Total Solution A Debbil of a Diet

And now I reach the end of another great day :D

I was down .5lb on the scale and after a good nights sleep, I was energetic and motivated. I had loads of fun meeting my daily challenges on my fitbit and achieved all but one.

10213 steps taken today - 102 % of goal of 10000
16 floors climbed today - 160 % of goal of 10 - You have climbed: Godzilla *giggle*
4.62 miles traveled today - 92 % of goal of 5.00
2575 calories burned - 131 % of goal of 1959
1004 active score

The burned calories is my base metabolic calories, plus calories burned through normal activity and exercise. The number seems extremely high to me, but it is just a guide, I know I've been VERY active today, so it's all good.

I had no issues with cravings at all. One thing that has surprised me over the last 2 weeks is how easy I'm finding it keeping my fluid levels up over the 2l mark. This is something I've always struggled with in the past, but I knew I'd have to be serious about this time so that I don't get another kidney stone. Being able to drink the Bouillon, coke zero and fizzy water is making it so much easier than just drinking tap or still bottled water, which I cannot stand.
I'm on my phone so can't like anything but a massive well done coming your way! You have done yourself proud girl! How long did it take you your head properly into diet mode?

Know what you mean about fluids. I used to drink 8 cups of green tea and 2 litres of water a day and was 11 stone. Now I don't and I am 12.5 argh! Ivr had another failed day today. Feel awfully bloated and uncomfortable. Even stole a cig off my friend. Why I dont know as it made me gag. Not sure why I'm suddenly on this mission of self destruct! I think I def need to take one day at a tine. I'm out and about all day tomorrow so I'm going to have porridge for breakfast and a bar for lunch then Choc shake for tea and I will stick to my water. If I can do tomorrow I will be very pleased!

Argh what I meant to say before my random self obsessed waffle was to maybe try flavoured still water from sainsburys if you dont like it plain. Having said that it sounds like you're doing fab anyway!

Sleep well and fingers crossed I will join you 100% tomorrow x
You'll get there , You just have to believe it, you are only 30lbs from your goal, even if you only lost 2lbs a week you'd be there in time to enjoy a super slim summer, and with Exante at 100% TS, you'll get there even sooner. In June, when you look back, you'll be amazed at how quickly the time has passed.

There is absolutely nothing that I could put in my mouth right now that would be worth falling off the wagon for. Bu October (hopefully when I reach my goal) I'll be able to start having a tasty treat every once in a while, but by then I will have learned how to not over do it and go on a bingefest. Six months wait for a bit of a chocolate, yup, I can wait, six months is nothing. In six months I'm going to be the slimmest I've been in 10 years, that is way more exciting than cake. :D

Have you thought of trying an electronic cigarette? I have a few friends using them and they all say it's been a massive help.

I've always had issues with my weight, so it's something I have been battling for almost all my life, Even when I was slim I thought I was fat.

I woke up one morning about 3 weeks ago and realised that enough was enough. Start prepping for a diet, found Exante and here I am.

My head is screwed on right now and I'm going to do everything I can to keep it that way, but I think the biggest thing I have to learn is not to beat myself up if I do fall off the wagon. I need to learn to say "oh well. No matter." and climb straight back on again instead getting all miserable and depressed and eating myself numb.
Hello how are you? How was your day? Been working and on my feet all day today and already in bed but stayed 100% yay! Fingers crossed I can keep it up now! Thank you for your support this week :) hopefully ivr got over my hurdles now. If I can drop a couple of pounds by WI fri I'll be over the moon! Enjoy thr rest of your evening x
I have total faith in you :D

I've had another good day, got loads done and been on feet almost all day too. I have had a couple of cravings, the worst one was when my daughter came home from school with chocolate cupcakes she had baked. This is the first time she has ever made anything that I haven't eaten :(

Then to top it off my husband made the awesome salt and pepper tofu dish that I love. I actually had to walk out the kitchen. I made through 100%TS, but it wasn't as easy as it has been. I think I may have PMT, it's been about 3 months since my last one, I've been ratty, I have spots and my tummy is a little bloated. If my weight is up tomorrow, at least I'll know why.

I added some tandoori powder to my veg soup tonight... OM NOM NOM, it gave me an idea for something I might try on my WS week, I'm going to try making a curry with chicken, a bit of spinach and some cauliflower using the veg soup as a sauce with curry spices.

Still having fun with my Fitbit too, I'm getting addicted to climbing stairs, I've done about 20 flights today :D Even just walking around the supermarket was fun because I knew my steps were being counted. I didn't buy a morsel of food for myself, I sent my husband off to do the food shopping while I bought a few things for the garden and then I just walked around notching up step points :)
Ugh, really struggling today. I'm very tired and sore from all the exercise I've been doing. I've barely done anything today and I daren't even go in the kitchen. Wanna go back to bed... waaaa. ;)
Stay strong love you are doing brilliantly ... its harder some days than others x maybe have a day off from exercise to let your muscles rest x remember you wont have as much energy on the calorie intake you are on be active but kind to yourself or you are going to feel low and ill xx

let the diet work and you will do just fine... build up gently x
Thanks Tulip, I did take a day off from the exercise and I'm feeling a lot better today. I'm going to go WS next week as my 4th week food break. I've also ordered in a few more varieties of shakes and the porridge to give me a little more choice, I've only been using the choc shake and the veg and tomato soups.

There are times when I wish my husband was such an awesome cook, he made Thai Chicken Satay last night for him and my daughter, I could have cried it looked and smelled so good. He's promised to cook me low carb/cal versions of all my favourites next week if I can keep strong this week. :D

I have discovered these last three weeks that one of my favourite smells in the world is rice cooking. So odd, and so NOT allowed.

Edit: Everything has become clear, TotM.
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I've noticed that I am having absolutely no cravings for sweet or oily foods, what I am carving is lean and healthy foods. Every-time I see chicken I start salivating, but the sight of the pizza my family had tonight was enough to turn my stomach.

I've been craving a lot today, no doubt due to the TotM. It's been a battle, but I am on top of it :)
I ate a tiny bit of chicken. It was in my mouth before I knew what had happened. I wish I'd actually allowed myself to eat in a more planned and conscious way, it was like my inner fat ***** snuck out and grabbed as I was passing. Cheeky ;)

TotM is definitely messing with my resistance to cravings, but aside from that mini bite, I'm still in control. Must admit though, I am looking forward to my WS week much more than I probably should be. This will be a big test for me, if I can stay strict while eating and then start back 100% TS as soon as the week is done.
Week 4 begins and my first WS week. I've carefully planned what I'm going to eat and the calories and carbs. When I listed all the meals I wanted, they all worked out between 200-400 calories, that tells me that my body actually wants and needs healthy food. The only naughty think that has tempted me is a bar of Lindt Chilli Chocolate, it's about 50 kcal and g carb/squ, so while it probably won't do me any harm at all, I'm going to skip it, I don't need it.

I went to the pub last night and drank diet cola, so I'm keeping an eye on my ketones today, I was still in K last night when I got home, though the strip wasn't as dark pink as it has been, so I'm hoping the odd diet cola when out and about and unable to get zero won't be an issue.

We're going to go to the supermarket today and pick up some fresh fish and make a baked salt and pepper Chinese style meal tonight. I'm excited and a little nervous at the same time, it will be lovely to have a break, I just need to make sure I can stay in control and not give in to other temptations.
Not much of a difference in my pics this week, though the trousers are pulling slightly less across my lower stomach. They did button up more easily as well, but it's still going to be a while before I'll be wearing them. I'm hoping to see a bigger difference next week when my TotM is finished.

The Debbil said:
Not much of a difference in my pics this week, though the trousers are pulling slightly less across my lower stomach. They did button up more easily as well, but it's still going to be a while before I'll be wearing them. I'm hoping to see a bigger difference next week when my TotM is finished.

Oh I can see a big difference :) you're doing great :)
I survived my first WS day without going nuts, but to be honest, I can't say I really enjoyed it. The salt and pepper chicken, fish and tofu was delicious, but very salty, not something that would have been a bother before Exante, but by the time I stopped eating, my mouth felt awful. I also had some spinach and a couple of baby plumb tomatoes, the meal probably came in about 600 calories which is higher than I wanted for, but the meals I have planned for the rest of the week only come in about 2-300 calories. My weight is up a lb today, but I'm sure that will be a knock on from the salt and the fact I actually have some solid stuff in my system right now, so I'm not worried about that, it'll be gone by the start of next week, and then some *fingers crossed*

Tonight I'm going to have a chicken salad.
Much better yesterday. Though I struggled to eat a chicken breast and a little salad, I was full before I was even half way full so I put it aside and ate it later. My weight was back down again this morning which was a relief.

Had some fun this morning, had a huge fallout with my daughter after catching her lying to me, normally I would have gone straight to the fridge, but I found myself storming around the house cleaning... loudly... *laugh*

It would be funny if I weren't so annoyed ;)
Thanks Darcy :)

There is something interesting happening in my brain!

For some reason I'm really not enjoying the food I've been eating the last few days, sure, it tastes nice, but I could quite honestly do with out it or the bother of preparing/eating it. My daughter came home from school with an Easter egg yesterday, it's sat in the same room as me right now, I pass it every time I go anywhere in the house, it's unwrapped with the chocolate right there for all to see. I have absolutely NO desire to eat it!!!! You know what I'm looking forward too? My lunchtime shake!

I'm going to keep doing the 4th week WS, not because I want to, but because I'm curious to see if this happens everytime and if my attitude to food really is changing on a deep and permanent level.

Right now, I see food as nothing but a fuel, this is something it has never been for me. Long may it continue :D
Nothing exciting to write about today.

Did enjoy my Exante curry though, I boiled up a little butternut squash and cauliflower then dry stir fried some chicken and mixed the veg in. Mixed up the veg soup with 150ml of boiling water and mixed it through. Added Tandoori powder and a touch of chilli. Still only managed to eat half of it before I felt full even though I only used half a chicken breast and barely 2 handfuls of the veg.

I was a bit worried about the squash but the quantity I used only came to 31kcal and 8g carbs and my weight is down a little this morning.

I'm going to go and do some real exercise on the Kinect this morning and next week I'm going to venture to the gym. :D
Your exante curry sounds lovely- very nice indeed! Hope that it tasted good. Good luck with your 4 week plan and exercise kick xx
Argh, torn between eating and not eating today. Ive barely lost half a lb so far this week despite being really careful and weighting everything. My body just clearly hates food, but that little addicted voice in my head is telling me to eat anyway. No! Do not want! I'm so close to being out of the 200's, that is far more important than a bit of chicken.