Hippety Hop!
Morning Emm - had a laugh at your beetroot vs marmalade thing.
We used to have a boat and labels would often fall off because of the damp atmosphere.
But I would always write on the top with indelible ink what was inside.
We got stuck on the boat one Sunday night and had no more fresh food with us (apart from spuds) as we were supposed to be going home.
So I attacked the emergency supplies. I stuck the spuds on to boil, opened a tin of sweetcorn then what I though was a tin of chicken in white wine sauce to go with them. Hmmmm . . . it turned out to be custard! Would have made an interesting meal but not to be defeated I opened the tin labelled custard and thankfully found . . . yes the chicken in white wine sauce. How on earth I'd mislabelled them heaven alone knows! Had to do a treacle sponge to use up the custard too!
Now you need to be a good girl tonight. Try and choose sensibly when you have your meal out. You can do it chica!
What are you going to see at the theatre?
The biggest laugh about the beetroot saga was that I was steeling myself to sample it thinking I may well get a mouthful of sour beet but finding it sweet instead. Really delighted on one hand that I don't have to throw stuff away as I have this "phobia" about waste but on the other hand not something I can use at this time.
Had no intentions of being good ..
Have a lovely time at the theatre Emm.
Enjoy ur nite Emmc
Thanks all for the good wishes... and I did have a great day!
Firstly I managed to get a disabled parking spot just outside the theatre (free parking too!) and thank goodness my parking abilities were in good form as I usually make a complete hames of it!
Walked thro' to the market where there was a band busking which was absolutely fab! Four guys - one on keyboard, one sax and two playing trumpets and they did a lot of real jazz numbers which fair brought a tear to my eyes. Tried to video it on my phone but without success.
Went into Jarrolds for a cuppa and one of their stupendous humongous delicious cheese scones.. :drool: .. one pat of butter ..nay two .. hardly covers each half!
Went back to the Forum and found a real comfy seat in the library and remembered that I was/had been thinking about getting "The Pickwick Papers" to read having been introduced to it as part of that law course I did...or tried to do. Went to the Help Hub as is called and the young lady was soo helpful. Having asked if it could be sent to me she took ages looking into this and even tho' I decided I would take it with me she thanked me for bringing this aspect of the service to her and her managers attention as they were not aware of it... :innocent0002: .. felt that was my good deed for the day!
Had a very nice buffet meal in the theatre café followed by a lager shandy and coffee cake, bought maltesers for the interval ..of which there were two so icecream in the second (vanilla and stem ginger.. very yummy!!)
Now I'm all ready for the next big push to my hols and if I have an STS this week I shall be well pleased.
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