Abi's weightloss diary - post jaw surgery

Hi Abz - Helloooooooooo! Where are you?
just seen ur news hunni, wanna say a BIG congrats ta u and ur lovely hubby and hope eberything goes ok for u xxx
sorry guys. we've been moving things around and the computer has been disconnected and my shifts have been odd this week. but i'm here and i'm fine :)

i'm still feeling rather sick, ha. but i can't wait to start feeling better, although by 16 weeks you'd think i'd be there already. i want a BUMP. ha.

am trying to eat a bit more healthily these days but have just been given a mass of chocolate in early christmas presents... *sigh*...

abz xx
Hi abz. :) good to see you are OK then love.
So glad you're not still Abz-sent x
I got one but it's not a baby and defo in the wrong place x
me too gem :D ha. and that joke was terrible :p

good morning everyone. it is bin day today and the smell of the bins made me sick in my own garden. so that's a first. unfortunately this was seen by a neighbour. i will have just looked like i was spitting, so now the neighbour must think i'm a rather gross person. fantastic. what was he doing out and about at 6.30am!! grrr.

anyways, now all i can smell is bin :(

i'm about to have a cup of decaff tea and a mince pie, made by my very own great aunt for brekkie. not the healthiest of options but it appeals. and given that they tend to be a bit generous on the pastry it should settle my stomach nicely :)

did everyone have a good weekend?

abz xx
Jeez, abz-sent. Groan, not a good way to start the day :D


Morning abz.

I'm a bit tired abz, I didn't get in until nearly 2 this morning, had a great time though and met up with many old friends. That and I left a big hole in the Chinese buffet. ;)
Blimey Jim, you didn't say you were fine!!! Glad you had a good night :)

Hi Abz, glad you okay despite the sick feeling and the bin smell. Hope it passes soon and the mince pie settled your tummy slightly.

Gem, that was an awful joke!!
well i'm feeling rather better and am contemplating ryvita and extra lite philly, which will be a new experiment for my current tummy, so wish me luck :D

what were you up to last night then jim? i've obviously missed a reference or two... :D
I'm fine nomad ;)

I was out partying abz, it's the start of my festive christmas season.. Last night was drinks a nd food with some people I worked with in Kalamazoo back in '93 when I left the Army love.
i thought it might be army related jim :)

well i am trying to sort out booking a christmas dinner for 10 this sunday but people are dragging their feet in letting me know if they can come, ha. ah well. it's early in the day. want to get it sorted before the end of today though otherwise it's leaving it a wee bit late...
I hate having to get other people organised, it does my head in. Good luck with that.

Ah brilliant, all is right again Jim :)

Abz, hope the ryvita and philly went down okay.
On Sunday? is this a work related thing then abz?
well kind of. it was going to be. and then people started pissing about, only coming if someone else was coming. yadda yadda. i got really angry because the other things they've organised have been either when i am flying to denmark or involve heavy drinking. so i can't do those. in the end we just invited whoever we wanted. it's my friend (and supervisor)'s 30th birthday, so we're doing it for that instead. and lo and behold people are coming now. gah. i just got so annoyed. felt like i was bullying people into celebrating christmas with me. i'm not difficult to celebrate with. then i decided that if they didn't care if i couldn't celebrate crimbo with them then i wouldn't bother. and now that i've stopped bothering they are coming. idiots... ha. so i've booked the table but it turns out we need to give an order of what people want to eat. so we're asking people that now. even if we can't get everyone's order, people can order off the normal menu...

abz xx