2015 and It's Now or Never!

Wednesday 1st January 2014

First NY Resolution .. Keep on trying to lose more weight no matter what! ........ :girlpower:

Had a little dose of the strong stuff this morning as I have such a lot of things to do and it was a nice morning weather-wise.. so got all my washing up to date which was quite a load.

Cooked a lovely traditional family type xmas dinner with all the trimmings and made sure it was all really good such as the potatoes and parsnip were very nice and crisp and the batter puds were just right too. Finished off with the xmas pud and cream as an early supper. Put my cals and carbs OTT but don't bother with all that as a rule so it made a nice change. I know I had lots of lovely meals when I was away but they are never like a good old roast and trimmings.. :D

Cals 1554 Carbs 193 Fat 57 Protein 77 Sugars 76 Fibre 26
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There's now't like a home roast. That's exactly what we've had tonight as well.
Hiya Em,

I'm gate-crashing lol to say well done,that's a great loss.I'm enjoying being back on plan myself. Got the new SW magazines,perusing the recipes with a cuppa,quite a few mouth watering ones.
Afternoon chica - great result with the disappearing 2.2 lbs. That's brill.

I know what you mean about stress and water retention. It happens to me too.
I reckon it's a combination of things with me. When I get stressed I eat comfort food = white baguettes for me.
So I get carb bloat, and carb bloat makes you retain water too.

So I hit a couple of days where I drink way more water than normal (and I usually drink a lot of water anyway) and it sort of seems to flush it all away again. may be worth upping your water intake Emm and see if it helps.
You'll pee a lot mind - and with me it's a case of get the loo double quick!!! So have the Tena's at the ready:8855:
Hiya Em,

I'm gate-crashing lol to say well done,that's a great loss.I'm enjoying being back on plan myself. Got the new SW magazines,perusing the recipes with a cuppa,quite a few mouth watering ones.

Not gate crashing at all Issy! So nice of you to visit.
Amazing how well it makes us feel when we eat proper food without all the junk isn't it?
Keep up the good work.. :)

Afternoon chica - great result with the disappearing 2.2 lbs. That's brill.

I know what you mean about stress and water retention. It happens to me too.
I reckon it's a combination of things with me. When I get stressed I eat comfort food = white baguettes for me.
So I get carb bloat, and carb bloat makes you retain water too.

So I hit a couple of days where I drink way more water than normal (and I usually drink a lot of water anyway) and it sort of seems to flush it all away again. may be worth upping your water intake Emm and see if it helps.
You'll pee a lot mind - and with me it's a case of get the loo double quick!!! So have the Tena's at the ready:8855:

That's a good point Bev... I don't drink enough at the best of times!
Must make that one of my N Y resolutions.
Thursday contd:

Very pleased that altho' my poor old back started off quite painful it gradually improved and so I was able to get some more things done ... not that I have a lot to do but it's just such a relief to feel able to get up and do whatever without the knowing it's going to be painful. :)

Lovely sunny day... should have left my washing till today instead of having the rain coming in the bedroom 'cos the drier is on... I don't have room for it in the kitchen so it stands near the window in the bedroom and I open the window to put the hose outside.

Dinner consisted of some left over bits of yesterday which tasted really good anyway altho' I should have taken the trouble to make some gravy which would have been even better.

Breakfast - oats 30g + Honey 1/2 Tablspn
Lunch - Bread 30g + Cheese 36g
Dinner - Chicken 75g + Stuffing 50g + Potato roast 1/2 small + Yorkshire Pud.28g
Supper - Xmas Pud 100g + Cream single 75ml
Extra - Milk 240ml

Cals 1292 Carbs 128 Fat 58 Protein 61 Sugars 67 Fibre 13
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Hi Emm - well done on the loss. Hope your New Year is starting out well. It's been wet in Glasgow and I've got a touch of the flu which decided to kick in as the last of our guests left .... just like the thing. Was in bed most of the day and heading back there just now - with a book and a glass of wine :)
Morning Emm - glad that your back improved during the day.
You seem to have our weather - it has been cold, windy and rainy here today!
Can I have the sun back tomorrow please?
Hi Emm - well done on the loss. Hope your New Year is starting out well. It's been wet in Glasgow and I've got a touch of the flu which decided to kick in as the last of our guests left .... just like the thing. Was in bed most of the day and heading back there just now - with a book and a glass of wine :)

Thanks Nelli.. but I'm afraid my New Year is much as yours at the mo'.. Hope your glass of wine made things a feel a bit more bearable tho'! :party0036:

Morning Emm - glad that your back improved during the day.
You seem to have our weather - it has been cold, windy and rainy here today!
Can I have the sun back tomorrow please?

Morning Bev... or rather..afternoon! Now 2.33pm and only just woke up from a nice sleep which didn't happen when it should have!
Weather here started off beautifully sunny earlier on but now is very windy and raining cats & dogs!
Friday 3rd January 2014

Not a very good day.. or night come to that!
Developed a bad throat which kept me sort of coughing a lot...so no sleep until the early hours and then I slept well but that makes the day so short and the curtains are pulled again so quickly.
Throat improved but felt really yukky and just wanted to laze about. Managed to pull myself together enough to make a stew from the chicken carcass which miraculously turned out quite well.

TV today has been really awful.. :mad: but then what's new there?!

Cals etc. went really berserk yesterday and can't be bothered to tot it all up... lots of hot lemon & honey drinks plus a handful of biscuits.. :confused:

So far today's menus have been okay.

Breakfast - Oats 30g + Honey 1/2 Tablspn
Lunch - Brown Soda Bread 36g + Butter + Eggs scrambled 2
Dinner - Chicken Stew (2servings :eek: ) + Dumplings 30g
Supper - Peaches in juice 100g + Cream 75ml
Extra - Milk 240ml

Cals 1266 Carbs 127 Fat 51 Protein 66 Sugars 53 Fibre 17
Hi Emm - hope you are feeling better today - this cold thingy is awful and seems to be everywhere at the moment. I am still in my dressing gown (at 12:40) and though I keep saying to J that we need to do something today - I can't really be bothered. Barking louder than Oscar still, and the day is dreicht to say the least.

Your chicken stew sounds nice - you never said much about the food on the cruise - was it good? I got a brochure from Which in the post this morning rating various cruises and haven't put it in the bin :) Would love a holiday right now and wish we had looked at going to Florida this week as we sometimes do. Back to work on Monday.
Afternoon Emm - hope you aren't getting the cold that's going round the UK. It really isn't nice.
Our friend went back to UK to visit in early December and brought it back with her and has now infected most of the Brits in our village.
So stay tucked up warm - you too Nelli.

Sorry about stealing the sun, yesterday was a glorious day for January, and much the same today - whilst the weather in UK looks dire again.
Sorry to hear you are not feeling well Emmaline:hug99:

I hope you feel better soon.
Morning chica - sorry you were feeling poorly yesterday - hope things are a bit better today.
Morning Emm - I hope you are feeling better today and that you haven't got this cold. Bev is right - it is a horror. I've just had to phone my sister and tell her not to bring Charlie up today as they were coming for lunch, but I don't want him near me. Was so looking forward to seeing him.

What have you got planned for this week - something nice I hope.

Sunday 5th January 2014

Thanks for the well wishes Nelli and Bev and Mini... much improved today altho' everything I eat has the most peculiar taste at the mo'.
Went out yesterday after listening to my C&W music on the radio and everything was going well until I got home when I almost immediately felt terrible with bad head, coughing and sneezing... thought my head was about to explode!! Still coughing for England but at least I have been able to get on with something today.
Bought some new lever arch files as gradually my shelf has become a collection of higgledy-piggledy multi-coloured ones which I hate... love things to be symmetrical and orderly! So.. I've spent most of this afternoon changing them all over and making nice new labels as well... bearing in mind having had a very restless and sleepless night I then slept until 1.30pm.
Didn't feel like a cooked evening meal so just had brown soda bread with cheese and ham.

Counts so far which may well change again if I have another bad night..

Cals 1189 Carbs 142 Fat 37 Protein 57 Sugars 56 Fibre 12
Chica - you just take it easy. You sound as though you have the cough/cold that is going round.
keep warm and stay indoors - and don't worry too much about being on plan.#
Getting better is far more important.

Like you style on the lever arch files - a girl after my own heart! Things MUST be neat and tidy and co-ordinating as far as I'm concerned.