Hippety Hop!
Not recording it yet Bubbly... but yay to that!
My naughty spider.. I allow 4hrs for it to move so I can get it in my spider catcher.. after that it will go up my vacuum cleaner! .. I know that's not nice but it's either him or my sanity and the latter is very fragile at the best of times!.. 
Decided to take action and moved all my furniture out of the way, found the longest pole and gave it a prod...poor thing was really dopey and hardly moved so had to give it a good swipe... finally caught in my catcher and put out of the window! Whew! I can be at ease now..

Decided to take action and moved all my furniture out of the way, found the longest pole and gave it a prod...poor thing was really dopey and hardly moved so had to give it a good swipe... finally caught in my catcher and put out of the window! Whew! I can be at ease now..
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