Abi's weightloss diary - post jaw surgery

ooh jim!! actually, i don't fancy one right now, but a sunday dinnery type thing? om nommy nom :D

am trying to organise our christmas meal out with work, since they've managed to organise the christmas drinks at the end of the year when i'm not here, typical. and everybody is being very difficult. and trying to invite the wanker that doesn't work here any more. i've had to confess that i may stab him with a fork if he comes and i wasn't planning on inviting him. he's already been invited to a general christmas night out involving drinking and dancing, neither of which i can do so i'm not going, and the end of year drinks, that i can also not go to. i'm starting to feel a little peeved about it. but since i'm organising this one, tough. no doubt he'll still end up coming. someone will invite him... *sigh*
I knew a mid-wife once who said that all 1st time preggers women should be on an island - far away from women who had horror stories to tell and cautionary tales of superstitious happenings. I'll give you some Oooos and Ahhhhhs cos I love little baby clothes ((((hugs)))) x
.... and if they don't fit 'mini michaelis' when he/she arrives just you PM me your address and I'll send a bear that you can dress as a pressie for him/her:D
:mad: so boo sucks to your mean colleagues:mad:
well it will fit at some point. the smallest size i bought was 3-6 months. if i have a baby the size of a 6-month old... well... let's not think about it.

thanks guys :D

abz xx
Yea - it's not all horror is it. I had 3 pregnancies and really enjoyed being pregnant - and giving birth, wow, what a magical thing to do. Once the sickness passes you get to enjoy being pregnant a lot more.

Mine wasn't morning sickness - it was the need to eat something around 2 or 3pm (still my low point) or I would feel faint. I also needed to drink something with milk before bed or I would have a leg cramp (something to do with calcium I think) but once I realised what I needed to do it was back to enjoying the pregnancy again x
Hi Abz. Gem I can't ever imagine enjoying pregnancy. Sorry Abz, it's not for everyone and I couldn't ever imagine being pregnant or ever wanting to be.

Hope you are feeling well today xx
Morning abz, hows things love.
Which pics are these then ;)
LOL, there loads and loads on my "success" story thread Nomad. :)
Pregnancy is certainly not for everyone and even if you wanna be pregnant you might not enjoy the process. For me it was an amazing experience and in some ways it's quite sad that I'll never go through it again - these days the only eggs I have are chickens eggs in the fridge x
Morning abz, how are you this morning love.