Re: 4 months until Florida-4 months until skinny!
Thats why seriel weighing is discouraged Jenna! Everyone's weight fluctuates throughout the week, so you will see gains and losses and thats why looking at your weight over a month is a better indicator of weight loss. Not saying that you shouldnt do a weekly weight cos that would be madness, but on paper just have a look at your weight on a monthly basis and you will be pleasantly surprised.
I also agree with Emsie about eating more, cos fruit all day and then a small evening meal doesnt amount to much and then depriving yourself syns is not going to biologically/physically do your body any good at all because calorie wise you're not eating enough! You then have biscuitgate, your body stores/holds onto that food cos it thinks its in starvation mode cos you havent been giving it enough food to function, hence the scales are up, not necessarily weight gain tho.
In all seriousness Jenna, you really are not eating enough and I'm surprised you can function during the you feel lethargic, tired, grumpy, shaky, short tempered at all? If you're not I'm very surprised because your brain is being depleted of sugar and if I checked your blood glucose levels there is a possibility they would be low!
We're worried about you Jenna and as I've mentioned before, please try and enjoy SW without the obsession. You need to be in control of the food and not the other way around.....enjoy food and experiment with new dishes, have a more substantial lunch. You then may find you wont have 'binges' and then you wont feel so guilty about the food you eat xx
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