2015 and It's Now or Never!

Friday 7th February 2014

Another day much like yesterday... slept in until about 10.30 after a restless night,

Sandra phoned and she is still not well and now on her second batch of antib's. Very worrying as her immune system is terrible at the best of times. She said that she will arrange to come over when I have my op which I really appreciated but then on reading the letter from the N&N it says that there is a possibility that when I go in the op could be cancelled on the day and it could happen several times...did you ever!?! :confused: . so I phoned her back and we agreed that it would be better to leave it until then rather than book flights etc. and have all the bother of cancelling or changing it.
Truth is I am not in the least bit worried about having this done and, with her health as it is, I would prefer she looks after herself rather than dashing over here even tho' they may keep me in longer than the 24hr stint.

Put a few things on E-bay which included the lovely diamante studded sandals.. no use in keeping them as I have to admit that I couldn't walk in them at all and it would be asking for trouble to try.

DSCN0304.jpg .. DSCN0310.jpg .. DSCN0305.jpg

The clock is really lovely but it has such a loud tick and then the WW items as I def won't be using them again..Hope I get some replies this time. I did put them on Gumtree and had an email about the WW items but she hasn't called back - as usual!

Had a right binge last night... and somehow I thought I might.. ate a whole pack of chocolate wafers and another Magnum... wasn't too bad food-wise but cals etc..not good..in fact not at all good. :eek:

Today ..much better and will remain that way as I have allowed for supper.
Breakfast - Oats 40g + Honey 1/2 Tblspn
Lunch - Bread slices (2) 64g + Butter 10g + Marmite 5g
Snack - Apple 110g
Dinner - Ham 110g + Peas 80g + Mash 30g + Tom Ketchup 30g
Supper - Banana + Crème Fraiche 70g & Finn crisps 3 + L.C.Cheese 1
Extra - Milk 240ml

Cals 1305 Carbs 156 Fat 45 Protein 58 Sugars 87 Fibre 26
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Morning Emm - I hope all goes well with you and that your ebay items sell quickly - the bit about cancelling your op (or rather the possibility of) is a bit of a pain to say the least. Hope it doesn't happen !
Morning Em,

I hope you are successful with your sales.

I get why as kind as your daughter's offer is -- that you'd rather she take care of herself.

I hope your op goes through as scheduled -- it'd be good to have it sorted.
Awwww I'm so sorry, Em.
I hope tomorrow is a better day.
Hi Em. Just popping in to subscribe. I thought I was already subscribed to your diary, but have just realised I don't see any updates for you. Maybe it was another diary from before I'm thinking of? Anyway, I'm here now. Sorry to hear you are not feeling too good today.
Awwww I'm so sorry, Emm.
I hope tomorrow is a better day.

Hi Emm. Just popping in to subscribe. I thought I was already subscribed to your diary, but have just realised I don't see any updates for you. Maybe it was another diary from before I'm thinking of? Anyway, I'm here now. Sorry to hear you are not feeling too good today.

Thanks very much Mel and MW. I am feeling quite a lot better today thank goodness. Back is now just it's usual gnawing on which I am able for the most part to ignore and hand is lost the swelling too.
I am going to do some in depth research on this hand problem.. apparently it is due to peripheral neuropathy and so far there seems there is no means of helping the situation...I shall see! I'll let you know what I find out.. :coffee:
Thanks very much Mel and MW. I am feeling quite a lot better today thank goodness. Back is now just it's usual gnawing on which I am able for the most part to ignore and hand is lost the swelling too.
I am going to do some in depth research on this hand problem.. apparently it is due to peripheral neuropathy and so far there seems there is no means of helping the situation...I shall see! I'll let you know what I find out.. :coffee:

I hope you o find something that helps.
Thanks very much Mel and MW. I am feeling quite a lot better today thank goodness. Back is now just it's usual gnawing on which I am able for the most part to ignore and hand is lost the swelling too.
I am going to do some in depth research on this hand problem..apparently it is due to peripheral neuropathy and so far there seems there is no means of helping the situation...I shall see! I'll let you know what I find out.. :coffee:

Glad you are feeling better Em. Hope you find something to help your hand. I think that is one of the times when the internet can really come into its own.
Sunday 9th February 2014

Had a lazy day as some of my aches and pains still persist at the mo'! :argh:
Investigating about my hand burning pain I found that sugars are the thing to avoid which includes things like bread and bananas which I do have a yen for and I have been eating a lot more of them just lately too...and come to think of it.. making a damson pie didn't help matters either plus the honey in my porridge I will cut down to just a teaspoonful.

Good diet control today:
Breakfast - Oats 30g + Honey 1/2Tblsp & Decaf Coffee + Milk 100ml
Lunch - Bread 1 slice + Egg fried 1
Snack - Brazil Nuts 50g
Dinner - Salmon fillet + Brussel Sprouts 6 + Carrot 74g + Th.Isle Dressing 15g
Supper - H.E. Yogurt 125g + Finn Crisps 2 + Butter 5g
Extra - Milk 200ml

Cals 1336 Carbs 107 Fat 73 Protein 66 Sugars 50 Fibre 19

Sunday 9th February 2014

Had a lazy day as some of my aches and pains still persist at the mo'! :argh:
Investigating about my hand burning pain I found that sugars are the thing to avoid which includes things like bread and bananas which I do have a yen for and I have been eating a lot more of them just lately too...and come to think of it.. making a damson pie didn't help matters either plus the honey in my porridge I will cut down to just a teaspoonful.

Good diet control today:
Breakfast - Oats 30g + Honey 1/2Tblsp & Decaf Coffee + Milk 100ml
Lunch - Bread 1 slice + Egg fried 1
Snack - Brazil Nuts 50g
Dinner - Salmon fillet + Brussel Sprouts 6 + Carrot 74g + Th.Isle Dressing 15g
Supper - H.E. Yogurt 125g + Finn Crisps 2 + Butter 5g
Extra - Milk 200ml

Cals 1336 Carbs 107 Fat 73 Protein 66 Sugars 50 Fibre 19

Your food sounds very healthy and well balanced.
Evening Em!

I had DD remake her Angel Food cake mix that didn't turn out correctly at cooking club a few weeks ago. It smells divine. She misread the directions and only use 1/4 cup of water instead of 1 1/4. There was no space -- it was written 11/4 and she is used to the British measurements. Oh well, it is perfect now.

I hope I can resist it!
Hi Emm - sorry you haven't been feeling good but glad you are a bit better. Did you decide to do another cruise? We've (that's the "royal" we :) ) been looking at brochures for maybe towards the end of the year - what would you recommend?
Sunday 16th February 2014

Back at last! Been proper poorly again... took a funny turn last Monday and was rushed back into hospital where I have now had my pacemaker op done. Came home yesterday afternoon so still quite sore but have to go back and have it redone as the leads are not properly in place... :sigh:.. why they couldn't have done it then is just so annoying to say the least!! They did say that the top leads are okay which are the most important ones and I have no need to worry about anything which is quite a relief anyway.

Weight today is 188lbs so at least I haven't put a lot on which is great.

Finally.. thankyou Cg and Nelli that have visited whilst I have been absent.
Morning Emm - I am so relieved to see you back as I was getting a bit worried. Sorry you were ill and that they haven't got the op right - however it is good news that you don't have to worry.

Hope you are planning on taking things easy now that you are home !
Morning Emm - I am so relieved to see you back as I was getting a bit worried. Sorry you were ill and that they haven't got the op right - however it is good news that you don't have to worry.

Hope you are planning on taking things easy now that you are home !

Make sure you take it easy Emm.

Thanks Nelli and MW... I certainly am going to take it easy.
I have a ticket for the ballet at the theatre for tomorrow with a meal booked beforehand which I have cancelled. Unfortunately they will not allow a transfer of the ticket without a weeks notice or by taking the ticket in so I shall be sending a copy of my discharge note from the hospital and hope they will be more lenient under the circumstances.

Must just tell you about my stay in hospital as being in much more of a better frame of mind I had some lovely chats with various other patients. The lady in the next bed to me we chatted practically non-stop and others commented that it looked like we had known each other for years. Then when she was moved I chatted with another two ladies, one bought me a little teddy bear when she went home as she said I had been "such a tonic" and the other threw her arms around me and gave me such a big hug saying some very kind words too. .. really made my stay extremely pleasant to say the least.

Today I have caught up with all my emails .. 56 to be exact.. but apart from that just watching tv.

Kept to a good eating plan.

Breakfast - Oats 30g + Honey 1/4 Tablspn
Lunch - Bread 42g + Butter 5g + Eggs poached 2
Snack - Digestive Biscuits 2
Dinner - Breaded Cod Fillet + Chips 130g + Ba.Beans 130g + Tom Ketchup 30g
Supper - H.E. Yogurt 125g
Extra - Milk 240ml

Cals 1309 Carbs 144 Fat 41 Protein 60 Sugars 42 Fibre 24