Abi's weightloss diary - post jaw surgery

i'm thinking i'll just not bother jim. i think i'll be lucky if my job still exists by the time i get back. if i manage to take all my maternity leave of course...
I can't believe I'm typing this but with your back & pelvis problems you would very easily be able to get a sick note to tide you over till your maternity kicks in - are you limited to SSP if you go off sick or do you get full pay?

If your employers are being such assess then it's no more than they deserve
well they aren't as a whole. my supervisor is being lovely. and our boss is usually lovely too, but he does get in funny moods when he's stressed. i just don't know whether he's pissy with me because of me or because of him. he isn't like it with the guys because they take the piss out of each other i guess, and release steam. but with me, he isn't like that with me. i'm a girl and he doesn't really know how to handle letting off steam with me i suppose.

i really don't want to go on sick leave. if i had plenty of work to be doing i would be happy doing it. but it's all project work that i can't really do. so although it looks like there's loads of work to do, me with my marshmallow brains daren't change anything massive at the mo in case i mess up the entire office with a silly mistake and i daren't ask my boss about it because i think he'll shout at me. my super is back on monday so hopefully he'll help. i'm wondering whether he's frustrated with me as i'm becoming less independent given my lack of confidence in remembering some of the more delicate IT things. i could be changing the programming in a telephony programme right now... if i could remember where in the sod all the code was kept... i'm not going to ask him and get shouted at... so have emailed my super saying i would like the job but need to be given a nudge in the right direction first. it's all very frustrating.
Have you finished the reading that you had to do yesterday - I know that you can't book it but at the end of the day you are still working & it's just tough if the powers that be are logging the wrong stuff!

I feel your frustration but try not to let it get to you too much - pretend it's him thats having the baby and hormonal so you can ignore his pissyness;) (is that even a word:eek:)
it sounds like a relevant word to me :D

i could quite easily find something to read up on. there's plenty of it. but like most things. it's the appearance of things that matter. not the actuality...

still. might do some reading. at least then when questioned i can say that's what i was doing.
You could always hide your current 'at home' read inside the manual & blame your 'baby brain' for not being able to take in the technical info if quizzed:rolleyes:

Seriously tho - if you are having real concerns about not being able to book to projects then it may be prudent to e-mail your supervisor & boss and let them know you are worried. You don't have to talk to him (the boss) right now but it would at least be logged that you were trying to be 'productive'
Sorry - had to do some work!

Hope you have a more productive weekend (if you are on shift) and a restful one if you are not:D
i am not. and i intend to do almost nothing. at a friend's on saturday night. unfortunately they live in an attic apartment. so four flights of stairs.... aargh. pain. ah well. at least it means nobody expects me to move once i get there :D

have a fab weekend hon.

abz xx
:DI'm off to meet Bev (Fitz) & co in Norwich :), whilst teenage daughters frolic at UEA!!!!
Six hour drive :eek: may have to use the hotel room I've booked but hoping to be able to drive home same day - depends on stress levels when I get to MILs:rolleyes:
Morning abz, how was your weekend love?
Morning Abz :)

Gah I don't like this whole new Big Brother style to your work, seems very unfair. Just keep counting the days until it's your maternity leave, hopefully that'll make it seem easier.

Hope you had a nice weekend and relaxed a lot :D
Hi Bon,

it's the same here Bon, it's quite common in IT really.
Morning Jim :)

Is it? well we have to keep weekly time sheets but they are very vague and I only put one of two things on it so it's easy for me... but logging everything someone does seems unfair to me :S just a general idea should be enough surely.
well support work is difficult to quantify isn't it, so I log every task on our intranet and then mark them once complete Bon.
LOL, I've been around a long time Bon. :)
howdy guys :) sorry i've been rather absent.

well i had it out with my boss today. turns out that he doesn't have a problem with me at all. he is frustrated that we seem to have all this spare time and don't use it to further ourselves (learning new languages etc) but i pointed out that we'd kind of been told to stop doing projects and things. and i find it very difficult to do something like learning a language without having something 'real' to actually put to it. and by the time we've been given lots of projects to do (last week) i don't really have time to start any of them as they are rather large... he did ask why i didn't just decide to improve upon something that was already in place. i had no idea i could take it upon myself to do such a thing as in the past everything has had to be kind of triple checked before going ahead. and i don't consider myself a good enough programmer to be able to learn a language and write a whole application in nine weeks... maybe a confidence issue, but partly because i'm a realist :)

he said that he hadn't said anything (when i asked why he hadn't just told me he was irritated) because it isn't part of our job. and i do my job perfectly well. but he loves programming and he was always trying to learn new things. so anyways. after all this he's said i can rewrite an application i wrote last year (which is what caused a lot of loopy posts on here, ha) in a different language in order to learn it, it's something that's already in place and i understand because i wrote it, and it will improve it. as all things. when you look back on it you wonder why you did things in a certain way, ha. and we had a nice chat generally too. he's really busy and stressed to death. but because i only see him one day a fortnight i have no idea what he's working on.

so. mammoth post but what it boils down to is that my boss thinks i can do my job very well, i have something new to get my teeth into (which i always like), he is going to tell me if he's annoyed or irritated with me or if i do something wrong (i made him promise) and i feel much better and am looking forward to starting things off :)

sod's law it will now be really busy and i won't have the chance, ha.

and all of this because i asked the guys on the team whether the boss had been funny with them and they said no. my boss said he's been just the same with everyone. so it looks like i work with people who have no concept of other peoples' emotions... i did go into this meeting telling the boss that he must tell me if i was being pregnant and ridiculous but i didn't think i was being. turns out i wasn't. i just have more sense of a person than a brick wall would have.

sorry. rambling. but am happy :)

me and bump are doing just fine. she moves less but fairly frequently and i'm getting more used to it. i think she has less room to frolic now anyway. and she still parties all night long *sigh*

am generally in a good mood. even if i am stuck here until 11pm tonight and tomorrow night.

off to see if i can buy a pushchair and a car seat tomorrow morning before work. so that's almost exciting too, ha.

abz xx
Glad all seems to be sorting out at work and all is well with "Bump" x
Morning abz, I'm pleased bump is OK as well love.

That's interesting about your boss abz, I can relate to him in a way, I don't think men are as good at the emotional side really, or at least I'm not, I've often used women who work for me as sounding boards as to what's going in in people's lives and if my team is happy. Luckily, most of the time they have been. I understand his frustration at people not bettering themselves, I do like to bring people on, but it is a two way thing.