A Graceful Descent

STS this week so I'm actually quite happy with that - its a little bit annoying as that is over a 2 week period but I'm pretty certain I probably lost 1lb last week but regained it this week. Considering the way I'm feeling thyroid wise at the moment I'm not worried though - its amazing that I haven't gained over the last 3 or 4 weeks to be honest so I'm trying to keep myself relaxed about it.

My head is just about starting to clear again this week so I'm back to focusing on my diet properly from tomorrow and with any luck I'll have the energy and concentration to be able to stick with it - hopefully next week that will show on the scales as by then I'll be 2 1/2 weeks into my meds increase which should help as well as it slowly starts to kick in.
definitely back on track today and I'm writing everything down in a tracker for my leader to review next week - I meant to do this weeks ago so she can review whether being under my daily points is a problem or not but haven't had a chance before now. I'm hoping knowing someone else is reviewing it will make me be a lot more careful and pick up any little bits sneaking in that I haven't noticed :)

Today's menu ...

Breakfast = 3pps

Pineapple smoothie with flax oil

Snack = 2pps
Weight Watchers rich toffee bar

Lunch = 10pps

Scrambled egg on toast
Weight Watchers rich toffee bar

Dinner = 8pps
Lamb stir fry
Muller lite yogurt

Milk = 3pps

Total = 26/31
still tracking well today - I'm struggling a bit this week as totm is the end of next week so hunger is kicking in. Its amazing how much I can resist it knowing that I will need to show something on the scales again this week and also that my leader will be reading what I have eaten lol Plus not having much food in the house because I'm trying to clear the fridge and freezer out to defrost at the weekend helps - there basically isn't anything for me to cheat with even if I wanted to :) I may make sure next week I do my shopping online so that the temptation doesn't get me going around Sainsbury's and then it'll help keep me on track again once I get past the weekend.

So today's menu ...

Breakfast = 6pps
Oat So Simple cinammon porridge (3)
Skimmed milk + for tea etc (3)

Snack = 5pps
Apple (0)
Cheese (5)

Lunch = 8pps
Low fat pate (3)
Crispbreads (3)
Grapes (0)
Muller lite yogurt (2)

Kiwi fruit (0)

Dinner = 8pps
Pork escalope (5)
Olive oil (1)
100g potato (2)
Fruit salad (0)

Total = 27/31 - might up it slightly later as if I get really hungry I have some gluten free chocolate cereal that I might have a bowl of to stop any cravings :)
Sorry for being AWOL! Hope ur having a good week :) xx
that's cool - I hope you had a blast at Leeds. Any of the bands any good? I've always wanted to do Reading but the price of tickets now is just beyond what I can justify - life was so much more fun before I had bills! lol

This week is going very well so far and I'm keeping my fingers crossed it stays that way. I'm kind of hungry but next week is totm so I know its more craving than anything and I'm doing my best to ignore it in the hope of a good loss this week. If I eat fruit the hunger goes but I'm still pacing around wanting something else to eat so I know its not actual hunger but the fake type that comes along and tricks us all and sabotages diets the world over - I will not succumb to it's evil!! hahahaha

I had a weird start to my day today though - I have a biorb fish tank in my living room and the last week my betta has been looking worse for wear and wasn't swimming much. I have been treating the tank with medicines as there was obviously something wrong and yesterday he looked like he was perking up. I also have 3 danios in there and they've been swimming around quite normally. Got up this morning and all except the 1 danio are dead! And that one looks a bit terrified and doesn't look great either - he's hanging around the bottom of the tank a lot. I had ordered a special filter a couple of days ago to treat the tank but it hasn't arrived yet - if this one dies I could have saved myself £10 because I'll just empty the tank out totally and clean it and start again. Then again if this one survives then maybe it would make sense to treat the tank with the special filter before I put any more fish in and it'll get used at some point.

Now I've got to decide what to put in the tank next - the betta was gorgeous and it could be I put another one in there on his own. Or I might look at cold water fish as I know the heater has been a problem in the past and I wonder if that might be what has caused the problem overnight again. Oh well - RIP Wayne, Book and Em and long may you swim happily in the giant fishbowl in the sky.

Today's menu...

Breakfast = 4pps
Tinned fruit salad (0)
Mandarin muller lite yoghurt (3)
Banana (0)
Flax seed oil (1)

Snack = 0pps
Grapes (0)

Lunch = 6pps
Crispbreads (3)
Low fat pate (3)
Apple (0)

Snack = 0pps
2 x Kiwi fruit (0)

Dinner = 16pps
Pack of prawns (5)
Cod fillets (2)
45g smash (4)
1/2 tub low fat creme fraiche (5)
Carrots, babycorn, asparagus, green beans etc (0)

General = 3pps
Skimmed milk (3)

Total = 29/31

I'm not sure I'm going to manage all of the fish pie as that is a big old portion but its my one indulgence and is delicious and I know that although I should only eat half of it I do usually spend the evening going back and picking at it all night long so I'm going to count the whole thing for now and see what happens. Plus although its 16 points for the entire meal which is a lot in one go if I don't eat it all then my points for today will be WAY too low so its not a bad thing to have a once a week blow out I guess :)
oooo I just realised - my fish die this morning and I'm eating fish pie for dinner. That's a bit sick really isn't it hahahahahhahahaha

I will add that its not the fish from the tank going in the pie!!! lol
poor fishys,

I have 4 coldwater fish, never had a problem , rock on cold water fish
I did have some fancy goldfish in there before that I then separated out into a separate tank - it was getting really green in the kitchen though as I didn't have anywhere I could keep it out of the sunlight so I ended up giving it to one of my neighbours for her 3 kids as they wanted fish. I loved my betta - he was awesome - but trying to get a heater to work properly in the tank isn't easy. And when the light in the lid comes on as well it heats it up. The thermometer on the side shows it as being far too hot in there but when I put my hand in it really doesn't feel it so I don't know what is going on! Oh well - I've started with the medical treatment stuff and if the one danio is still there when that's done in 2 weeks then I'll add some more tropicals but if not I may have a look at some coldwater.

Today is turning into a bit of a lazy one - I'm knackered for some reason. Not really being overly "healthy" today - I think my fruit and veg intake is going to be pretty low by the look of it. Oh well I guess one day off a week isn't going to hurt and maybe once I get back from the supermarket later I might change my mind. I've defrosted my freezer this morning and cleaning out a load of stuff in there that I just don't eat so I can get it restocked with stuff that I do and then I can start doubling up on what I cook and freezing it again as that always helps on the days when I'm in a rush and don't feel like cooking.

So far today the plan is ...

Breakfast = woke up too late and missed it - doh!

Lunch = 9 pps

2 slices gluten free bread toasted (6)
Low fat pate (3)
Apple (0)

Dinner = 18 pps
Roast chicken (4)
Aunt bessie's roast potatoes (6)
Broccoli, cauliflower and carrots (0)
Meringue (3)
Fruit (0)
Jelly (0)
Low fat custard pot (4)
Squirty cream (1)

Milk (3)

Total = 30/31

EDIT: I had a curly wurly in the end as well making me 33/31 and using 2 of my weeklies - just adding in today as if I don't I'll forget what I had :)
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so am I the only one where everything seems to go out the window on weekends?? During the week I eat 3 meals a day with snacks in between and all very carefully planned and healthy etc etc - come the weekends I never feel like breakfast and end up not eating until about 11.30-12 by which time I then don't want lunch on top. Maybe I should set that as my challenge for next week is to get my weekends more organised!

Anyway - today's menu ...

Brunch = 11pps

4 rashers WW bacon (3)
2 eggs (4)
2 slices WW bread toasted (3)
Low fat marg spread stuff (1)

Snacks = 3pps
Curly wurly (3)
Fresh pineapple (0)

Dinner = 13pps
75g lentils (6)
Knorr stock pot (1)
Carrot, courgette, green beans, babycorn and asparagus (0)
Grated cheese (5) - would have been only 2 or 3 but I couldn't resist cutting off a chunk to eat - doh!

Banana (0)
Low fat creme fraiche (1)

General = 3pps
Skimmed milk (3)

Total = 30/31

Now that my propoints has been reduced down to 31 I don't seem to be quite so far under each day - I'm not sure if its that I've found more of a balance or whether its just those extra 2 or 3 points I did have made quite a big difference.
ooo oooo plus forgot to mention that I managed to get into my size 14 skinny jeans this morning .. wahoooooooooooooooooooooooooo

I'm totally ignoring the fact that if I wear them I have 2 stomachs because my next challenge is to get it down to just the 1 but in the meantime I can get back in them and do them up and I couldn't even get them above thigh level 3 months ago :) VERY happy at that!
Awww poor fish! I can be a total nightmare at a weekend ... sometimes so controlled and sometimes a disaster! Hope u had a good one!

Leeds was good and so was the music :) is pricey though!xx
aaagggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh - went on an eating frenzy last night. Finished off another couple of curly wurlies, 4 meringue nests and then a load of gluten free crispbreads. I have no idea what was wrong with me - I can only assume its down to the totm being due in the next few days. I have pointed it all and I'm still well within my weeklies but at the same time I could really kick myself - I got on my scales this morning to see what they said and they are the same as they were last weigh in so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that its something like water retention or that kind of thing and that by tomorrow evening it will have disappeared again! Here's hoping.

Back to normal today so menu is as follows:-

Breakfast = 6pps

Gluten free cereal (3)
Milk (3)

Lunch = 10pps

Wholegrain couscous (6)
Tuna (3)
Sweetcorn (1)
Fresh pineapple (0)

Snack (0)
Banana (0)

Dinner = 14pps

60g pasta (6)
Broccoli (0)
Pine nuts (2)
Tinned tomato (0)
Pot of muller rice with apple (6)

total = 30/31

Discovering that muller rice pots have 6 points in each one was a bit of a shock I can tell you!!! I used to eat these loads thinking they were low fat along the same lines as the yogurts. I have another 2 of these in the fridge so its a good job that I have spare points most days and I think I'll be using them as a rare luxury when I'm low on a particular day to bring my points up.
As long as u are within weeklies it is all good! :D Pesky totm! xx
Well according to my scales I have STS again this week - it doesn't always match what the scales show at weigh in so I'll wait and see what they say but its not looking promising. If I'm right then that will be 3 weeks I've stayed the same weight now which is annoying.

I'm trying to keep in my head that I've been hypothyroid again and that I've only just increased my meds which will help once they kick in in a couple of weeks but its still frustrating. I think there is also part of me that because I'm fitting back in clothes I haven't worn for a while has got a bit relaxed and possibly less motivated than I was - I need to get my head back on track and start looking at what I'm eating critically to see where I'm going wrong. It could be that I'm not eating enough again or that I'm going from a day where I don't eat enough to a day where I eat too much and there's no balance.

I'll update later when I've weighed but I think this next week needs some planning and time to get my arse in gear and maybe add a little bit of exercise in to give my body a bit of a kick start again.
Well I was surprised to be down by another 1/2lb this week when I was expecting a stay the same so that will help me get back on track to concentrate on what I'm doing this coming week hopefully. I've been all over the place last week - the start of the week I was great but then I totally lost interest in actually dealing with cooking or eating propery etc and was missing meals again etc etc. I think because I had in my head that I wasn't going to lose I kind of decided sod it so its good that its heading the right direction again.

Tonight's meeting was all about setting realistic goals. It was when she mentioned halloween being in 8 weeks I came home and looked and just realised that I turn 40 seven weeks tomorrow. I had in my head that I want to make sure that I am no longer in the obese category when I hit that magic number so basically I now have to lose 8lb in the next 7 weeks. For most people that would be easily doable but its going to be another 3 weeks at least before my meds increase is working fully at a guess so that might be quite a big ask.

If anyone can give me any hints how to kick it back into losing again to make that achievable then please share because I think if I don't make that, or at least get very close to it, then its going to be seriously depressing. I'm debating whether to start trying to exercise again - there is no chance of me getting any started in the mornings at the moment because I'm still waking up so tired that I just can't do it but I might start trying to get myself in gear to doing say 15 minutes on my cross trainer in the evenings maybe just to see how my body reacts. I have found in the past that if I add in exercise when I'm hypo it has a reverse effect for some reason so maybe if I start really low and then build up from there then maybe see where I am next week. If I lose 1lb or more then I'll keep it going but if it doesn't have that effect then I'll leave it a few weeks until my thyroid levels feel more settled.

I think it'll probably help this week that I'm not writing everything down for my leader - I swear that by the end of last week that had an adverse effect as I started almost panic eating! Oh well - in the words of Gone With The Wind ... tomorrow is another day :)
8 lb in 7weeks is totally doable! Well done for half lb loss :) hope meds settle :) and I think easing into exercise sounds good :) don't push too hard! U can do it xz
yeah in theory 1lb a week is do-able but as we've seen my body just doesn't comply with the theory sometimes:8855:

What it will do though is focus my mind for the next 7 weeks to stick to doing what I should be doing without getting distracted so easily and at that point I know I've done everything I can. Hopefully that'll mean I hit my target but if not I will at least get close to it and know that its because of things outside of my control and I can live with that.

Totm started this morning as expected and it seems to have been joined with some kind of stomach bug this morning. In theory that'll help with this week's weight loss but from experience I know that I need to try and keep eating through it or my body will store everything as soon as its gone. So blandish food it is today then :)


Breakfast = 6pps

Boiled egg (2)
2 slices toast (3)
Marg (1)
Grapefruit and orange segments (0)

Lunch = 6pps

Butternut squash (0)
Olive oil (1)
Babyleaf salad (0)
Beetroot (0)
Low fat feta cheese cubed (5)
Melon (0)

Dinner = 8pps

Cod (1)
100g new potato (2)
Corn on the cob (2)
Asparagus (0)
Carrot (0)
Smoothie ..
Fat free bio yogurt (2)
Mango segments (0)
Banana (0)
Flax oil (1)

General = 3pps
Skimmed milk (3)

Total = 23/31

I'm thinking I will probably snack on a WW bar later to add in a couple of extra points or possibly a fruit pastille ice lolly - except I've got to work out how many points in one of them as they don't seem to be on the WW database and I already threw the box away. Doh!
Fruit pastille ice lollies are 2pp from a multipack :)

My fave trick if I've thrown the box out is to look it up on the Sainsbury's or Ocado website - nutrition info for most stuff, it's great! :)

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awesome thanks - the points on that has ended up coming in very handy in the end as they are the only thing I've ended up wanting to eat today!

I woke up last night a few times with really bad stomach pains - put it down to being totm or because I had a morrisons microwave meal last night and maybe my stomach just didn't like it. This morning my stomach was NOT good and then I've spent the entire day curled up on the sofa with a stomach that is bloated as all hell, keeps making the most bizarre noises, really bad cramps and incredibly tender and feeling sick as a dog.

Breakfast made me feel really ill and then I just didn't want anything for lunch - I had a few mouthfulls of my salad and then just couldn't eat it. I've had 3 ice lollies and I've been drinking caffeine free coke because they are the only 2 things I've wanted - the coke I'm having to let go slightly flat.

I've just had some plain cod with potatoes and carrot (decided to abandon the sweetcorn!) and my stomach is already doubled up with pain.

I have no idea if its a 24 hour bug or if its something I ate but whatever it is I'm hoping its gone by the morning as I'm supposed to be at a seminar which is an hour drive each way from here and I'm going to have to abandon all plans if this carries on.

On the bright side I guess it should help kickstart the 1lb for this week as when I've recalculated I am on around 18 points for the entire day - probably even less than that as I doubt I've had a full 1/2 pint of milk.

Bleeeeuuugghhhhhhhhhh - I seriously hate my stomach sometimes :(
Aw that's sounds awful! Hope it passes very soon hun!
Ice lollies are great when you feel rough like that - sometimes i just crunch ice-cubes ;)
I have tummy & cramp pains all the time so i invested in an electric blanket - but the size of a pillow - heat pad think they call it... anyway It's the best thing I ever bought!

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