Hippety Hop!
Evening Emm,
How'd the meatballs turn out?
I'm glad you didn't back down when you called the doctor on his rubbish.
I hope you have a lovely day today (it's already Tuesday) - I was up "face timing" with my sister who is in D.C. this week.
My meatballs are not done yet Mel. The preparing for and actually making of are often a rather drawn out affair as I have to wait until I have a day where the ole bones aren't aching too much as I can't stand for very long at a time. It has been known that ingredients have gone mouldy before that day has arrived!!... perhaps tomorrow?
Your as bad as me for eating the whole packet/box of 'naughty' food. That is why if I fancy something I only buy one now.![]()
Food is never naughty in my book... just another blip to add to all the others and "another day tomorrow" is my motto Cg..
Morning Emm - well done on "dealing" with the doctor. It is ridiculous that he can make statements like that and then back out. He definitely needs some lessons in bedside manner. Forget the ice creams - they are history now![]()
Doctor dealings is my forte.... :ignore: ... and def history to the icecreams.. and they were yummy!
Is the doctor the senior partner at the practice? If not I would report him to the senior partner.
If he is then I'd report him to someone like the BMA.
He should not be allowed to make these sort of statements.
Imagine if he's said that to someone who was less able to deal with it than you Emm.
I agree with you on the point that he should not make such statements and I would have reported it had he not shown some sort of acknowledgement of his misdemeanour. As to my ability to deal with it I firmly believe that the attacks I had were due to the added anxiety and sleeplessness that ensued after being told these things even taking into account that I had already been tested for a pacemaker back in 2006.
Reporting doctors or indeed anyone in the medical profession is a dicey thing as they can wield powers to ones discomfort. They may not hold the lordly position of years ago but their influence on happenings are quite wide. My sister, who was a theatre sister for many years, has shared tales of various surgeons and the like getting their own back, as it were, on patients who have ..in their words..crossed the line! I had reported a doctor some years back and eventually had to leave the practice as he made it so uncomfortable for me. Quite honestly, my trust in the profession as regards individuals is extremely limited.