Looking for Slimville!
Thanks everyone. I have stuck my wee award certificate up on the wall in my room so I see it when I wake up each morning. Help spur me on
Today's menu:
B - poached eggs & beans
L - deep filled ham salad sandwich on wholemeal bread (HExB) with light mayo (2 syns)
D - chicken & mushroom Pasta'n'Sauce made with some ss-milk (from HExA option) & added tomatoes & 20g cheddar (4 syns)
Snacks - Hifi Light Caramel Choc bar (3 syns), green lemon honey tea, green mint tea, strawberries, satsuma, banana & muller light mandarin.
Syns = 9
Calories = Approx 1400
I thought my only obstacle this week was gonna be staying with Calum at the weekend but he's text to say he's thought ahead and got in some lean mince & gammon steaks etc. Nice that he is supporting me with this. I think he eventually wants to try and lose weight again too as he had dropped almost 2 stone but has put it all back on again. I told him whenever he is ready to start I'll give him lots of ideas haha. Be better when we are living together again <3. x
Today's menu:
B - poached eggs & beans
L - deep filled ham salad sandwich on wholemeal bread (HExB) with light mayo (2 syns)
D - chicken & mushroom Pasta'n'Sauce made with some ss-milk (from HExA option) & added tomatoes & 20g cheddar (4 syns)
Snacks - Hifi Light Caramel Choc bar (3 syns), green lemon honey tea, green mint tea, strawberries, satsuma, banana & muller light mandarin.
Syns = 9
Calories = Approx 1400
I thought my only obstacle this week was gonna be staying with Calum at the weekend but he's text to say he's thought ahead and got in some lean mince & gammon steaks etc. Nice that he is supporting me with this. I think he eventually wants to try and lose weight again too as he had dropped almost 2 stone but has put it all back on again. I told him whenever he is ready to start I'll give him lots of ideas haha. Be better when we are living together again <3. x