhaps I had trodden on something that affected it. It was one of those occasions when they were so comfy I didn't want to put on some new ones which .. I might add.. I already had in my cupboard.
Hi Emm - just popped in to say hello - been busy since after my guests left (not that I wasn't before) Hope all is well with you
Evening Emm,:)

Have you put those old slippers of yours in the bin yet?

Certainly have Mary..and foot much better today.

Thursday 9th April 2015

I'm very disheartened about ever losing anymore weight!
I know that I haven't been on a strict diet for quite a while now altho' perhaps it would be more correct to say that it's been very difficult to stay on a strict diet with the meds I've been having to take so frequently especially just lately. Knowing that it's the usual state of affairs doesn't help in my ability to refrain from all those tempting chocs etc. and so the whole thing goes round and round. Today has been another totally disastrous day ..Cals 1910 Carbs 228 .. :eek: !!!!!

I keep wondering whether to have a word with my doc about doing an 800 cals for a few weeks with some added vitamins but I shall be really upset if I get the "why bother - your too old" sort of response.
Fact is I've been eating everything in sight today and I'm not at all happy about it! I feel totally bloated like a barrage balloon and totally uncomfortable to boot!

I'll be having my hair done tomorrow so that should make me feel a bit better..and maybe book an app with the doc as well (?)
Yes your probably right about what the Dr will say.

Why don't you do a weeks food plan and buy a weeks shopping and not enter another shop for a week.So the temptation to eat 'naughty' foods won't be there.:)

Are you eating because your hungry or just needing something to do?

Good idea about the weekly plan but I go shopping mainly as an outing otherwise I would be indoors 24/7 and I couldn't stand that at all!
Today's eating binge was a combination of both of those things but mostly a bit of being very fedup!
I'm the same really Zafira..I do like allsorts of music in fact my OH used to get very annoyed if or when I played any classical music (I mean records).. he thought I was being a snob..

I love some of the modern music too. Have you heard 8 Bits by mind.in.a.box?

No, i haven't heard that one before....got a very 80's feel about it though :)

Good idea about the weekly plan but I go shopping mainly as an outing otherwise I would be indoors 24/7 and I couldn't stand that at all!
Today's eating binge was a combination of both of those things but mostly a bit of being very fedup!

Perhaps you could plan for 2 days, then shop every 2-3 days? :)

Perhaps you could plan for 2 days, then shop every 2-3 days? :)

That's what I do Zafira.. twice a week anyway and usually because I do need something.
I stocked up last time with B.sprouts and green beans but if I don't have them rigidly every day they will go rotten and have to be thrown away which is one of my big no-no's!
I share your pain Em. These days, the only time I go out is to the shops. I went a bit mad last week and bought a large joint of beef from ASDA for Sunday lunch... we had beef sandwiches for supper, cold with bubble and squeak on Monday, Beef lasagne on Tuesday and curried on Wednesday. Thursday morning 'himself' said he was leaving home if I brought that bloody beef out again:8855:. I didn't have room in the freezer Em, to do what I normally do and I didn't want to waste it.