Silver Member
Had a good long walk today and a lot of it up hill whilst pushing my little chunky boy in his buggy 
Realised today that I need to be extra good as I have a wedding to go to on Saturday- don't know wether to weigh in on Saturday (pre-fatty wedding food) or my usual Sunday (post-fatty wedding food but I may be depressed if I show a gain but at least I may lose it the week after...)
Going to look at my potential wedding dress tomorrow with my mum and auntie- if I still love it then I'm going to order it!
On that note, 7 months today until my wedding and married life!!
Todays food-
B: Half a satsuma (shared with Reece)
L: Scrambled egg on toast (1 x slice WM bread part hexB, 2 x scrambled eggs with added spring onions, 5g light spread 1syn) Banana.
D: Tesco everyday value tomato and cheese topped pollock 0.5syn, roasted tomatoes and couscous stuffed bell pepper (bell pepper, ainsley harriot tomato and garlic couscous 3syns, 25g feta 3.5syns)
Snacks: Grapes. 1 teeny square of kinder chocolate estimate 1syn. Alpen light part hexB.
Drinks: Generic cafe small skinny mocha (skimmed milk part hexA and cocoa 3syns). Cups of tea and coffee (sweetener and skimmed milk part hexA). Boots shapers tropical drink. Flavoured fizzy water.
Syn Total- 12syns
The couscous stuffed pepper was lovely! Although I used too much couscous so the feta was barely there (plus I cheated and used a packet couscous because I was running short on time!) And I think next time I'll roast for another 10-15 mins (I stuffed, then roasted from raw for 30 mins but the pepper was still a little too crunchy).
Realised today that I need to be extra good as I have a wedding to go to on Saturday- don't know wether to weigh in on Saturday (pre-fatty wedding food) or my usual Sunday (post-fatty wedding food but I may be depressed if I show a gain but at least I may lose it the week after...)
Going to look at my potential wedding dress tomorrow with my mum and auntie- if I still love it then I'm going to order it!
On that note, 7 months today until my wedding and married life!!
Todays food-
B: Half a satsuma (shared with Reece)
L: Scrambled egg on toast (1 x slice WM bread part hexB, 2 x scrambled eggs with added spring onions, 5g light spread 1syn) Banana.
D: Tesco everyday value tomato and cheese topped pollock 0.5syn, roasted tomatoes and couscous stuffed bell pepper (bell pepper, ainsley harriot tomato and garlic couscous 3syns, 25g feta 3.5syns)
Snacks: Grapes. 1 teeny square of kinder chocolate estimate 1syn. Alpen light part hexB.
Drinks: Generic cafe small skinny mocha (skimmed milk part hexA and cocoa 3syns). Cups of tea and coffee (sweetener and skimmed milk part hexA). Boots shapers tropical drink. Flavoured fizzy water.
Syn Total- 12syns
The couscous stuffed pepper was lovely! Although I used too much couscous so the feta was barely there (plus I cheated and used a packet couscous because I was running short on time!) And I think next time I'll roast for another 10-15 mins (I stuffed, then roasted from raw for 30 mins but the pepper was still a little too crunchy).