Went to my docs appointment even though i started bleeding again but as it was not period bleeding i thought it was worth going incase she might be able to do the swabs. When i got there she said i'm sorry they shouldnt have given you a saturday appointment because we cant send off samples on the weekend. I was so angry because the receptionists knew why i needed the appointment and they should have given me a weekday one so i said to her because i really didnt want to go back in that can i not take them into the hospital myself and she said yes. So after that was agreed on she opened her draw and there were no sample sticks or those bag things that you put them in, she spent a whole 10 mins hopping from room to room finding them! Well she did the swabs thankfully and said everything looked fine, just a few raised cells on my womb which is apparently normal. So feeling a little calm now and just waiting for my next appointment on the 19th. Will hopefully get my swab results by friday x