A Graceful Descent

hmmm so tuna bake didn't happen - I just couldn't get motivated to cook anything as absolutely knackered with another blazing headache. I DEFINITELY need to get my thyroid back under control to keep me on track as when I'm like this I end up not eating properly and just grabbing small amounts here and there and although its not mega unhealthy it isn't exactly full of nutrients or vitamins either.

So dinner ended up being 2 slices of cheese on toast totalling 8pps. So that's 27/31 so far - I should be able to use the other 4 later by doing myself a big chocolate milkshake using the WW instant chocolate mix as I'm mega thirsty and craving sweet stuff so that'll fit the bill nicely :)
I have designated today as an official Day of Duvet with supporting roles to be played by my sofa and movies on my tv :) I definitely need some battery recharging so I'm determining it as a lazy day and going to try and catch up on some rest.

With that in mind I stayed in bed until late watching the tv and then when I got up I bummed around a bit so ended up missing breakfast. I've had a bigger lunch to make up for it though to ensure I'm not missing too many meals.

So today's menu...


2 x goats cheese salad wraps (10)
Curly wurly (3)
Big bunch of grapes (0)

Turkey stir fry (3)
Stock cube (1)
Cornflour (1)
60g gluten free pasta (5)

Milk (3)

I'm thinking I must have lost again this week as well - I put on my combats this morning having not worn them for 2 weeks and they are literally falling off. They are just about wearable still but are definitely baggy and I'm going to have to put a belt on them if I leave my house to stop me keep having to hitch them up every 5 seconds. It could be from the 5.5lbs I've taken off over the last 2 weeks but all of a sudden I've gone from not seeming to have changed size much to as if its all come off in one hit. Its great as all my bigger clothes are all now getting to be too big but its also annoying as although I'm just about getting back into the next size down and I'm digging some stuff out of the back of the drawers and wardrobe they are still just that little bit too tight to be comfortable. With any luck it'll only be another couple of weeks at most and then I'll be able to start wearing all my old clothes again without a problem. I think its time for another wardrobe review and sort through tomorrow - I'm determined to go through my shoes as well and get shot of the ones that I don't wear, no matter how nice they may be. My wardrobe and chest of drawers are just so stuffed with stuff that I don't use that I really need to start breaking it down to the bits I really use and then I can buy some better quality pieces to pull it all together into something I can actually wear and feel good in.

And the first stage in that are my new Uggs that I am using as my first stone treat! I get hideously bad chilblains on my feet in the winter and always feel so cold because of my thyroid and I had a pair of sheepskin boots that I have been wearing for years to help with the problem. They have now stretched so much and become so loose that they are virtually unwearable though and I've been wanting some genuine Uggs for a while. I was going to pick some up out in the USA in November as the long ones would have been about £150 with a good exchange rate as opposed to over £200 over here. So when I was in London a few weeks back I tried some on to get the sizing right and fell in love with the 3 button Bailey ones - they are not so structured as the classic tall ones and are a lot looser and more casual but I think that's what I like about them. They are a lot wider and I guess chunkier so I thought I'd want the classics but as soon as I put them on I've been dreaming about them ever since. Except they are £230 over here and I just can't even consider spending that much money on them - they would be about £160 ish from the USA and even that was making me whince and have to think twice.

Anyway - I have kind of had to accept that the USA trip for November is unlikely to happen as I am waiting to see the neurologist still and I can't get travel insurance until I've either been diagnosed or signed off as ok. To be honest even if I see the neurologist in October, as expected, I can't believe they aren't going to want a brain scan or further tests so its unlikely it will be settled by November and I've made the mental decision that I am going to have to let the trip go this year and aim for next spring or summer instead. So I was randomly looking at Ugg boots on Amazon wishing I could afford them when I happened on the button Bailey ones at an offer price of £138. I was really sceptical as to whether they were genuine at that price as that's lower than the normal short ones and one review had commented that theirs had arrived in a bag and not a proper Ugg box. But at the same time they are listed as an authorised retailer and it showed as actually being dispatched by Amazon so I decided to order them and if it was clear they weren't genuine I would be complaining and then reporting them to Ugg for selling fakes.

Well they arrived this morning. In a proper Ugg box. With all the Ugg markings. And information from Ugg actually telling you how to check the hologram to make sure they aren't counterfit and it passes that test. So they look like they are genuine. For £138!!!!! I looked on the site this morning and they've gone back up to £200 so I'm over the moon!!! Yes £138 is still one hell of a lot of money and I did gulp a few times before I confirmed the purchase but I have literally worn my old cheaper ones into the ground and I will be living in them for about 6 months of the year so I think its worth the money. Having warm feet makes SUCH a difference to how warm I am through the winter and how well I feel that it also justifies it - I might even be able to turn my heating down slightly which will save me some money as well - and I'm not paying out for the USA now so they are cheaper than a flight there lol

So weight is finally on the way down, clothes are getting baggy and I'm able to wear stuff without having to cover up again, I'm close to no longer being in the obesity category, I have an awesome pair of Uggs for £100 less than they should be and I started my meds increase today as the first step towards feeling better. Today is most DEFINITELY a good day :)
oops no I lied - they weren't £138. I just checked the receipt and they were actually £132.73 :)

Well that's an extra £5 to put towards the protection spray stuff then
today is a freaking weird day on the other hand!! hahahaha

I haven't tracked at all today as I've been distracted and not eating properly and not feeling great with no appetite etc. So far I have had a big bowl of frosties for lunch and that's it but on the bright side I do have fish out defrosting to make my own fish pie later.

But I started my day with my weekly call to my nan and ended the call where I'm now pretty sure I probably just got written out of any will she might have hahahahahhaaha She's 90 years old and everyone thinks she must be this sweet little old lady - and it couldn't be further from the truth. She spent most of the call having a go about 2 other women at the warden assisted place she is living because they had reported the warden over something that wasn't true and were gossiping about him and he had had to be investigated and then moved to another place as he didn't feel able to go back. I can't remember what she was telling me but I did point out to her gently that she didn't know the reasons behind any of it and was only taking information second hand which meant she was making a judgement about someone based on gossip which was exactly what she was complaining about them doing. It all sounded a bit like a school playground thing and I told her she ought to keep out of it - I didn't have a go but I don't think she liked it that I didn't agree with her.

Then she's complaining about one of the carers who she has in the morning that came to her last week because she hadn't done her washing up for her and had just put it in the sink. One of the other women was saying she ought to complain to the office about her for not doing it and I told her I didn't think she should as I'm not sure that they are there to do her washing up! They go in every morning to help her get up and get dressed and washed and to put her breakfast together for her - she actually gets herself up before they arrive because she's actually able to look after herself quite well but does need someone to keep a bit of an eye on her and help her get moving in the mornings. But they've given her a stool thing to use at her sink to help her wash up and she can clearly do it as she washes up her own lunch and dinner things and the although the carers are meant to be there for up to half an hour its actually to help her look after herself and its not a case of they have to do stuff like her washing up to make up the time if she's able to do it herself - plus to be honest the more they do for her isn't actually doing her any favours as it means she gets less and less active and her muscles waste a bit more if she's not using them. She got really annoyed and said well the other girl washes up her cup for her and she is paying for them to be there so should get her money's worth ... she actually pays about £5 a week and that's it lol I was trying to say to her that yes most of them probably do do it for her but they aren't REQUIRED to and if she starts complaining that they aren't doing this or aren't doing that and she is paying for them then she's at risk of them getting stroppy with her and her suffering because of it.

Anyway - in general she was just in the mood for moaning about everything and having a go at everyone and it gets a bit difficult to listen to sometimes so it was irritating me anyway. Then she went into her usual thing of having a go about my mum's family (she's my dad's mum). I know my dad gets irritated by it and he has to bite his lip a lot and there's been times I've found it difficult not snapping at her when she's telling me that my other grandparents never spent any time with us as kids and she had to do everything when I know for a fact that it simply isn't true because I remember the time we spent with them! And what's worse is that she never did anything out of the ordinary either!!! lol

But she is an outright snob and for some unknown reason seems to believe that her family are better than them - god knows why - and while talking about one of my aunt's she commented that her daughter was the only one that had turned out ok and hadn't caused her any problems. Now at that point I pointed out that actually what had the other 2 done that put them in the category of being a waste of space and a problem?! She then goes on to have a go about the middle cousin of the 3 of them and that because he had married a woman who already had 2 kids and then he has 2 younger kids with her and then ended up back at home and he ought to grow up. Well this cousin I keep in touch with online quite a lot and I know his situation very well and I was fuming - I pointed out that actually although he had moved back home when his marriage failed he hadn't exactly been a "problem" for my aunt and that relationships do fail but that it was hardly because he needs to grow up - he's devastated that he doesn't see a great deal of his kids, would love to have full custody if possible and works his guts out to make sure he earns enough money to give them as good a life as he can. His marriage failed because he found out his wife was cheating on him behind his back so making a comment that he needs to grow up and work at his marriage was totally unfair on him. So she starts having a go back telling me that he'd back and forth to his mum and that was why he'd been a problem - firstly no he wasn't back and forth that much and secondly he want back to try and make his marriage work because they have kids together and it didn't work out so he left again.

I then pointed out that my own brother had moved back home when his relationship broke up years ago and she wouldn't make that comment about him. Apparently that's different because there weren't kids involved. I pointed out that another one of my cousins split up with his wife where there was a kid involved and was now married with another daughter and 2 stepdaughters from his current wife's previous marriage - apparently that is different too. Yep its different because she thinks he is from a "better" background as he doesn't live on a council estate. It just really made my blood boil and for once I couldn't just sit and not say anything - I probably should have just bit my lip and let it go but I'd just had enough today.

I pointed out that both my brother's have had relationships that have failed, the eldest moved back home when he split up with his girlfriend and the next one up from me's first marriage ended in divorce after just over a year and she wouldn't make those comments about them so she shouldn't make it about John either - especially as he lives near her and god alone knows who else she says this stuff too when that judgement really isn't fair on him. So she tells me she isn't talking about her family ... at which point I did quite forcefully point out that what she needs to remember is that she IS talking about MINE!!!

Anyway by the end of the call apparently its all my fault and how dare I talk to her like that and I'm trying to make something out of an innocent comment etc etc etc. So I think I am now the devil incarnate .... although on the bright side I will probably not be woken up by the phone ringing me next Sunday morning hahahahaha

I did ring my mum up afterwards to warn her and my dad is due to ring her tonight anyway so I told him she's probably now very wound up and thinks that everyone is attacking her - I also told him not to let her wind him up as he doesn't need to defend me or it'll end up as a huge argument unnecessarily.

So I then decided to let off steam by doing a MAJOR clear out of my drawers and wardrobe etc. On the bright side I have found a lot of clothes that had been put away for ages that are now fitting so I've reorganised everything so that I actually have clothes to wear. I've also removed a LOT of stuff from my wardrobe that although it actually fits its stuff I bought without really thinking when or where I'm going to wear it and which never really gets used if for no other reason than now I can actually see what clothes I have to be able to start wearing them!

I'm about to go and do a shoe clear out next and then I'm dusting and hoovering my room to within an inch of its life - I moved the bed last night and couldn't believe how much dust was under it and behind it and no wonder I struggle with my sinuses sometimes.

Anyway - the outcome is that I have no idea what is wrong with me today but I'm in a REALLY agitated mood and happy to snap at people very easily (with good reason admittedly) and with an urge to clear out everything and start from scratch. If it wasn't for the fact that I'm a week too late I'd be convinced I had PMT!!!
Hi Miff . God you are having a bad day:(. It probably doesnt help that you were feeling tired and washed out anyway without getting your gran giving you an earfull of grief and raising your blood pressure !!!!. The cleaning out and tidying is probably just theraputic as I always feel better after a clean up and throw out ,kinda cleansed. Its probably helping you to calm down .

Snobbery and judging people because of where they came from is something that was rife in your nans time and I can really understand that its hard to take now (and listen to it rehashed over and over again) . But I suppose she is 90 years old but if she starts it again I would just politely say ...Look Nan ,I dont want to listen to this type of talk again can we talk about something else and change the subject. Do you think that would work !!! .
Hope ur ok petal!! We all have those days! Yay to combats that are too big :) xx
thanks ladies - I think my post yesterday was just me getting it off my chest - felt REALLY odd all day yesterday and was up and down like a yo-yo. I had this urge to pace back and forth lots and it was like I was majorly edgy all day - I'm thinking its an odd thyroidy hormone thing as that all seems to be going a bit haywire at the moment. I started my meds increase on Saturday and hopefully within a few weeks that will start to kick in and stop the decline so I can get some damn sleep. I've been getting no more than about 4 hours a night for about 3 weeks now and its driving me totally nuts - I'm SO tired and then can't sleep and its like chinese torture.

As for my nan - nope I don't think saying anything reasonably to her will work as it hasn't for the last 90 years hahahahahaha I know its a generation thing with her - she's rascist as hell as well but gets offended if you point it out to her as she doesn't think she is. The snobbery is hilarious though - she's always been like that apparently but she comes from a family of horse traders so I have no idea what makes her think she's a cut above. Obviously they weren't horse traders according to her as I think she's re-written history in her head lol I love her to pieces obviously, mainly because its compulsory ;), but at the same time she can be an absolute ***** and she does spend a lot of time trying to stir things up between people and playing one side against the other then sitting back and playing the innocent. I'm more annoyed at myself that I actually bit yesterday as normally I just ignore her and then ring my mum once I get off the phone to let off steam and say all the stuff I've been biting through my lip not to say while talking to her hahahahaha

Oh well - absolutely knackered this morning but feeling a lot more "normal" - or my version of it anyway. My bedroom is now pristine and organised. I still couldn't find anything to wear this morning as I'm kind of between two sizes at the moment but another couple of weeks and I'll have more options again. Once I'm at the stage where I'm a particular size for a while I just need to go through and work out what clothes I need to pull things together into actual outfits. I have a friend who's great at doing that who is going to pop in at some point this week while she's off work and I might set her the challenge of putting bits together to give me some outfits - she's brutally honest about what works and what doesn't as well so if there's something that I've been wearing that doesn't suit me she'll let me know pretty quickly. I have other friends that won't do that as they think they are being nice telling you you look great - I understand why but I actually prefer the friend who looks at it and goes "seriously - change" hahahahahahhaha

I now have a plan to try and tackle one room at a time and get them all that clear and that organised and then try and keep them that way. Next up is my bathroom. To be honest no room is that bad as I do this at least a couple of times a year so the good news is it won't take long to get back to better organised but I do need to start focusing everything a bit better at the moment as its all just got a bit too relaxed and sometimes I need to do that whole clear out thing to get my head straight.

So today I need to pull my finger out with work and get some money coming in and refocus on the diet side of things as that will help stop the hypoglycaemia and balance my thyroid etc as well.

And with that in mind today's menu ...

Breakfast - smoothie = 6pps

Mullerlight yoghurt (2)
Flax oil (1)
Banana (0)
Pineapple (0)
Milk - including for tea etc (3)

Lunch = 8 pps

2 x boiled eggs (4)
Olive oil (1)
Roasted butternut squash (0)
Beetroot (0)
Celery (0)
Wrap (3) - not sure on this, depends on how I feel by lunchtime

Dinner = 9pps

Cod fillet (2)
100g new potato (2)
Corn on the cob (4)
Small knob light buttery spread (1)

So far = 23/31

I think I might well have a bit of a treat for pudding such as some ambrosia rice pudding or low fat custard to use up some of the other points so my guess is that by the end of the day I'll be around 28 or 29 points total. Having said that I'm out tomorrow evening and will have to grab something quick and easy before I go and the only thing in the freezer that fits the bill is sausages and chips so I'm happy being slightly under my points today to make up for it! lol
:) busy bee! Hope u enjoyed pud x
went with a small pot of ambrosia low fat custard and it was freaking yummy! :)

Today has turned into total hectic and knackered and all over the place - yet again. I have the football tonight which means I need to leave here by about 5.15pm ish so not much time to organise food before I go and then by the post this morning my tickets still hadn't arrived. So that meant either leaving here even earlier at about 4.30 and then queuing up for ages with everyone else who's tickets didn't arrive or taking the time to drive down to the stadium today to pick them up - which is a 45 minute drive each way on a good day.

They also didn't manage to get me the email to tell the park and ride people to let me on the bus and without that I didn't know how I was going to sort transport. So I tried to call them this morning and the queue was well over 30 minutes long - at which point I decided I may as well drive down there and pick the tickets up as my brother will drive tonight to save me having to and at least then I can leave here later. It means I've had to take some time off work but I'm SO tired today that I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing anyway.

Oh and I'm mainly so knackered because my flaming cat didn't like that I didn't get up at 5am to let her out so she came upstairs and pee'd on my bed again. Aaaaaaagggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhh - I had to get up and stick everything in the washing machine quick before it soaked through and then couldn't get back to sleep. I could have slaughtered her - she looked at me and ran and hid downstairs and then got upset that when she came back upstairs I had shut my bedroom door so she couldn't get back in. Hopefully that'll teach her to make sure she doesn't do it again for quite a while! I have no idea why she does it - it seems to come on after a few weeks of her getting progressively more demanding. Its almost as if she decides that she rules the house and I need to wait on her every whim ... and then she gets put back in place and goes all sheepish and loving again. I swear its like having a kid that keeps misbehaving until it ends up in trouble then gets better for a while until they start misbehaving again hahahahaha

So today hasn't really been a good one for counting as its a "non-diet" kind of day. Its going as ...

45g Frosties (5)
Milk (3)

3 low fat sausages (6)
Oven chips (9)

Dinner - will have to take with me and eat en-route
2 low fat sausages (4)
2 x wraps (7)

So that puts me at 34/31 and as I don't think I've really touched my weeklies this week that's fine. I might even grab some sweets to munch on at the footie as long as I don't overdo it :)

No weigh in tonight - I did check my weight at home this morning and I know its down but I can't remember what it was last week to compare it - doh! lol Official weigh in next week so hopefully I'll be able to keep it going until then :)
I didn't have time to make anything to eat before I had to leave last night in the end so ended up grabbing a little bag of chocolate covered raisins at the ground - not a great choice but I was getting shaky and actually needed the sugar. It was that or pies, burgers and hot dogs which I really didn't want.

Having said that we were playing Sunderland in the Carling Cup last night and it was a tough game which ended up going to extra time. We managed to get a goal 5 minutes into extra time and then had to sweat the next 25 minutes trying to hold onto it so I think the nervous energy I burnt off probably undid any damage from the chocolate covered raisins!! Especially once the word "penalties" was mentioned!!! hahahaha I was then jumping up and down lots at the final whistle when we caused a nice big upset and knocked them out of the competition too :)

So breakfast was the sausage wraps and I'm planning on making lamb keebabs for dinner but I haven't got a clue what I'm doing for lunch yet so I'll come back and do my menu later.

Right now the combination of being undermedicated and not being able to get to sleep until god alone knows when last night because I couldn't unwind mean that I'm just too tired to really give it any consideration right now - I could happily fall asleep sat at my computer and its going to be a looooooong day!
so the menu has ended up like this (lazy day!) ...


2 low fat sausages (4)
2 wraps (7)

Baked beans (4)
2 slices WW bread toasted (3)

Curly Wurly (3)

Lamb (3)
Pack of uncle ben's express rice (10)
Veggies - either keebab-ed or stir fried depending on how feel (0)

Milk for tea etc (3)


6 weeklies used - not the best start to a new week but I did walk down the high street and back so can add in half an hour of exercise and I'm just soooooo tired today I really can't be bothered with thinking about what I'm eating properly. My eyes are quite literally rolling in my head - I've had to stop work an hour early as I'm struggling to concentrate on the computer screen and I really can't see me making it much past 9pm tonight before I crash out! lets just hope I can actually sleep by then though :)
actually to revise that - lets hope I can actually stay awake until then and not fall asleep and then wake up having had the equivalent of a power nap hahahaha

its the problem with losing weight - before I took any off I was too lethargic and big to want to go out or to be doing anything. As the weight comes off I end up going out more and being busier and then I don't have time to concentrate on the diet side of it - its one of those sod's law cycles ;)
well as suspected I went to bed last night - *zing* wide awake! aaagggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I finally fell asleep about 12.30 then woke up again at 2am before finally falling back to sleep and staying that way until about 6.15 this morning. I then couldn't get back to sleep, although I did at least actually stay in bed until just after 8. I REALLY hope my meds increase kicks in soon as this has been going on for about 3 weeks now and its driving me nuts - I'm getting towards the end of the period I can cope with it without starting to seriously suffer. Oh well - it is at least a bank holiday weekend so I can spread my weekend over 3 days instead of 2 and get some rest that way.

I ended up yesterday by adding on a chocolate WW mousse and another curly wurly so I've now used 15 weeklies - no idea why I ended up eating so much yesterday but I had one of those days where I just couldn't stop - I've had no appetite last week so maybe I was making up for it. Back to feeling more normal this morning thankfully so hopefully it'll stay that way the rest of the week as my jeans feel a bit more snug today than they did on Monday! I need that to stop - NOW lol

So today's menu plan ...

Breakfast = 3pp
Mandarin smoothie (2)
Flax oil (1)

Lunch = 9pp
Wafer thin chicken roll (2)
4 x slices WW bread (5)
Marg - est (2)
Salad (0)
Watermelon (0)

Dinner = 9pp
Pork escalope (5)
Ratatouille (0)
100g potato (2)
Fruit salad (0)
Meringue (2)

General = 6pp
Milk (3)
Curly Wurly (3)


So today's challenge is to stick to it :)
I don't even want to think about what I've eaten the last couple of days - I haven't been concentrating on getting organised at all and just haven't felt like cooking etc. I can't even remember what I actually ate yesterday - I think it was pretty much no lunch but filled up on chewits instead!

Today went totally hectic and just wrong. I had the footie again and I got up so late that by the time I'd taken my meds and had a shower I didn't have time for breakfast, ran out the door about 12ish and managed to get a takeout sandwich from Tescos - ham and swiss cheese was the only even remotely lower fat option. I was hypoglycaemic by this point so needed to get some sugar so had a milky way and then had another one at the footie, together with a pack of fruit pastilles.

Then when I got home I was needing to eat fairly quickly and not up to cooking again so gave in and grabbed steak and kidney pie and chips at the fish and chip shop round the corner - actually most unlike me as I can't remember the last time I went to the fish and chip shop and its got to be well over a year ago. I'm now feeling bloated as hell and not really enjoying having eaten it even though I only had about half of the chips so the good news is its probably enough to have put me off doing it again for a while! lol

I'm writing it off and then I'm going to sit down tomorrow and get myself a proper menu plan sorted for the coming week and then go and do my supermarket shop to make sure I stick to it! All after I've hopefully had a very long lie in to get over this freaking exhaustion!

I'm a week into my meds increase now and after I let the cat out at 6am I did go back to bed this morning and not wake up until 10 so I'm hopeful for tomorrow - I'm totally drained again this evening so I need it desperately and I know the diet isn't going to get back on track until I get more balanced. Not an excuse just being realistic - when my thyroid meds are off its SO hard to stick to doing anything, let alone dieting, as I end up with chronic fatigue - difficult to explain but its more than being tired and sleep will catch up but more like everything you are doing you are trying to force through thick treacle to achieve it.

So tonight is a blinding headache and knackered and I'm about to go to bed at which point I will draw a line under this week and start from fresh in the morning.
so my lie in this morning didn't really happen as I woke up to let the cat out at about 6.30am and although I went back to bed I couldn't get back to sleep. But on the bright side I am actually feeling a bit brighter and more focused today so that's the good news.

I have decided that today I'm just going to finish off bits and pieces in my house and use up stuff that needs using and then the menu plan starts from tomorrow. I've just sat and done my shopping list and as soon as I pull my finger out and get off t'internet I'll be heading to Sainsburys to buy what's on the list - and ONLY what is on the list!

New week - new start. My scales this morning are showing that I've regained what I think I lost last week so with any luck the worst that i'll have from this last week is a STS on the official scales. Then that gives me 2 weeks to get myself organised before my next set of evening games at the footie - 3 on the trot which will make me miss 2 weigh ins in a row so I really do need to get myself planning better for those times. Having said that by the time I get to that stage my meds should have kicked in so that should help keep me on track and help me get my head right.

So no menu listing today - its broadly where it should be for points and I'm not stuffing loads of rubbish but I'm just giving myself a final day off from pointing without worrying about it.

Onwards and downwards :)
new week - new start.

I was late getting up but so far everything seems to be back on track so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it stays that way. I really need to get out and mow my lawn this afternoon but soooooooo don't want to - I'm trying to think of the extra exercise points it'll accumulate to undo some of the last week but its still not helping lol

Anyway today's menu ....

Breakfast = 3pps

Mandarin smoothie:
banana (0)
mandarins (0)
Bio yogurt (2)
Flax oil (1)

Lunch = 5pps
1/2 bag salad (0)
Pear (0)
Parma ham - griddled (5)

Dinner = 14pps

Egg noodles (4)
Quorn pieces (2)
Uncle Ben's sweet & sour light sauce (5)
2 x meringue nests (3)
Mandarin segments (0)

General = skimmed milk (3)

Your menu looks great Miff . I love noodles too but any ones I have ever pointed seemed very high . which ones do you use ??. replied to you on my diary but Im all on for a fresh start . had a good day so far today. I know if I can stay on track for a few days ,i'll be back in the swing of it again.
I can't remember where I got them or which ones they are as I've stuck them into a glass jar for storage and no longer have the packet available - they look like a noodle nest rather than the sheets the sharwoods etc sell. All I do is weigh them and then calculate based on the generic points shown on the WW e-source site. I actually ended up having a bit more than I first thought I would so that's a few more points used up - plus I had another couple of meringues at lunchtime which used up a few more too so I am pretty much up to my 31 points today.

Oh actually I just realised that I don't think they are egg noodles - I think its tagliatelli! doh! Hmmm not sure how that effects my points but I guess I better go check lol

I think planning my food for the week ahead has helped - plus I made sure that I didn't buy anything that doesn't fit that menu so I don't have any extras in my house other than fruit which should make the week ahead a bit easier to get back on track. I have weigh in tomorrow evening as well so once I've got that under my belt and my head back in the right space from that it should help :)

With any luck a couple of days should be enough for me to get back into it as well so we should both be on track by next weekend which will be good :angel09:
Back on track ...........Yeeha !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Forgot to tell you (being another cat lover) we got a new kitten over the weekend . she is about eight weeks or so. she is jet black and has been duely named sooty. She is a crazy little thing but soooooooo cute. Our other cat is not impressed at the moment and theres a lot of hissing going on but im sure theyll get used to one another.

Does your cat use a litter tray .its dead easy to train them and it would spare you having to get up at 6.30am to let her out.
oh yes - she uses the litter tray. When she's not using my bed to pee on lol Its not that she needs to go out to wee - she just wants to wake me up to let her out. This morning she woke me up at about 4am which I think was just to say hello and let me know she was there so that I could stroke her - because obviously I had been desperate to do this and I was hiding it well by closing my eyes and sleeping hahahahaha She did then actually curl up and go back to sleep and not wake up until my alarm went off at 8am though so it wasn't so bad. I think sometimes with her she just wakes up and decides she's bored so she'll wake me up and let me know she's there - she tends to want to play first thing in the mornings as well which she doesn't at any other time so I think she wakes me up to let me know that she's playful and obviously as my whole world does revolve around her then why wouldn't I want to know that at 4am??! lol

New kitten sounds cute - I remember getting Cassie when she was about that age. She was so funny - she stalked me across the middle of the living room obviously thinking I couldn't see her in this big wide open space and then when she got halfway across it was obviously just too much and she fell asleep in the middle of the rug with her front paw still stretched out ready for her next hunter movement :)

So I'm back on track today - I just got a message from my leader who I haven't seen for a month telling me she misses me - awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww - I feel special now lol

I have weigh in tonight so I'll see what the scales say - I'll be happy with a STS after the last few weeks with my thyroid having gone nuts etc. I'm pretty certain that I've regained at least some of what I lost last week but I'm not sure how I am in relation to when I last officially weighed. I'm not worrying about it though - to be honest when my thyroid was out of whack like that then I'd normally regain 7-10lbs so I'm treating it as a big achievement that I'm not massively bigger. It feels like the meds increase has now stopped me heading in the wrong direction so once that starts to swing back the other direction that will help and I will then get back to losing again :)

So today's menu...

Boiled egg (2)
Toast x 2 (3)
Marg (1)
Watermelon (0)

Roasted butternut squash (0)
Beetroot (0)
Lettuce (0)
Olive oil (1)

Not sure what I'm going to have with this salad yet though - might be pine nuts but might be ham. We'll see.


Fishfingers and oven chips after weigh in - not bothering pointing as I always give myself Tuesday evenings off while just making sure that I don't overeat rubbish. I don't get back from weigh in until gone 7.30 on a Tuesday evening and by then I'm starving hungry so just make something relatively easy.

Then tomorrow I start my next week and intend to be angelic for the next weigh in :)