A yummy (and happier and healthier) mummy - for good this time!

Feeling really unwell this evening :( Just had a bath and feel like im gona be sick- hoping I've not caught a bug as im meant to be going shopping with my mum tomorrow to find her something to wear for the wedding...

Todays food (EE day)-
B: Nothing.
L: Sainsbury ravioli. Yogurt. Grapes and strawberries.
D: Burger and chips (tesco beef burger 5syns, 1tbsp ketchup 1syn, fried onions, light cheese slice 1.5syns in a 60g WM roll hexB) SW chips. Roasted cherry tomatoes. 1tsp light mayo 0.5syn. 1tsp ketchup 0.5syn.

Snacks: Yogurt. Jelly 1syn. Hula hoops puft 3.5syns. Pear. Banana.
Drinks: Costa medium skinny vanilla latte (skimmed milk hexA and half syrup 2syns). Pepsi max cherry. Flavoured fizzy water. 2 x cups of tea (sweetener and skimmed milk 1syn)
Syn Total- 12.5syns
Gona be a little over 15syns today due to 2 coffees and a sandwich during my shopping trip (the sandwich had chicken in it so cant even have a green day for the two lots of milk).

Stomach is still feeling iffy- i was quite violently ill last night. Think it was my burger or something as that's what i could taste (sorry tmi!)

Feeling pretty down today as well- had an okay time shopping with my mum (managed to find her a lovely dress) but felt a little deflated afterwards- i love my mum but she can be a bit of a downer sometimes. And then as soon as i got home h2b grabbed his coat and went out to watch his football team play.
As silly as it sounds i was kinda looking forward to spending some time with him and Reece- especially as he was out last night.
Of course he thinks im being unreasonable, as he didn't play the game so i could go shopping despite that he plays almost every weekend anyway.

I just wana cry- he isnt overly affectionate anyway but things like this make me doubt if he actually wants to be with me in the first place.
Oh Lisa that's a sad post :-( could it be that OH hasn't realised how you're feeling? You're both under a lot of pressure with the wedding coming up and you're bound to be stressed. That coupled with you're mum being a bit gloomy too might have just tipped you over the edge today?
Glad your mum found a nice dress to wear- that's one less thing to worry about :)
Chicken can be a hexb on a green day if you have on spare? *hugs* xx
Thanks Rosie- he's come home and acted like nothing happened...
Trying to sort out a list of things for the photographer- formal shots we'd like etc but cant really think of any apart from the usual "brides family", "grooms family" etc! We are just going to be boring and traditional :p Meeting them at the venue tomorrow :)

Still not feeling 100% so not a lot of food consumed today. Still just over syn. Thanks for the tip about chicken on a green day as well Rosie- although i have no way of knowing if it was within the hexB allowance so i think I'll just syn it.

Todays food (EE day)-
B: Nothing.
L: Coffee shop thai chicken sandwich (WM bread hexB+2syns, chicken in dressing 3syns, red pepper, cucumber and onion)
D: Nothing.

Snacks: Half a banana. Grapes.
Drinks: Costa medium skinny vanilla latte (skimmed milk hexA and half syrup 2syns). Medium skinny mocha (skimmed milk 6.5syns and cocoa 3syns). 1 x cup of tea (sweetener and skimmed milk 0.5syn). SF ribena. Flavoured fizzy water.
Syn Total- 17syns
Hope you have a nice family Sunday instead :)
Love a good list! I re-wrote mine yesterday!
Re photos, the obvious traditional ones, you and your bridesmaids, you and your mum? OH and his pals? Any special couples? I'm going to try get my photographer to get nice shots of my friends with their partners. Any grandparents? I'd like to have a nice pic of us with OH grandma who's kinda adopted me :p
From what I remember re chicken for a hexb its about 170g- for future ref! I'd think that'd more than cover chicken in a standard sandwich.
Did you brave the scales? Xx
Was up early due to formula one and Reece waking up because he'd wet all through his nappy, clothes and bedsheets so i completely forgot to weigh.

I started off well today but then we had an appointment to meet our photographer at our venue and ended up having a pub dinner (with an alcoholic beverage). Stuffed now.

Todays food (EE Day)-
B: Nothing.
L: 2 x WM toast hexB topped with 50g philadelphia light part hexA. Pops 4.5syns. Strawberries. Yogurt.
D: Pub grub. Lasagne with a slice of garlic bread and side salad. A couple of Reece's chicken nuggets.

Snacks: Banana.
Drinks: 3 x cups of tea (sweetener and skimmed milk part hexA). Pepsi max cherry. Kopperburg (16syns).
Syn Total- 20.5syns plus pub food...
Meeting with photographer was great. She's got some good ideas for the photos we want (h2b has a request for a photo with all the attending children- there will be 12 and the majority are under 7 years old so a formal photo would be practically impossible!) and she seems really nice to speak to as well!

Yesterdays food got worse- i had another Kopperburg at home (another 16syns) and 5 jaffa cakes crept into my mouth (2.5syns each!)
Todays food (green day)-
B: Nothing.
L: Cheese sandwich ( 60g WM bread hexB1, 3 x laughing cow light triangles 4syns and cherry tomatoes) Fruit salad (pear, kiwi, strawberries and grapes) Banana.
D: 2 x alpen light bars hexB2.

Snacks: Puft 3.5syns. Banana. Yogurt. Satsuma. Plum.
Drinks: Starbucks medium skinny caramel latte (skimmed milk hexA1 and syrup 3syns) Water. Costa medium skinny vanilla latte (skimmed milk hexA2 and half syrup 2syns). 1 x cup of tea (sweetener and skimmed milk 0.5syn)
Syn Total - 13syns

Feeling bloated and (tmi alert!) windy(!?!) today. Unpleasantness following my falling off the wagon yesterday.
Trying to be good all week and going to weigh on Friday. The weekend is going to be a write off as its my hen do!!
No idea on outfit or plans for the weekend- ive kept my nose out of the details! Have enough to plan with the actual wedding. H2b finally got his suit today so at least that is crossed off the list- and we collect our rings on Friday.
Got the things for the goodie bags for the children and the gifts for bridesmaids/ flower girls as well as the ushers.
Need to do the table plan and table names (decided what they are but need to make the displays), get the last few bits for the centrepieces (fresh potted plants so a planned last minute job!)
Main thing I'm struggling with is the music for the ceremony- just dont know what we want!!

Feeling bloated and windy (tmi!!) again today but have ate very similar food to yesterday so assuming its something I've eaten. The nerves are starting to kick in too so could be related...

Todays food (green day)-
B: Nothing.
L: Cheese and tomato sandwich (60g WM bread hexB1, 3 x laughing cow light triangles 4syns and cherry tomatoes) Banana. Satsuma.
D: Mugshot. 3 x boiled eggs. Yogurt. Satsuma.

Snacks: Puft 3.5syns. Fruit salad (pear, kiwi, strawberries and grapes). Banana. 2 x Alpen light bars hexB2.
Drinks: Starbucks medium skinny caramel latte (skimmed milk hexA1 and syrup 3syns). Generic mocha (skimmed milk hexA2 and cocoa 3syns). Water. Flavoured fizzy water.
Syn Total- 13.5syns
Sounds like you've been very busy! Have you seen OH's suit? Looking forward to hearing about your hen do!
Ooh gifts for bridesmaids- what did you go for? I'm totally stuck!
Table plans are tricky old things aren't they?
Potted plants are a great idea! Will you be able to keep them after?
I think you could be on to something re your nerves upsetting your tum. I'm afraid I've no suggestions as to what could help, if you find anything let me know as I suffer the same! Xx
Thankfully i dont seem windy today and tummy seems a lot better- although if the windy does continue i am tempted to see a doctor for a quick fix... Be hugely horrible to be like it on my wedding day- not just for the embarrassment but also the stomach cramps from trapped wind.

Had a lovely day at the zoo with Reece and a friend- loads of running around so hopefully some body magic. He is at the age where he is understanding the concept of the zoo and enjoying it :) Was lovely to see!!!

For my bridesmaids i was going to get jewellery but our budget just wont stretch to something worth giving so ive ordered some personalised wine glasses with their role and name on and I'm doing a little goodie bags with bath stuff, a keyring, notebooks and pens, hairbrushes, body spray, chocolate, mini bottle of bubbly wine, nail polish, lip balms, some slipper socks and a personalised moonpig card... Its not over the top and most I've managed to get at good prices but considering ive paid for their entire outfit and to have their hair and makeup done i don't think they can complain.

We are keeping the plants afterwards- may give them away to guests if they want them (we've got a part of the centrepieces from the three weddings we went to last year!!)

I have seen h2bs suit- i had to make sure the colour was right- he is desperate for a blue suit but it would've clashed with the lilac bridesmaids so i had to persuade him a light grey was a nicer choice!!
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Todays food (EE day)-
B: Half a pear.
L: 2 x egg and bacon sandwiches (WM bread hexB+6syns, eggs fried in frylight, bacon and 3tbsp tomato sauce 3syns)
D: Mugshot. Yogurt. Mango.

Snacks: Yogurt. Grapes. Satsuma. Mini bag of oreos 6syns. Banana. Cheese part hexA.
Drinks: Cups of tea (sweetener and skimmed milk part hexA). Pepsi max cherry. Water.
Syn Total- 15syns
Hmm that might be an idea, wondering what the doctor could give you?
Have you tried peppermint oil capsules? I get some from H&B, when my tummy is bad I take one three times a day with food and they encourage healthy digestion, including eliminating wind and keeping you regular.
Zoo sounds lovely! I'm always exhausted after a trip there and i dont have a little one to run round after so definitely good exercise lol.
Your bridesmaid gifts sound lovely! I've done something similar as a 'bridesmaid survival kit' but hadn't thought of a moonpig card! Thank you :)
Grey will be lovely against lilac! Should really complement each other. My OH has gone for tweed lol xx
Thanks :) Im definitely going to try the peppermint oil capsules- I'll let you know how i get on with them!

Im waiting for my hen to order the moonpig cards so i have some more photos of me and the bms- thought theyd be a nice personal touch.

Sounds like a good plan! Get lots of pics early in the night lol.
I think most are but just make sure your peppermint oil tablets are enteric coated. It just means the capsules dissolve in your digestive tract rather than your stomach! X
Sounds like a good plan! Get lots of pics early in the night lol.
I think most are but just make sure your peppermint oil tablets are enteric coated. It just means the capsules dissolve in your digestive tract rather than your stomach! X

Thanks for the tip! I wouldn't have even looked at the coating.

Lazy day today- just playtime and housework.

Todays food (EE day)-
B: Nothing.
L: Bachelors med tomato pasta n sauce (made with water) and a tin of tuna. Skips 4syns. Mango.
D: Low low sweet and sour chicken ready meal 2.5syns.

Snacks: Yogurt. Banana. Puft 3.5syns. Grapes. Cheese part hexA.
Drinks: Cups of tea (sweetener and skimmed milk part hexA) Pepsi max cherry. NAS squash. Water.
Syn Total- 10syns
Busy day today- went to the wholesalers and bought a load of sweets for our candy buffet (which i now have to resist- we went retro with pink shrimps, cola bottles, sherbert straws, fruit salads, fizzy laces, other gummies and a ton of lolly pops).
We also bought Reece's suit- almost as expensive for a 2 year olds suit than for h2bs!
AND we picked up and paid for our wedding rings- getting super excited now!!

Hen do tomorrow so definitely wont be on plan!!

Todays food (EE day)-
B: Nothing.
L: Bachelors bolognese pasta pot. 2 x Alpen light bars hexB. Banana. Mango.
D: 3 x Tesco light choices sausages 3syns. Carrot and potato mash (with light spread 2syns).

Snacks: Mini time out 4.5syns. Yogurt. Satsuma. Skips 4syns.
Drinks: Starbucks medium skinny caramel latte (skimmed milk hexA and SF syrup). 2 x cups of tea (sweetener and skimmed milk 1syn). Diet orangeade.
Syn Total- 14.5syns