my diet has gone all over the place today and I can't remember what I ate in the end last night but it wasn't what I planned! It was a low fat microwave meal so not bad and probably less points than planned but I just can't remember what it was
I discovered yesterday that my goddaughter got taken into hospital and had her appendix removed and her mum is away so I've been kind of stepping in to her shoes to make sure she is being properly looked after in hospital. She's 26 so she's not a little kid but I've kind of been her other part time parent type figure most of her life - I discovered today that I am actually down as her other next of kin which I didn't know but was handy because it meant I could put my foot down a bit with the hospital with some authority.
When they opened her up they found fluid in her pelvis by her hip - they think they nicked a cyst when they opened her but we haven't managed to get any info on it so far as the docs don't seem to think its a problem but I'm concerned at that - its exactly how all my problems started and I'll be keeping a close eye on that to make sure she doesn't get fobbed off like I did.
Anyway - she got up to go to the toilet this morning and because she hadn't eaten for 2 days her blood pressure had dropped and she fainted. She was also in so much pain that she was almost sick etc and was seriously struggling. They got her to eat at lunchtime and by the time I got up there for visiting at 3pm ish the nurse who just came on duty told her she could go home - she'd been told previously she could go if the doc was happy with her but he hadn't been and actually checked her at all so I told her to stay put until the doc had done his rounds. By the time visiting finished at 5 no-one had been so I went to ask the nurses for some info and I wanted to be filled in on how she was doing and what the cyst was etc etc. The nurse just told me her appendix hadn't burst and didn't know what I was talking about at all but that she could go home. I pointed out - politely but firmly - that she hadn't seen the doctor and to be honest I wasn't happy that she was ready at all. She was still in bed with her hospital gown on and hadn't even managed to get dressed yet and her wound had been weeping slightly - plus it was only this morning she passed out and she might have been up since then without fainting again but that wasn't that long ago for crying out loud!! I obviously didn't put it to them in that way but did tell the nurse I wasn't happy that she was ready to go home and got them to get the doctor up so I could talk to him. I didn't really find out any more info about her health - he did say her appendix had been slightly inflamed and they had sent it off to test for infection so he was very happy that that had been the problem. The cyst they brushed off and not to worry about but I told her to keep an eye on any returning symptoms and maybe go and talk that over with her own GP when she is home and better - looking at her chart and how low her temp is and other things that have been worrying me for a while she's recognising that a lot of things lately are VERY similar to things I had going on and she will also talk to the gp about getting a blood test for her thyroid.
Anyway the outcome was that the doctor said it was fine for her to stay until the morning if she didn't feel ready to go home - which to me says they aren't certain that she's ready to go yet either or they'd be wanting the bed clear. I made it very clear, politely but firmly, that as I know her a great deal better than they do I was not happy at the idea of her being released tonight and felt it was a bad idea. The sister who had wanted her to leave was glaring at me like crazy and clearly wasn't happy and I couldn't care less - I then stayed after the close of visiting time and she gave me a look and I gave her one back that Alex tells me was EXACTLY the same as her mum would have done that basically said I was NOT leaving yet and the silly moo backed off. I'm told I was very much mother lion and you DARE try and harm my cub hahahaha
I then told her that its up to her - I know she's worrying about how she's going to be able to get dressed and go down steps and get in a car to get home and then walk across gravel to get in and then up 2 sets of steps to even just get to bed and she was nervous about it. She decided to discuss it with her boyfriend this evening and see how she felt by then - he has the same view as me that its just that little bit safer if she leaves going home until the morning. After I left I rang him and said see if she can get dressed while she's still there and has support and if she can't then she's not ready to leave plain and simple.
She text me to say she's decided to stay one more night and will go home in the morning which I'm relieved about. She wasn't operated on until after 3.30pm yesterday and fainted only this morning - to go home this afternoon/evening just seems far too soon to me. When I had mine done I was in a week for crying out loud! I know it was 20 years ago and things have changed but even then.
So I know I had pineapple smoothie for breakfast and a cheese with mixed bean salad for lunch and a WW rich chocolate desert for lunch and I then just had a pot of soup for dinner with a couple of ryevita. I've munched on a few sweets at the hospital with her this afternoon as well. I've not pointed anything today as I'm just going with not worrying about it - I'm thinking my points are probably under but I'm too tired right now to worry about it or to calculate as life is just too hectic this week right now. Tomorrow will be similar because although her boyfriend will collect her in the morning I'll probably then go and sit with her for the afternoon so he can get back to work and to share the load. He's been fantastic as have his family (she lives with him at his parent's house) but at the same time it isn't the same as having her family there and right now that would be me lol
I'll update when I can but if I go quite please be patient