Abi's weightloss diary - post jaw surgery

:O clarri!! she's so lovely. what's not to like? i don't like eastenders, but that's something else all together :D

i tried ginger nuts but they gave me indigestion...

and taz. what on earth were you doing in wales? it absolutely trenched it down. so much that i've been inspecting soggy ceiling tiles at work this morning...
I went to see the lovely Sarah to say my farewells :( :( xx
aw hon. remember. it's an extended holiday :)

well i'm tucking into a couple of plums. cross your fingers for me that my body now accepts fruit...

have also discovered that mccoys made prawn crisps now, so that was my not so healthy choice at tesco... ha.

abz xx
Morning abz, how are you love, Hi nomad. :)
I'm fine nomad, but then I always am :)
hey guys. i'm working the late shift tonight but am at work very very early, ha.

i bought my first baby items today. i just wanted them, just so i had something. it makes it feel more real. and i bought a wee top and a red coat with ears on the hood. both in red. you can only get red things at christmas, and it being the best colour in the world i wanted to get some. bought them both in bigger sizes so they would fit later on next year. well i took them to the supervisors in the office, nattery women who i thought would go 'oooh'. well. that backfired. they told me they wouldn't fit. that i might have a really big baby. that they wouldn't have bought anything yet etc etc. i made a joke out of it and said i was leaving since they were raining on my parade and had to stop myself from crying all the way back to my desk. i think today may be a hormonal one. but talk about crushing someone's excitement!! hmph.

i don't feel as sick today and i got some extra sleep so hopefully i will be able to stay alive at least until everyone else has left the office and i can be a bit more inactive until 11pm..

abz xx
Hi abz, it's freezing here, the central heating has gone tits up, we have an engineer looking at it now.
Aw,. thats not fair Abz. I lurve red on babies. I got a gorgeous red and blue babygrow for ted and still had them for Macy. I now have them in my locker drawer. They are the only things that I wouldnt give away.
dont mind them women. Baaa.
Hugs. xx
well i thought most people started buying things after their 12 week scan. you can't buy everything AFTER you have your baby can you? i mean, i'm not buying furniture. just one little thing (which happened to turn into two). plus. i had my best mate with me who has spent 3 years dressing her kids in the occasional next item and they've always been big. her little boy, who is seven months is sitting there in a 6 month coat that's still too big, so it wasn't like i was making it up... hmph.

sorry to hear about your heating jim :( we have a chap looking at the leaky roof incident of yesterday :) trevor. he's lovely. and i had a long conversation with him for the first time last time he was here. and he's incredibly intelligent and very funny. it's nice that he's back again :)

am drowning my sorrows in an egg mayo sandwich and some diet coke :(
Good for you Abz & never mind the ol' miserys!!

I love red my daughter practically lives in it which is no mean feat as everything is pink, pink, pink... Next stuff is big when they are little, my guys used to still be in things long after they'd passed that 'stage' & they were good size babes!

Mind you now they're in older clothes... Jacob (5) in 8-9yr old & Amalie (2) in 3-4yr old clothes... bloomin' heffalumps!! :D
ha. well i knew that. my best mate was with me and said they were always big. although one of them has just said sorry for this morning and laughed and said no doubt i'll bring them in in the clothes just to prove them wrong :D no doubt she's right :D
I've just had a nice big fry up Abz. :D