A Graceful Descent

I've now added in some Weight Watchers salt & vinegar hoops (2) - they were ok but to be honest for the extra 1 point I'd rather have walkers lights.

And a pack of cola flavoured chewits which I've calculated at 4 - and oh god they taste so good!!!

I'll probably then finish my dinner later with a 2 point rich chocolate desert.

So that gives me 27/32 today which isn't too bad.

I'm now debating what to do about weigh in tomorrow. There is another meeting not too far from me that weighs tomorrow lunchtime and part of me wants to know how I've done this week in case I blow it but its not my normal leader and if I've had a good week I'm right on the edge of my 5% and I'd rather celebrate that at my normal meeting. It would be like cheating on her otherwise lol
Good luck for WI! I say usual meeting is best :) xx
I decided that as I thought I might have a good loss this week I didn't want to roll it over as if I don't lose so much next week then it would make the overall effect less. I thought I might have increased my 1/2lb up to 1-2lbs having stopped worrying about my points so much and sticking to my "normal" diet while watching the points but not being obsessed with them. It occurred to me that if I then only lost 1/2lb next week for any reason then it would minimise that loss so I wanted to know the figure.


I was doing a dance similar to the one above when I went out to my car hahaha

so that SMASHES the 15s - and to a degree that even if some of it was partly being weighed at a different time of day or different scales I will still never see them again

It also SMASHES my 5% which has been a loooooong time coming - 10 weeks!

I am now down by 13lb in total so the next immediate goal is to get at least 1lb off again next week to get to the golden first stone.

Its such a relief that finally what I'm doing is working - I think I'll be sticking to my own version of WW, the Miffy plan, from now on in :)
Yay!!!!!!! Well done :D xx
thanks - I'm still walking on air today and grinning lol I know in theory its only 4lbs and in the big scheme of things its not that huge and others lose that all the time but for me its massive. Its a big psychological one, its one I can actually see the difference and makes certain clothes fit again and it means my instincts are right (hopefully) and also that my thyroid is complying which is probably why I'm so happy about it.

So lets hope my body keeps getting the message for at least another week and I've seen the end of the ridiculously slow losses and started matching what any "normal" person would do :)

Well today is a hectic and busy day with me rushed off my feet at work and in meetings etc so I haven't had much time to get organised. Menu is as follows:-

40g gluten free cereal (4)
Milk (3)

4 x multigrain ryevita (4)
Low fat pate (5)
Curly wurly (3)


Pasta, bean and vegetable bake - its basically a whole load of veg cooked in a tin of chopped tomatoes and a tin of baked beans stirred in. Mix with cooked pasta. Top with breadcrumbs and grated cheese and bake in the oven for about 20 minutes. I'm planning on pointing it as follows ... 40g pasta (4) tin baked beans (5) breadcrumbs (2) 30g cheese (3) and veggies all 0. So I'm taking it as 14 which is probably an over calculation as I will probably only eat half of it but its better overcalculating than under calculating.

Total = 33/32

it might need adjusting dependant on how much of the dinner I eat :)
my diet has gone all over the place today and I can't remember what I ate in the end last night but it wasn't what I planned! It was a low fat microwave meal so not bad and probably less points than planned but I just can't remember what it was :)

I discovered yesterday that my goddaughter got taken into hospital and had her appendix removed and her mum is away so I've been kind of stepping in to her shoes to make sure she is being properly looked after in hospital. She's 26 so she's not a little kid but I've kind of been her other part time parent type figure most of her life - I discovered today that I am actually down as her other next of kin which I didn't know but was handy because it meant I could put my foot down a bit with the hospital with some authority.

When they opened her up they found fluid in her pelvis by her hip - they think they nicked a cyst when they opened her but we haven't managed to get any info on it so far as the docs don't seem to think its a problem but I'm concerned at that - its exactly how all my problems started and I'll be keeping a close eye on that to make sure she doesn't get fobbed off like I did.

Anyway - she got up to go to the toilet this morning and because she hadn't eaten for 2 days her blood pressure had dropped and she fainted. She was also in so much pain that she was almost sick etc and was seriously struggling. They got her to eat at lunchtime and by the time I got up there for visiting at 3pm ish the nurse who just came on duty told her she could go home - she'd been told previously she could go if the doc was happy with her but he hadn't been and actually checked her at all so I told her to stay put until the doc had done his rounds. By the time visiting finished at 5 no-one had been so I went to ask the nurses for some info and I wanted to be filled in on how she was doing and what the cyst was etc etc. The nurse just told me her appendix hadn't burst and didn't know what I was talking about at all but that she could go home. I pointed out - politely but firmly - that she hadn't seen the doctor and to be honest I wasn't happy that she was ready at all. She was still in bed with her hospital gown on and hadn't even managed to get dressed yet and her wound had been weeping slightly - plus it was only this morning she passed out and she might have been up since then without fainting again but that wasn't that long ago for crying out loud!! I obviously didn't put it to them in that way but did tell the nurse I wasn't happy that she was ready to go home and got them to get the doctor up so I could talk to him. I didn't really find out any more info about her health - he did say her appendix had been slightly inflamed and they had sent it off to test for infection so he was very happy that that had been the problem. The cyst they brushed off and not to worry about but I told her to keep an eye on any returning symptoms and maybe go and talk that over with her own GP when she is home and better - looking at her chart and how low her temp is and other things that have been worrying me for a while she's recognising that a lot of things lately are VERY similar to things I had going on and she will also talk to the gp about getting a blood test for her thyroid.

Anyway the outcome was that the doctor said it was fine for her to stay until the morning if she didn't feel ready to go home - which to me says they aren't certain that she's ready to go yet either or they'd be wanting the bed clear. I made it very clear, politely but firmly, that as I know her a great deal better than they do I was not happy at the idea of her being released tonight and felt it was a bad idea. The sister who had wanted her to leave was glaring at me like crazy and clearly wasn't happy and I couldn't care less - I then stayed after the close of visiting time and she gave me a look and I gave her one back that Alex tells me was EXACTLY the same as her mum would have done that basically said I was NOT leaving yet and the silly moo backed off. I'm told I was very much mother lion and you DARE try and harm my cub hahahaha

I then told her that its up to her - I know she's worrying about how she's going to be able to get dressed and go down steps and get in a car to get home and then walk across gravel to get in and then up 2 sets of steps to even just get to bed and she was nervous about it. She decided to discuss it with her boyfriend this evening and see how she felt by then - he has the same view as me that its just that little bit safer if she leaves going home until the morning. After I left I rang him and said see if she can get dressed while she's still there and has support and if she can't then she's not ready to leave plain and simple.

She text me to say she's decided to stay one more night and will go home in the morning which I'm relieved about. She wasn't operated on until after 3.30pm yesterday and fainted only this morning - to go home this afternoon/evening just seems far too soon to me. When I had mine done I was in a week for crying out loud! I know it was 20 years ago and things have changed but even then.

So I know I had pineapple smoothie for breakfast and a cheese with mixed bean salad for lunch and a WW rich chocolate desert for lunch and I then just had a pot of soup for dinner with a couple of ryevita. I've munched on a few sweets at the hospital with her this afternoon as well. I've not pointed anything today as I'm just going with not worrying about it - I'm thinking my points are probably under but I'm too tired right now to worry about it or to calculate as life is just too hectic this week right now. Tomorrow will be similar because although her boyfriend will collect her in the morning I'll probably then go and sit with her for the afternoon so he can get back to work and to share the load. He's been fantastic as have his family (she lives with him at his parent's house) but at the same time it isn't the same as having her family there and right now that would be me lol

I'll update when I can but if I go quite please be patient :)
Hi Miff, have been reading all the diarys after coming back off the hols !!!. You had a -4lb loss WOW !! thats fantastic . well done . Sorry to hear about your goddaughter . Its really easy to get fobbed off in hospitals if you are not able to speak up for yourself. I spent a lot of time with my dad in hospital a few years back and he was both too quiet and too deaf to ever question a doctor so had to weigh in their and kick butt too to get answers.

keep up the good work food wise . Back pointing for me tomorrow :break_diet:
thanks honey - I was over the moon with the 4lbs last week. I have no idea what this week is going to end up as though. Alex is now back home but I went round to see how she was yesterday and the whole thing has kind of thrown my routine. I had a lie in yesterday so missed breakfast and then was rushing around to go visit so didn't have time to think about lunch very much so it was a "grab whatever is easy" kind of day - lunch was peanut butter and banana on toast. When I got home I just really didn't feel like cooking much so ended up making pasta, bacon and philadelphia light with chives and followed it with jelly and ice cream. I'm sure I was ok on points but its not exactly the healthiest diet!

Today is similar - I have no appetite whatsoever today so while trying to get things done around the house I ended up grabbing a little pack of WW biscuits for breakfast with a cuppa followed by a banana and I still haven't had lunch yet - I'm just really not very hungry. I may do dinner at lunchtime instead of this evening and then see how I feel later but I'm probably way down on my points.

I think the fact my house is kind of chaotic isn't helping as I can never get my brain organised and concentrate on stuff when my house is a mess - I'm trying to get it cleaned up today and hopefully then I will feel a bit more back on track and get my diet back to more balanced from tomorrow.

I'm putting it down to life sometimes gets in the way and I will just get back to what I should be doing as soon as I can - its not like I've been eating a load of rubbish I just haven't been eating enough and I have been missing meals and I certainly haven't been getting my fruit and veg portions that I should be having.

Glad you had a good holiday - maybe we should restart from tomorrow together lol
so I'm back to "normal" from today and a bit more focused again. I need to plan out lunch but breakfast is done and dinner is planned - I'll be popping in to see my goddaughter at lunchtime so I need to work round that but it could just be that I eat slightly early before I run over there and if I do something easy then I shouldn't need to take too much time on it. Whatever it is will definitely involve chickpeas though as I have half a tin in the fridge that needs using - hmmmmm unless of course I add that in to dinner. Now there's an option.

Oh and watermelon. It will be featuring regularly this week as I got a HUGE watermelon when I went shopping on Friday and its yummy but will take me a while to get through it :)

So today ...

Boiled egg (2)
2 slices toast (3)



Pork escalope (5)
Chickpeas (4)
Ratatouille (0)

1/2 pint skimmed milk for tea etc (3)

17/32 so far but I'll update as I add things in. Any quick and easy ideas for lunch will be gratefully received! ;)
Hope things settle down and get bk to "normal"

U are doing really well! Hugs xx
I popped round there earlier but dappy moo had her tv on upstairs and her phone on silent so didn't hear me and her boyfriend's mum had popped out. I assumed she was asleep so decided not to disturb her - she rang just after I got back home lol Luckily its only 5 minutes down the road so not a problem and we've decided I'll take her out for a drink or a quick sandwich up the pub at lunchtime tomorrow as she's started going stir crazy already.

So it at least gave me time to grab some bits for lunch and I ended up making a salad with half the chickpeas and some low fat feta/greek salad cheese. I then also munched on a pack of Walkers baked crisps as I had a sudden craving and a curly wurly because its been about a week since I last had one :)

So I'm now up to 25/32 points - I picked up some mini meringues while I was out with a tin of fruit salad so I'll probably up my intake by a few points by the end of the day with those. Its probably only going to be about a 28 point day again but I'm fine with that as its mainly because I'm eating a lot of fruit and veg again. It'll be interesting to see how the scales react this week though - its a good week for seeing what happens when life gets in the way of dieting so whatever happens I'm viewing it as an adjustment experience moving forward :)
1.5lbs down this week - wahooooooooooooooooo!!

So that now gives me my 5% last week and my 14lbs target this week and puts me 14.5lbs down with WW and 19lbs down in total. My leader wasn't there this week to celebrate it with her but as I'm not sure if I can make next week or not I decided to take my 5% and silver 7 stickers anyway as otherwise I'd have to possibly wait another 2 weeks before I get them and I'm just not THAT patient lol

I know this week hasn't been my best for eating as I should though as I've been missing meals here and there and I'm feeling rough thyroid wise so I really wasn't expecting it to be that good - clearly me adapting the plan to what suits me is working though. That's now 5.5lbs in 2 weeks which is the equivalent to 11 weeks at the rate I was going before!!!

I'm now back to the same weight I was when I went to my friend's wedding out in the USA 18 months ago (funnily enough that was also my last "proper" holiday) so I know that although I wasn't overly happy with the photos from that trip at the same time I also know that most of the things in my wardrobe will now fit again so I'm going to sort through them and dig some out at the weekend and it also means that I know that I am bigger than I want to be at this size but confident enough that I don't feel the need to hide behind big baggy clothes now. I'm SO happy its insane!

Right tomorrow is back to tracking properly as well - I can't keep missing meals and not concentrating on what I'm doing or at some point it will stop working. I need to get my healthy living head back on - I'm guessing my meds are going to need a tweak next week as my concentration levels are awful but I should have the answer to that in a couple of days so that's heading the right way too :)
Brilliant Miff ,another 1.5lbs ,you are on a roll girl. :D:D. Its lovely to see a good loss after a few weeks struggling with small losses. Def ,whatever you have been doing over the last two weeks ..KEEP DOING IT ........:bunnydance:
Well done u!!!! Xx
right - new week and I am DETERMINED to stick to my menu plan for the entire week. Lets see how long that actually lasts hahahaha I'm wearing a dress that I grabbed from the back of my wardrobe today though and I've not worn it in ages so that feels pretty damn good and is somewhat motivating. I probably could have worn it last week but its only when I've got a weight figure that I've been at before that my brain clicked to being able to wear certain clothes again.

I'm definitely sticking to my own version of the plan from here on in - its basically me eating what I was trained by the nutritionist years ago which means its primarily simply filling but while counting points as well. If I'm not reachin my points level I'm then not eating food that I don't want just to bring the numbers up - I eat a very low carb diet which generally works better for me so I'm probably eating more zero points food than is factored in on the diet so it will have points in it so I'm just not sweating on the actual numbers. Does that make sense?

This week I'm going to try going back to basics and instead of sorting out fancy meals I'm just going to stick to simple evening meals of white meat or fish, veggies and a small amount of potato and see what happens. I have a load of stuff in my freezer and cupboards so I'm going to use up what I have sat there rather than adding to it as I really need to defrost my freezer! So this week is basically the freezer defrost diet ;)

Right - today should be as follows:-

Breakfast = 6 pp

Boiled egg (2)
2 slices WW bread toasted (3)
Scraping low fat spread (1)
Watermelon (0)

Lunch = 7 pp

Salad (0)
1/4 can chickpeas (I still didn't use them!) (2)
Orange (0)
Grated cheese (5)
Watermelon (0)

Dinner = 10 pp

Frozen cod portion (2)
Mini corn on the cob (2)
100g new potato (2)
Olive oil (1)
Green beans (0)
Broccolli (0)

Meringue (2)
Fruit salad (0)
Squirty cream (1)

Milk (3)

total = 26/31

In theory I need to add in 5 points but as I'm filling up on fruit and veggies I don't need to eat any more food and on my new method this seems to work better for me so I'm no longer worrying about making myself eat them if I don't want to. Then again I do have a couple of curly wurlys in my fridge which are bound to try and escape and need capturing at some point .... :)
Hi Miff . Isnt it great when you can fit in to clothes that wouldnt fit before .I love that !! . Well done you.

Your plan seems to really be working for you. I think I will try to keep the carbs low as well as in a few slices of wholemeal bread for lunch and 100 -200g of new potatoes (so nice at mo) for dinner . Having fahitas tonight mind you!!
Onwards and downwards :angel09:
what's more surprising is that I've lost recently when my TSH results just came back at 1.6. I have a very narrow window in which I seem to feel better and reduce symptoms and need to keep myself between 0.3 and 1.0 so it explains why I've been getting a lot of problems back again - I'm absolutely knackered but still can't get more than 3 or 4 hours sleep each night and I've really struggled to be able to find the energy to want to concentrate on what I'm eating the last few weeks.

The problem now is working out what I do next to get myself feeling better again. 1/2 tablet increase put me hyper but taking it back out has made me feel hypo again - basically as far as meds increase goes I'm damned if I do and damned if I don't!!! I'm going to try and see if my previous endo will give me any advice over the telephone to see if he has any ideas what to try next but beyond that I think I might go with my previous plan of taking 75 thyroxine and 10 liothyronine 6 days a week and 100/10 one day a week and see what happens. On the bright side my ability to recognise what is going on with me and when I'm not right still seems to be working very well lol
so I won't be weighing in on Tuesday this week because I have managed to get a ticket for the football - wahoooooo. On the down side knowing I have 2 weeks before I have to face the scales again I suddenly went on a curly wurly eating rampage this afternoon!!! I decided to have just the one and couldn't stop so I'm now down to the tune of 3 of them :break_diet:

I know I have plenty of weeklies left and I've only gone over by 4 points as I'm not reaching my dailies normally anyway but at the same time I can't believe that I folded so easily and ate so many when 1 should have been enough! I also know that my thyroid being off makes me crave stuff like that more often so there's all manner of reasons that explain it .... but I still gave in to it and could kick myself. Oh well - onwards and downwards.

I've rung my old endo today to leave a message with his secretary. She's taken my phone number and is going to ask him to ring me at some point to give me some advice on where to go next. I have pretty much already decided to up by 25mg thyroxine a week though to see what happens - I just need to check with him that only doing that weekly will actually work though. I've already measured out all my pills for this week so I'll be doing the increase from Sunday onwards as that's when my new pill week starts. Now I need to remember to mark when it starts so I can note when I hit my "perfect" point and see if that helps us to work out my optimum dose - its not easy all this medicine malarky!!!

Today's menu...

Breakfast = 6 pp
Cinammon Oats So Simple (3)
Skimmed milk + for tea etc (3)
Pear (0)

Lunch = 10 pp
Sardines in tomato sauce (4)
2 slices of WW toast (3)
Mandarin smoothie (2)
Flax seed oil (1)

Dinner = 9 pp
Lamb stir fry (3)
45g brown rice (5)
Knorr stock pot (1)

Curly wurly x 3 (10)

total = 35/31 = 4 weeklies used
Is there no other WI u can go to?! Plan looking good :) enjoy the footie :D x
in theory I could go to the lunchtime one 5 miles away like I did last week but I didn't like it very much - there was no atmosphere, no support like there is at my group and I wasn't impressed by the advice the leader gave out. I am lucky enough to have an AWESOME group at my Tuesday night weigh ins - I actually stay for every meeting because its so much fun and invariably dissolves into hysterical laughing for the entire time. My leader is fantastic as well and I really like her.

I did do the other one last week but it was because it was my first week eating what I would normally veer towards and I felt like I'd had a really good loss and I didn't want to wait a week to find out how much which would spread the impact of it. I'm not worried about leaving it 2 weeks on this one though - to some degree its quite nice to have the pressure off a little bit and if I'm going to go back to slow losses again, which is likely at the moment, recording two weeks in one might be quite good for me psychologically at this stage. Now I've just got to persuade my brain that it doesn't mean I can eat what I want! lol

Funnily I'm convinced half my diet battle is in my head - since I stopped worrying about the points and just gone with eating what I feel like I've been much MUCH closer to using my dailies than normal. I think that when I'm counting I'm using the points to dictate what I eat more than eating what I want and then checking how many points are in it and it meant I was not upping my points with thinks like nuts or pine nuts etc because my brain had them as too many points for a small return whereas once I relaxed and added them in it brings the points up but still within my dailies and I'm happier with what I'm eating.

Anyway - today was a rush out the door running late for a meeting morning so was a rushed cereal breakfast and then just grabbed the curly wurly on the side as I left to give me something to snack on as no time to sort anything else. So far it is as follows:-

Breakfast 6 pp
Frosties (3)
Milk (3)

Curly wurly (3)

Lunch (10)
50g Goats cheese (4)
Roasted peppers x 2 (0)
Pine nuts (2)
Babyleaf salad (0)
Olive oil (1)
Curly wurly - I swear they sneak attack me! (3)

Dinner will be a tuna pasta bake mix with sweetcorn but I haven't pointed that yet - I still have 12 points remaining today though so I should be well within that :)