25 years old.Vegetarian .Calorie Counter
How did weigh in go Lucy? X
Yum I love Italian food sounds lovely well done you for choosing healthy.. I am rubbish at that .. If I go Out for a meal I always give In to temptation lol greedy piggy. I'm up to 8.3 but i think it's because of af as feeling very bloated. Did 2 x walks and gym last week with healthy choices but still weight is not shifting .. BooMorning girls. Why didn't you go to weigh-in lucy? Like you said yourself, it's best to see where your at and then start fresh. Although I don't blame you for not going!'s getting so cold and dark in the evenings that I just want to get home and into my pj's as soon as I finish work! I was so pleased with myself yesterday, we went for a spontaneous lunchtime meal and I chose the healthier option at the Italian restaurant we went to. I chose pasta arrabiatta, and because the restaurant cooks it fresh in front of you it's easy to see exactly what's gone into it. I think it was probably 7 syns max because of the oil and cheese on top. The only problem is that I didn't have 1/3 super free with it. But I've got loads of fruit at work that needs to be eaten today before the weekend, so hopefully that will make up for it! How are you getting on Sammielouise? xx
Morning girls. Why didn't you go to weigh-in lucy? Like you said yourself, it's best to see where your at and then start fresh. Although I don't blame you for not going!'s getting so cold and dark in the evenings that I just want to get home and into my pj's as soon as I finish work!
I was so pleased with myself yesterday, we went for a spontaneous lunchtime meal and I chose the healthier option at the Italian restaurant we went to. I chose pasta arrabiatta, and because the restaurant cooks it fresh in front of you it's easy to see exactly what's gone into it. I think it was probably 7 syns max because of the oil and cheese on top. The only problem is that I didn't have 1/3 super free with it. But I've got loads of fruit at work that needs to be eaten today before the weekend, so hopefully that will make up for it!
How are you getting on Sammielouise? xx
Yum I love Italian food sounds lovely well done you for choosing healthy.. I am rubbish at that .. If I go Out for a meal I always give In to temptation lol greedy piggy. I'm up to 8.3 but i think it's because of af as feeling very bloated. Did 2 x walks and gym last week with healthy choices but still weight is not shifting .. Boo.
As you can see 3weeks later the struggle was given up...and the weight piled on...started again yesterday and so far so good major fails yesterday though mdid get hungry in the evening and attacked bananas and muller lights like food was going to be rationed....hoping things settle down today and the hunger pangs are less
You shouldn't leave the thread .. We all go through ups and downs..perfectly normal. if you still want to get to your goal then you should definitely stay!xxx
thx back in the 8,s now just ....long way to go to het down