Ups and downs today so far.
Got a load of exercise in, Kettlebell, uphill walking and gardening. The sun was shining and it was actually WARM!!! It was even nice enough to strip down to my t-shirt and read outside for a while. Such a shame it is going to be so short lived, I need more sunny days to encourage me out of the house.
I caught myself in the kitchen thinking about how nice it would be to have something other than my Exante stuff for tea, and how nicely a glass of red wine would go down

I walked out quickly, read through my list of advantages for losing weight and decided to occupy my brain with writing instead. I know it will pass, just got to get myself through it.
I'm feeling all "loosendy" at the moment and it's driving me nuts. There are loads of things I SHOULD be doing, but nothing I actually WANT to do.
I am mentally fairly relaxed but I am physically very tense, I'm constantly having to relax my jaw and I'm stimming a lot. Ugh.
I also know I've not yet dropped any weight this week so far, it has only been a few days, and week 2 is never a good loss week for me no matter what the diet, but I'm feeling myself getting impatient.
I picked up The Beck's Diet Solution yesterday to help me get through the rough patches and maintain later. I'm having to fight the urge to sit and read it from cover to cover instead of following daily as it's supposed to be read.
I need to get my head screwed on a little better.