
Re: 4 months until Florida-4 months until skinny!

Even with biscuitgate Jenna you could have 7 syns per day to equal 105 syns for the week.......I worked it out from looking at your food diary.....how sad am I lol! Stop your fretting lady, thats what the syns are for x

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Aww Jenna I really worry about you sometimes. You hardly eat anything as it is...you can't possibly cut back even more! I ate tonnes last week and lost 4lbs to bring me to 10st this morning.xx
Stood on the scales this morning and am 2lbs up from weigh in now. Truth be told I'm absolutely disgusted with myself, I worked damn hard to shift those 2lbs (it may not seem like a lot to some) and now I've put them back in through pure greed.
In saying that I'm trying to convince myself in the grand scheme of life events 2lbs isn't that bad. I'm pretty sure you can't see it, even though I feel fatter when I look in the mirror, I'm sure you can't see when I lose 2lbs so surely it must be the same when I put on 2lbs.
I came to realise yesterday that I can't do a week without syns. I need them and quite frankly I don't have the willpower not to use them. From here on I'm carrying on with this week as normal. I'm sure I'll see a gain on Saturday but realistically there's not a lot I can do apart from be as good as possible.

Today's food,
Pineapple, apple, banana and muller light.

Pineapple and muller light.

Tuna pasta bake (4 syns) and HEA of cheese.
Scales are fickle, Jenna. Mine are 1lb up from yesterday's wi - damn things! You might find they drop down again. Xx Sent from my iPhone using MiniMins
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Mine are also up a lb from yesterdays weigh in as you say they are fickle!

Thats a real mixed post there Jenna and I don't like to see you saying you are disgusted with yourself and mentioning greed as thats not healthy and from what you post on here you are definitely not greedy. I wonder if you ate more more regularly you wouldn't feel like having an amount of biscuits that you feel you shouldn't be having etc and then would maybe break the cycle?

I do like this part of your post though...

I came to realise yesterday that I can't do a week without syns. I need them and quite frankly I don't have the willpower not to use them. From here on I'm carrying on with this week as normal. I'm sure I'll see a gain on Saturday but realistically there's not a lot I can do apart from be as good as possible.

All we can all do is be a s good as possible and sometimes that isn't great because we are human and its not about having willpower not to use the syns they are there to be used so we don't feel deprived and don't have to go off plan.

Hope you have a good day x
Re: 4 months until Florida-4 months until skinny!

Thats why seriel weighing is discouraged Jenna! Everyone's weight fluctuates throughout the week, so you will see gains and losses and thats why looking at your weight over a month is a better indicator of weight loss. Not saying that you shouldnt do a weekly weight cos that would be madness, but on paper just have a look at your weight on a monthly basis and you will be pleasantly surprised.

I also agree with Emsie about eating more, cos fruit all day and then a small evening meal doesnt amount to much and then depriving yourself syns is not going to biologically/physically do your body any good at all because calorie wise you're not eating enough! You then have biscuitgate, your body stores/holds onto that food cos it thinks its in starvation mode cos you havent been giving it enough food to function, hence the scales are up, not necessarily weight gain tho.
In all seriousness Jenna, you really are not eating enough and I'm surprised you can function during the day.....do you feel lethargic, tired, grumpy, shaky, short tempered at all? If you're not I'm very surprised because your brain is being depleted of sugar and if I checked your blood glucose levels there is a possibility they would be low!

We're worried about you Jenna and as I've mentioned before, please try and enjoy SW without the obsession. You need to be in control of the food and not the other way around.....enjoy food and experiment with new dishes, have a more substantial lunch. You then may find you wont have 'binges' and then you wont feel so guilty about the food you eat xx

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Hey sweety,

I don't want you to feel like we're ganging up on you or getting at you, but like Kim, I'm worried about you. I definitely couldn't function on what you eat every day - fuit and yoghurt is fine for breakfast but it isn't a proper lunch to see you through the day. Especially when you're on your feed running round after nippers like you are all the time. How about having your pasta bake at lunchtime and then having a stir fry or something for dinner? I know you like your routines food-wise, but it might be worth a try to see how your body reacts?

Thinking of you chick and hope you're having a good week xxx
Hey hey,
I don't feel like you're ganging up on me at all, I know you all comment because you care and I do appreciate it, even though I'm sure I seem like a whiny wee biatch. I have been using syns, and quite heavily since Sunday (within daily syns but obv over my normal allowance for the week). Honestly don't worry about me, I'm fine!


Pineapple, apple, banana and a muller light


Chicken breast, 55g of pasta, HEA of cheese, mushrooms, peppers, onions, sweetcorn and philly (4 syns)

1 biscuit (5 syns)
Glad you don't feel like we are ganging up on you and don't want to nag (you know me ;)) but you don't seem whiny but your food intake does worry me as you don't seem to eat enough. I know we don't do calories on sw but if you added up your cals for most days I don't think they would come to the amount someone of your height and weight could eat and still lose weight and this could be having a negative effect on your weight loss.

If you say you are fine then its obviously your call but your meals just seem so low in so much of what a body needs x
Scales were back to weigh day weight this morning which has automatically lifted my mood for the day. Having another fruit filled day and you'll all be pleased to hear I'll have egg and toast for brekkie tomorrow lol!

Thursday (why is it not Friday?)

Pineapple, apple, banana and a vanilla muller light (there were no raspberry and cranberry fml)


Chicken pasta bake again, simply because I was lazy yesterday and bought two breasts of chicken that were already cooked so I'll use the second one today.
4 syns and HEA.
Biscuit 5 syns
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Friday (TFIF)

Woke up at 3am and couldn't sleep. Had breakfast number 1 (pie muncher lol) at 4.30am then fell back to sleep and had breakfast number 2 when I got up for work woops

Pineapple, apple, muller light.
HEB1 of toast and 1/2 HEA cheese.

Pineapple and muller light.

Tuna pasta bake (HEB2 and HEA2). 4 syns of philly.

3 syns of haribo.
Not looking forward to weigh in but hopefully should manage a maintain.