Hiya I'm starting exante on Monday with 10st to lose.. I'm 18 at the moment and want to get down to 8 as a healthy weight.. I'm only 5ft so my healthy weight is lower lol.. Quite nervous about starting.. Really hoping I like the packs and survive at least the first week.. From what I've heard if I get past 1st week I've come over the hardest... Going to be a long journey but its all worth it xx
Hi Keirasmummy,
Good luck on your weightloss journey, I am 5'1 so understand what its like to aim for those 8 stones! I've given myself a goal of 9stone6lb as that will put me in the healthy section in terms of BMI. Ideally, I'd like to be 8.5stones but as I can't ever remember being that weight (sometime in primary school ) I can't imagine myself being in the 8's. So aiming for 9's- will see how I look and feel and then decide whether to head for the 8's from there. The biggest I have been in 16.1, started the exante diet at 15.1 after losing a stone through healthy eating and exercise.
I'd recommend starting your own diary if you havent already
welcome on board newbies - keirasmummy and wannabeskinnyminnie13 - good luck on the journey. You'll find all the support and encouragement you need here when it ain't happening in the real world!
get the first few days out the way and you'll be flying.
Morning all. How's it going keirasmummy and wannebeskinnyminny13? Are you in the swing yet ? Stick with it, you will be soon then after a couple of weeks it's just a way of life with fabulous results! Good luck.
Morning all. How's it going keirasmummy and wannebeskinnyminny13? Are you in the swing yet ? Stick with it, you will be soon then after a couple of weeks it's just a way of life with fabulous results! Good luck.
Hi WBS, I'm doing great thanks, it's my month WI today and I'm down another stone bracket. Hubby said its starting to show. Over a stone in a month for both of us hey! Rock on next month
Hiya.. I'm trying very hard.. But feel awful at the moment.. Just want to eat lol, on day 3 and was so close to giving in but didn't but just have no energy :-/ really hope it eases up soon
On a positive note.. I have an addiction to the scales and have lost 5lb in the first 2 days.. I know it's cos it's the first week but its a nice motivator
Thank you all for your support
Yay!! Thats fabulous!! Well done you Roll on our 2 month weigh in!!
Thanks WBS, ill race ya ! We are very close in losses and dates. Have a great day. X