Bless her!. . . A very sweet comment that I had via my D from my grandD was that she was very concerned about the amount of money I had sent her and asked her mum whether I had enough money to eat properly.. My D and I had a bit of a laugh at the thought of me sitting with a slice of toast on Xmas day.... but that was soo sweet of her to be so concerned I thought.
You are sooooooooooooo close to 13st. Well done you - that's fantastic.Monday 16th December 2013
WI = 182.2 (13st0.2lb) ).9lb down... very pleased is me! :clap::clap::clap:
Just 2 days to go - I'm getting all excited for you! :8855:
. . . but I unwittingly threw my paper away when having a final sort thro' so just hope she sends me a letter... I know..what am I like! :sigh: