Total Solution A Debbil of a Diet

Well done for sticking to it. You should be proud of yourself. X
Well done on your weight-loss to date. I really enjoyed reading your honest posts.

Continued successes,

Hello. Have you started with the Beck Solution?

AliGal said:
Hello. Have you started with the Beck Solution?


Yes, but I'm only on day 4. It is very helpful even this early in to it and has helped me get through today :)
I will be on Alizonne until August - so was going to get the book in 4 months or so. I really look forward to hearing how it's going.

Have a great weekend

Third morning in a row I've woken up feeling very light headed and wobbly. Hope this passes, I've been up for 2 hours, had water and a shake and I still feel like I'm about to fall over.
Thankfully yes :)

My family has just gone out for the day and I've run around like a loon straightening up the house, so aside from some laundry I now have a relaxing day to myself. I think I'll treat myself to a big mug of coffee and curl up on the sofa with a book :D

I don't feel like I'm coming down with anything, but I have had one of those winters where I got hit with every bug going, so it could easily be that.
My GP suggested I take a salt tablet if I felt light headed. So you could try a gram of salt.

Thanks for dropping by. Lucky you to have the rest of the day to yourself....Enjoy.

Another rough day survived 100% TS, but it was hard. My husband made an amazing tea for him and my daughter and her cousin who is sleeping over. I wanted a taste so badly I could have cried. I told him how I was feeling and he helped me get through it without giving in to temptation which was just awesome. He's one of those naturally skinny types who has to overeat just to keep healthy. It can be frustrating.

Good night all, hope everyone is having an easy weekend :)
Well done for the will power! I've had a 100% ts day today and feel positive. Bit headachey an tired. Think ill be asleep as soon as ny head hits the pillow! Hopefully you will wake up feeling better tomorrow :) night night
Last day before weigh in!

I had a fight with my inner fat b*tch in the middle of the night, I realise now that she needs a name and needs to be treated with the contempt she deserves. I used to feel sorry for her, now I just want her out of my life forever.

From here on I will refer to her as "Efby".

I woke up at 3am on the verge of a panic attack. Efby was convinced we were dieing and that it was this diet that was killing us. Of course at 3am and in a panic I was no where near rational enough to understand or think through what was happing, I just applied my anti-panic techniques and after about an hour, got back to sleep.

I was very badly shaken by this as I've not had an attack like that in a VERY long time and I'm medicated against them.

When I got up at 7, I sat down at my computer and read through Minimins and slowly came to some realisations.

When I quit smoking, I treated my addiction as a thing separate from me, as a kind of parasite that was living off of me and which needed to be removed. I found this very helpful for getting out of the guilt trap and being stronger when ever I had carvings and negative thoughts, "It wasn't me, it was that nasty parasite, my addiction, if I ignore what it's saying, it will, like all bullies, eventually get bored and leave me alone."

It dawned on me that my food addiction and binge eating is very much the same thing. I am not the fat that surrounds me, that is the results of a nasty addiction that lives inside of me. The addiction put it there and the addiction needs to go.

When my husband got up I started telling him about it, "My inner fat ***** tried to sabotage me last night by trying to convince me the diet was killing me."

He laughed and said, "The diet IS killing your inner fat *****, no wonder she panicked."

As you know, I have been struggling a bit the last few days, but today it was like a great weight was lifted off me (and I don't mean the lb I dropped on the scales ;)), everything in my head kind of slotted into place.

This coincided with Day 6 of my Beck's book which is to set up a support system with someone you can turn to for help and support as and when you need it, kind of like a sponsor on AA. My husband is more than happy to take up this role and we are now fighting "Efby" together. :D
Had a great day yesterday and today is going to be another great one too. I set myself a goal of 2lb/week loss and despite a worrying start of 4 days with no loss, I managed to sneak that 2lbs in right at the end :D

I did great with my exercise in Week 2 and I'm already feeling fitter, I've gone from pulling myself up the stairs to running up the stairs in less than a week. I decided not to buy myself something girly to celebrate my first 10lb loss, instead I have treated myself to an early birthday present, a FitBit, it arrives today, I'm really excited :D

I have my diet motivation completely in place and this will help me with my exercise motivation.

Edit: Forgot to mention, I managed to button and zip my goal pants this morning, ok, they look terrible with all the bulges, but they are DONE UP!!!

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That's a very inspirational pic! Xx
Just a quick one as I'm in bed coughing my guts up deeply rubbish but well done you!! What a fab couple weeks you've had! Those trousers will be falling down in no time now! :)
Thank you :D

I had an amazing day yesterday. My Fitbit arrived about lunchtime and it is a fantastic little device. I immediately went out for a walk (including going to the shops and not even being tempted to look at cake or chocolate!!!). I live half way up a very steep hill, so the walk down to the shops was easy but the walk back nearly broke me, I am sooooo unfit, lol. The Fitbit set me a goal of 10k steps for the day and I managed 5k in the half a day I was wearing it.

What is really funny is that it has an altimeter in it and so it can track how many flights of stairs you climb in a day, I find myself making excuses to go upstairs just to notch up another flight :D

Here's my Profile:

The food tracker is crap compared to MFP, but it links to MFP so I can track my Exante shakes over there and it automatically imports into my Fitbit profile, so clever.

I'm discovering that I can get just as much satisfaction from the smell of foods than I used to from the taste. My husband had a big fry up this morning and I enjoyed it right along with him without a single morsel passing my lips. Even better is that my desk is right by the kitchen so I am still enjoying the smell of bacon and mushrooms even though the food is long gone.

I can honestly say that the last time I felt this focused and motivated was when I quit smoking, only this is even easier. Long may it continue :D
Just had a quick look, wow thats great!

I wish I had the same determination I did when I quit smoking! I just took it one day at a time, and did fine. During my wobbles I bought clothes :s or ate. I put on a stone. Now I am dieting I want to smoke again! This isnt meant to happen! I think Im a terrible addict swapping one addiction for another! So now I am at the same weight I was when I gave up smoking (just after a Christmas binge when we still had chocolate in the house) and all I can think about is food or cigs! Argh! I really really need a giant kick up the backside I think!

I want to lose weight and I need to lose weight as I have got my pony back and started riding her and I really dont want her to be carrying extra weight! Poor thing! But then I feel guilty and have this urge to binge again. Or smoke! Argh!

Have a good day today :)
I quit smoking ten years ago and I feel like I've been on a diet/binge roller-coaster ever since. When I quit, I had got to the stage where I'd had enough, I genuinely, 100% did NOT want to smoke again, and it was totally about me and my wants/needs and no-one else.

Every time I've dieted I've had that little voice in the back of my head telling me that I'm "depriving" myself and that it's "Not fair", and it's that voice that has controlled me all these years. It's the same voice that kept me smoking for over 30 years and countless attempts to quit.

This time the voice is... not gone... but just no longer important enough to listen too. The other one that keeps looking at pretty clothes and imagines sunbathing on a beach without shame, that voice is in control for the first time :D

I'm very much an addictive personality type, I think what has helped this time is that after 20 years without, I'm back on caffeine. It used to give me migraines but I now have medication that prevents that, so I have something I'm addicted too again that is, compared to food and cigs, pretty harmless :)

I think that like so many things in life, you have to be mentally ready. Beck's Diet Solution is also helping with that. I'm applying every single tool I can to make this work. In my head slipping of the diet would be as harmful to me as starting smoking again would. I'm NOT going to throw it all away this time.

You WILL get there, get your head right and your body will follow :D