thanks ladies - I think my post yesterday was just me getting it off my chest - felt REALLY odd all day yesterday and was up and down like a yo-yo. I had this urge to pace back and forth lots and it was like I was majorly edgy all day - I'm thinking its an odd thyroidy hormone thing as that all seems to be going a bit haywire at the moment. I started my meds increase on Saturday and hopefully within a few weeks that will start to kick in and stop the decline so I can get some damn sleep. I've been getting no more than about 4 hours a night for about 3 weeks now and its driving me totally nuts - I'm SO tired and then can't sleep and its like chinese torture.
As for my nan - nope I don't think saying anything reasonably to her will work as it hasn't for the last 90 years hahahahahaha I know its a generation thing with her - she's rascist as hell as well but gets offended if you point it out to her as she doesn't think she is. The snobbery is hilarious though - she's always been like that apparently but she comes from a family of horse traders so I have no idea what makes her think she's a cut above. Obviously they weren't horse traders according to her as I think she's re-written history in her head lol I love her to pieces obviously, mainly because its compulsory

, but at the same time she can be an absolute ***** and she does spend a lot of time trying to stir things up between people and playing one side against the other then sitting back and playing the innocent. I'm more annoyed at myself that I actually bit yesterday as normally I just ignore her and then ring my mum once I get off the phone to let off steam and say all the stuff I've been biting through my lip not to say while talking to her hahahahaha
Oh well - absolutely knackered this morning but feeling a lot more "normal" - or my version of it anyway. My bedroom is now pristine and organised. I still couldn't find anything to wear this morning as I'm kind of between two sizes at the moment but another couple of weeks and I'll have more options again. Once I'm at the stage where I'm a particular size for a while I just need to go through and work out what clothes I need to pull things together into actual outfits. I have a friend who's great at doing that who is going to pop in at some point this week while she's off work and I might set her the challenge of putting bits together to give me some outfits - she's brutally honest about what works and what doesn't as well so if there's something that I've been wearing that doesn't suit me she'll let me know pretty quickly. I have other friends that won't do that as they think they are being nice telling you you look great - I understand why but I actually prefer the friend who looks at it and goes "seriously - change" hahahahahahhaha
I now have a plan to try and tackle one room at a time and get them all that clear and that organised and then try and keep them that way. Next up is my bathroom. To be honest no room is that bad as I do this at least a couple of times a year so the good news is it won't take long to get back to better organised but I do need to start focusing everything a bit better at the moment as its all just got a bit too relaxed and sometimes I need to do that whole clear out thing to get my head straight.
So today I need to pull my finger out with work and get some money coming in and refocus on the diet side of things as that will help stop the hypoglycaemia and balance my thyroid etc as well.
And with that in mind today's menu ...
Breakfast - smoothie = 6pps
Mullerlight yoghurt (2)
Flax oil (1)
Banana (0)
Pineapple (0)
Milk - including for tea etc (3)
Lunch = 8 pps
2 x boiled eggs (4)
Olive oil (1)
Roasted butternut squash (0)
Beetroot (0)
Celery (0)
Wrap (3) - not sure on this, depends on how I feel by lunchtime
Dinner = 9pps
Cod fillet (2)
100g new potato (2)
Corn on the cob (4)
Small knob light buttery spread (1)
So far = 23/31
I think I might well have a bit of a treat for pudding such as some ambrosia rice pudding or low fat custard to use up some of the other points so my guess is that by the end of the day I'll be around 28 or 29 points total. Having said that I'm out tomorrow evening and will have to grab something quick and easy before I go and the only thing in the freezer that fits the bill is sausages and chips so I'm happy being slightly under my points today to make up for it! lol