that's cool - I hope you had a blast at Leeds. Any of the bands any good? I've always wanted to do Reading but the price of tickets now is just beyond what I can justify - life was so much more fun before I had bills! lol
This week is going very well so far and I'm keeping my fingers crossed it stays that way. I'm kind of hungry but next week is totm so I know its more craving than anything and I'm doing my best to ignore it in the hope of a good loss this week. If I eat fruit the hunger goes but I'm still pacing around wanting something else to eat so I know its not actual hunger but the fake type that comes along and tricks us all and sabotages diets the world over - I will not succumb to it's evil!! hahahaha
I had a weird start to my day today though - I have a biorb fish tank in my living room and the last week my betta has been looking worse for wear and wasn't swimming much. I have been treating the tank with medicines as there was obviously something wrong and yesterday he looked like he was perking up. I also have 3 danios in there and they've been swimming around quite normally. Got up this morning and all except the 1 danio are dead! And that one looks a bit terrified and doesn't look great either - he's hanging around the bottom of the tank a lot. I had ordered a special filter a couple of days ago to treat the tank but it hasn't arrived yet - if this one dies I could have saved myself £10 because I'll just empty the tank out totally and clean it and start again. Then again if this one survives then maybe it would make sense to treat the tank with the special filter before I put any more fish in and it'll get used at some point.
Now I've got to decide what to put in the tank next - the betta was gorgeous and it could be I put another one in there on his own. Or I might look at cold water fish as I know the heater has been a problem in the past and I wonder if that might be what has caused the problem overnight again. Oh well - RIP Wayne, Book and Em and long may you swim happily in the giant fishbowl in the sky.
Today's menu...
Breakfast = 4pps
Tinned fruit salad (0)
Mandarin muller lite yoghurt (3)
Banana (0)
Flax seed oil (1)
Snack = 0pps
Grapes (0)
Lunch = 6pps
Crispbreads (3)
Low fat pate (3)
Apple (0)
Snack = 0pps
2 x Kiwi fruit (0)
Dinner = 16pps
Pack of prawns (5)
Cod fillets (2)
45g smash (4)
1/2 tub low fat creme fraiche (5)
Carrots, babycorn, asparagus, green beans etc (0)
General = 3pps
Skimmed milk (3)
Total = 29/31
I'm not sure I'm going to manage all of the fish pie as that is a big old portion but its my one indulgence and is delicious and I know that although I should only eat half of it I do usually spend the evening going back and picking at it all night long so I'm going to count the whole thing for now and see what happens. Plus although its 16 points for the entire meal which is a lot in one go if I don't eat it all then my points for today will be WAY too low so its not a bad thing to have a once a week blow out I guess