4am exercise..


Gold Member
I'm up at 5am every weekday morning to start getting ready for work, and then leave the house at 6. I'm in work until 4pm and then find myself busy with my LO and housework in the evenings.

I attend the gym on weekends, and some weekdays after work if I can get a babysitter. What I'd like to start doing is getting up an hour earlier than normal and do some exercise at 4am for an hour before work... I was thinking about going for a run around where I live, as I'm following the C210K programme so it'd be good practice.

Is this a good or bad idea? Where I live is fairly safe otherwise I wouldn't contemplate it. Or should I stay at home and do 30DS instead? I was thinking about a run in the morning then 30DS every evening?
That's great dedication!!

I personally would feel quite worried running that early in a morning. I have a treadmill though, so I'm lucky that I can run before I go to work.
Do you have a personal alarm you can run with / let somebody know when you set off?
My OH said he isn't happy about me going running that early in the morning, I didn't think about it properly but in reality it probably is unsafe as its so dark and quiet.. So that idea is out the window! I'd love a treadmill, but we don't have the money for one at the moment nor a place in the house to put one.

I'm gonna go to the gym at every opportunity, and as of tomorrow make sure I do 30DS everyday, it's only a 20 minute workout so I'm sure I can squeeze it in!
Sounds a good idea. You get a good workout from the shred and it's short enough to squeeze into your day.
That's good that you have a gym to go to.

I know I am lucky to have a treadmill, but I got one as I can't go to a gym or run outside very often. I have a 3 yr old daughter and my o/h is a lorry driver, so he is away several nights a week.
Must be hard with your OH away so much! My LO is 11 months old, and I'm working full time so I don't have as much time for the gym as I used to, but my mother in law looks after him for us now and again to have some time in the gym so whenever I get the opportunity to go I make sure I do!

I used to have a cross trainer at home, and found I never bloody used it cause I couldn't motivate myself to exercise at home like I do at the gym! So maybe it's best I don't have a treadmill because it'd probably sit there gathering dust! Lol
In the summer I normally hit gym before work. Open at 6.30, done and showered by 8. Feel good all day, just gettin up that's the hard bit!